"slackers ain't allowed" (really? how about flailers?)

Nov 06, 2008 02:49

1. I swear I'm going to bed soon. My back's all achy from yoga, even though it was technically a doddle of a class. I'm really soooo not motivated to work these days. I spent ALL DAY watching election coverage on CNN, obviously, and THAT made me happy. But did I work? Noooooooo. Sigh. MOTIVATE ME, GUYS. Or not. :P

2. You know how CNN goes on a MASSIVE FOOTAGE LOOP after a while? The coverage of the actual polling didn't, because stuff kept changing, but once Obama was announced as president, it went into a loop. And I think I must've watched Obama and McCain's speeches quite a few times over. Obama's speech was great, but you know what makes me more than a wee bit weepy? These bits of McCain's speech: when he says, "We fought as hard as we could. And though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours" and also "This campaign was and will remain the great honour of my life". Awww. :(

3. Also, Proposition 8. WTF, California, WTF. Talk about a reality crash-landing.

4. Okay, no more political blather. Let's have some FLAIL instead. Everyone needs to read this parody of Mamma Mia (the movie), because it is freakin' HILARIOUS, ZOMG. I could easily quote it all day long! Sample:

Meryl, you should stop your daughter from getting married. Also, I love you.

Oh shit, you’re going to sing again aren’t you.

So when you’re near me, darling can’t you hear me, SOS. I literally couldn’t sound less like a human if I tried, SOS. <-- LMAO, FAVOURITE!!!!!!!!

Oh Pierce. I love you too.
Except I hate you. Asshole.

This runs in the family, doesn’t it? Isn’t there a psychiatrist on this island anywhere?

5. Whoa, guys. We have an Elphaba for January 2009. She's a TV star... and has also been in Disaster Movie and Meet The Spartans. UM WUT. That is hardly a reassuring set of credentials. *cries* What if she can't sing? She needs to belt the roof off the Gershwin, ARGH.

6. Errrr... at least Ms Murney is keeping busy? I want to go for this Nov 17 Town Hall concert, argh. UNPLUGGED. Julia is awesome unplugged. As is Jeff McCarthy, who is ALSO in the cast. EEEEK. Also, this is my new favourite picture.

7. Finished tracking my Lee Hom audio! :D

Like I said, good show. CRAZY audience. Seriously - they were screaming forever. My friends and I thought we had gone DEAF when the show ended. I could barely hear anything and I initially thought my audio sounded TERRIBLE. Turns out it was just the crazy aftereffects of ENORMOUSLY LOUD ROCK-TYPE MUSIC FOR ALMOST THREE HOURS. That being said, the audio turned out pretty well! Even though my recorder slipped and was muffled for most of the show. Apparently didn't matter as much as I thought it did.

Lee Hom Music Man: Live in Singapore, 1 Nov 08

8. Why so much flail today, world? Clearly I am NOT AT ALL EXCITED ABOUT House/Cuddy spoilers of AWESOME. And how adorable are these photos of the 100th episode party, hmmm? Lisa + cake + Jesse = OT3, y/y? ♥


boots, house/cuddy, nyc, julia murney, wicked, lollerskating brb!!, meryl streep, concerts, movies, lisa edelstein, cpop, housespam, politics, sleep patterns of fail

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