"Father, why do these words sound so nasty?"

Nov 04, 2008 02:59

1. Oh god, I was the laziest bastard at work EVER today. I don't even KNOW what I was doing. I mean, I read everything I had to and am all caught up from the weekend, which is awesome. But I'm pretty sure I spent at least three hours ASLEEP. FAIL. Not to mention the time I spent spazzing online. You know, THIS is why I still leave work at 10pm even when there isn't work to do. Because I FAIL IN AN EPIC WAY.

2. And I was lazy. I figured I could go for yoga, or a swim, and did none of those things. Instead, I had potato chips and cookies for dinner. WHAT IS THAT. ARGH. Although Sunday's yoga did break me a bit - I'm achier than I have been for a while, possibly because I slacked off on yoga a bit last week. Boo.

3. Man, I am a dork and love tracking, but this Lee Hom concert is loooong. (Also, full of squealing fangirls.) I always forget how spoiled we are by Chinese pop musicians. Their concerts last anything from 2.5 to 3.5 hours! When Gwen Stefani came a few months (was it a year?) ago, and did an eighty-minute set, I was all, like, what is UP with your faily lack of stamina, OMG. :P

4. Eek. While my computer was down, I FAILED and missed out on birthdays! So, happy belated birthdays to girlie_girl_23 and ibreak4csi!! (BTW, TIFF: watch this video if you haven't already. I LOVE IT when the reporter right at the end tells Meryl she looks 25 and she looks utterly shocked and then goes, "You're so far in the back though!!")

5. I was tagged for a meme by kelbelle - I promise you much LOLZ with one of my answers. Well, it amused ME anyway.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. - Too lazy to change any questions!

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. - I tag everybody who wants to give it a shot! :D

01. What's the last TV show you saw?
The Daily Show with Steve Martin. (Yes, I was hoping he would talk about... upcoming movies. Sigh, am I focused or what?) Just before that, I watched some of The Colbert Report and also the TDS episode with Barack Obama.

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
A big, OLD sleep shirt with... the seven dwarves from Disney's Snow White on it. *cries at my maturity*

03. Favorite Song of the Moment?
AHAHAHA, HERE COME THE LOLZ. My favourite song of the moment is Sodomy by Meryl Streep. Okay, so I REALLY like it when she sings My Minnesota Home with Lily Tomlin, and duh, Julia singing Ring Them Bells? A++++ AWESOME. But right this moment? Sodomy (from Hair) is IT. It's only a minute long, but ZOMG - things I'd never have expected to hear Meryl Streep say, much less belt...


Father, why do these words sound so nasty?

Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra

04. What is your favorite scent?

05. What's your occupation? What do you do there?
Research work. What I mostly do these days, apparently, is sleep. Otherwise, I work too hard and go quietly insane. (The 'quietly' part is debatable.)

06. What do you drink the most?
I never used to, but now it's diet Coke or Pepsi. *weeps*

07. What is your favorite restaurant?
I feel I've answered this before, but let's go with it again - a nice, homey place run by someone who I've come to know: Eden Cafe. Clement - the guy who runs the place - is a great cook, and loves experimenting with funky things like putting flowers in his food (I've dipped orchids into chocolate fondue before! ♥), plus he makes the most tender, succulent chicken in the history of EVER. Plus, his desserts. Om nom nom nom!!

08. What will you be doing after finishing this?
SLEEPING. Knowing me, however, I will refresh my flist a few times and fail at life that way.

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer. Ironically, that's what I'm doing now for a living. Except I'm not writing about things that amuse me or make me happy. Turns out that can be rather torturous. Sigh.

10. Your favorite romantic movie?
Bringing Up Baby. Favourite movie EVER, kthx.

11. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Smart, funny with EXCELLENT taste in movies and tv. Oh, and theatre. THUMBS UP. :D

12. What's the least favorite thing about yourself?
I think I could do with being a lot less whiny and a great deal more thankful about my lot in life. But then I wouldn't be me! :P

13. What are your ideal qualities in a novel?
My ideal quality in a novel would be my having the TIME to read said novel. Otherwise, I'd probably give just about anything a shot (unless it's pure pulpy horror), though I do like fantasy novels for the escapism.

14. What time do you usually go to bed?
LOL ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME THIS QUESTION. On weeknights, apparently 3-4am. On the weekend, anytime from... midnight (if I fall asleep without meaning to) to 10-11am in the morning. FAAAAIIIIIL.

15. What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
I've explained this before and would cut and paste but am too lazy to go hunting. There's NO actual meaning to the name. I came up with it over a decade ago so I could post XF fanfic under a pseudonym that wasn't stupidly similar to my real name, and put random sounds and things together until I got something completely unique. Then I forgot about it until... last year, when I decided to start writing Housefic again. I started this journal purely for fic, at first, and then it turned into the MASSIVE FLAIL FEST you guys are subjected to pretty much every day now. Aren't you glaaaad. :P

6. And now I GOTTA GO TO BED, REALLY REALLY. AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Catching up on comments tomorrow. That's the plan, anyway.

7. P.S. does it make me dorky that I'm thinking of taking the day off on Wednesday so I can watch the US presidential election live? I did that throughout the night back in university for the 2000 election - one of the most fun dork-nights of my life EVER, since I stayed up literally all night in the junior common room in my college and then went straight for an American politics lecture completely ABUZZ with the non-results of the Bush/Gore election and what it all MEANT. And I watched the 2006 midterms from my cubicle (the TV used to be right in front of me). I don't even know WHERE the tv is now that we've moved offices. So yeah. Big dork here was thinking of taking the day off. I DO have to take my car in for servicing too, so I'm not being UTTERLY NERDY here. Still... am a dork. I should... embrace this, yeah?

meme, lj - girlie_girl_23, yoga, birthdays, i fail, meryl streep, concerts, colbertnation, lj - kelbelle, cpop, lj - ibreak4csi, kate the great, politics, om nom nom nom, sleep patterns of fail

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