DORKAGE: House 4x07 Ugly

Nov 15, 2007 04:19

How could they call an episode Ugly when it features so much pretty, especially of the Lisa Edelstein variety? I mean, LE was rocking some serious black-and-white, my friends. I have random caps of her from the episode just because she made me go all slack-jawed in wonder at her Unbelievable Gorgeousness.

Bear in mind before embarking upon this ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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Comments 44

ex_bluebonn November 15 2007, 02:43:42 UTC
That last scene was so freakin' AWESOME. I am still flailing the day after. House/CUDDY = teh win.


ellixian November 15 2007, 05:00:26 UTC
YES. I would marry the last scene if I could. I'm so so glad with all the lovely H/C moments we've been getting this season. And this one was just icing on the cake. Gorgeous, bantery, sweet love. Can't wait for next episode!!!


huddylovin November 16 2007, 15:06:05 UTC
What a great post xD

Loving all the pictures and that last one really was the money shot! So much love in one facial expression!

Umm so who stole the video? House or Cuddy? Well whoever did wanted to watch it alone with the other. *faints*



ellixian November 16 2007, 16:19:07 UTC
Yay - so glad you had fun. These two amuse me endlessly and I love pic-spamming all the hotness.

Oh man, that's such an intriguing idea you bring up about the video! I had assumed after first watching it that he was hinting that CUDDY had stolen the video. But you're right, it's totally possible that HOUSE stole it and wanted to watch it with Cuddy. OMG. What a BRILLIANT IDEA. LOL, now I feel a fic bunny jumping its way into my brain... I'll have to blame it on you if I end up writing it!! ;)


huddylovin November 16 2007, 18:33:31 UTC
Mwahaha oops...damn that fic bunny :P

BTW I just rewatched the scene *again* and there is something so different about their interactions these days (as others have said). The way she asked "where are you going?" its like they are totally comfotable being alone together now and she wants him to stay whereas in Season 1 that would never have happened.

And legs on table. OMG. Cuddy is so into him its funny xDD


ellixian November 16 2007, 18:50:43 UTC
I WILL blame you if I write fic instead of concentrate on my work, you know. ;)

And yes, I so know what you mean about their interactions these days - something about it just screams a level of comfort and familiarity that suggests they MUST be doing it offscreen. Well, wishful thinking, probably. But they're just so SWEET together now, my goodness.

LEGS ON TABLE. Twice this season, if you count Cuddy sitting on House's table when waiting in his office, for no reason OTHER THAN TO SHOW HIM HER LEGS. Mmmm. Cuddy's legs for the win!!! ;)

BTW, I LOVE your icon - where'd you get the original art version? It's so lovely!!!


ladytia November 17 2007, 02:38:45 UTC
Can I drop in and just say that I love your photo stories? I've read every last one you've done and I have to say that it rocks and you rock! I can't wait for next week's.


ellixian November 17 2007, 06:59:53 UTC
Oh, feel free to drop in as much as you like! Glad you enjoyed them all! :)
And can I just say I can't wait for next week either. MY GOD. My computer might explode from all the capping I'll be doing!!! ;)


(The comment has been removed)

ellixian November 19 2007, 04:36:17 UTC
Hey, better late than never!! Glad you found your way here to my little corner of insanity. (I swear, the next episode might see my computer explode from all the pic-spammage that will be going on!! HEE.)

Who cares if we're crazy Huddy shippers? I don't think it COULD be anymore obvious, seriously - ending the episode that way, with Cuddy just smiling so beautifully when Kenny says thank you? No other character would react that way, and LE just made it all WORK. It can't just be our imaginations; they could have had Cuddy just cackle evilly at that, because it'd have been a funny way to end a funny episode. But no, they had her smile like she'd been justified in hiring and/or falling in love with House.


And yes, we're all gay. All of us. LE, what have you done to us?!!? ;)


jukebox_grad November 19 2007, 01:10:00 UTC
THIS cap -- I SO wanted to make an icon out of it, but felt it was probably too blurry for a 100x100 box. But the playful smile -- says SO much.

I am SO glad you had the same reaction to "deaf kids to read to" -- a LMAO moment for sure! Definitely made a mental (okay, and physical) note to comment on that!

That last scene only lends more credence should they pull the rug out from under us and tell us H/C have been together for some time. Honestly, they were so relaxed with each other, probably more than ever (though the "Airborne"/seat position is up there). House was openly vulnerable, not in a way that was required. And the legs! Oh, Cuddy, the legs. Well, you saw my immediate reaction on house_cuddy for that one. That was a "take your heels/pantyhose off at the end of the work day and curl up next to a warm body" kinda feel. Or, "I'm marking the surface on which we will have sex after the day shift ends." I can go on, I'm sure ( ... )


jukebox_grad November 19 2007, 01:11:18 UTC
Oh, and I definitely commented more than a few times, "Lisa, why you so pretty?" For serious.


ellixian November 19 2007, 04:47:08 UTC
Awww, it'll be too bad if you can't find the time to write up your own response. I do find that pic-spams help a lot. A picture is worth a thousand words and all. ;) But YAY for icon-age, I say again. Yours were truly gorgeous. If I had more than six, I'd be filling up my stash with a bunch from your latest batch!

I LOVE that cap you singled out, btw - it was just such a random catch, but I thought it was awesome how insanely happy House looked (a show for the cameras, I'm sure), but also how Cuddy looked like she was trying to hide a smile. The cap right before that really DID make me feel that Cuddy was thinking, oops, I'm for it now!! Hee ( ... )


jukebox_grad November 19 2007, 15:45:39 UTC
I wasn't able to put up a response to "Alone" either -- I think I just overwhelmed when there's such an abundance of Huddy action. For this one, I really, really wanted to make icons. Just not enough time in the day! But I'm happy I got that done at least ( ... )


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