DORKAGE: House 4x07 Ugly

Nov 15, 2007 04:19

How could they call an episode Ugly when it features so much pretty, especially of the Lisa Edelstein variety? I mean, LE was rocking some serious black-and-white, my friends. I have random caps of her from the episode just because she made me go all slack-jawed in wonder at her Unbelievable Gorgeousness.

Bear in mind before embarking upon this ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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jukebox_grad November 19 2007, 15:45:39 UTC
I wasn't able to put up a response to "Alone" either -- I think I just overwhelmed when there's such an abundance of Huddy action. For this one, I really, really wanted to make icons. Just not enough time in the day! But I'm happy I got that done at least!

Oh yeah, the cap with her trying to hide a smile, it just SCREAMS "there's way more to this than you think" (and I like how the documentary chick was peeking in through the doors.

As I'm watching, I sometimes pick up on something you said; it happened with "Mirror, Mirror," the "sexually frustrated" thing -- because House did seem to be describing HIS demeanor to 13 to see if the guy was acting like that, or if he was reading 13. Fangirling is very mutually beneficial! Oh, and I'm certain it was House who got the tape -- so, yes, HE must've been the one who decided to watch it together (since Cuddy didn't know how the tape got there; House made the comment about it being stolen, and it makes the most sense, since he was able to get into the room with all the tapes/equipment earlier on).

Yeah, there was to be more to the thong thing -- there's gotta be some clever way to distinguish between just any thong and Cuddy's thong, which leads me to believe that at the very LEAST, House has a specific pair in mind, or maybe he's stashed them somewhere? I don't know HOW it's going to work.

Oh, House's Cuddy Wiccan joke -- I forgot about (and LOVE) that one! I have a desire, btw, to make an elaborate House/Cuddy guide, with scenes and a few caps for each episode. There's been too many times I've had specific scenes in mind and I just can't remember which episode it happened in. But then, I suck at getting things done, so it's probably a pipe dream!

No, no. You're not alone in the gay for LE camp at all. I think of all the fandoms I've taken part in, she's got the greatest number of sexually confused female fans! ;)


ellixian November 19 2007, 17:32:49 UTC
Ha ha, colour me convinced - it's LE's legs that do it to you (as they made a cameo appearance both in Ugly and Alone!). They're so blindingly gorgeous that you can't even flail properly! But icons are better than nothing.

All I have to say is: BRING ON THE THONG OF LISA CUDDY. I so cannot wait for this episode, seriously. As we've already discussed, I KEEP FLAILING trying to think up ways in which House could know for CERTAIN that Cuddy's thong - and not anyone else's - has been procured. How can he check!? I would LOVE a scene when Cuddy finds out and blows her TOP. Hee. How adorable would that be!! Maybe it's the special pair of Cuddy!thong he stole from her way back in Season 2 (??) - I bet he has them framed somewhere, because they're THAT special... ;)

Okay, House procuring the tape and setting up a little movie date with Cuddy? Is SO a fic that needs to be written. He must have lied his way into getting that, and then figured he'd ask Cuddy to watch it with him instead of Wilson. I swear, we can't even fanwank these two anymore - it's like CANON. Why else would they end the episode with Cuddy laughing quite that beautifully? She's SO in love with the man, seriously. Blindingly obviously so, in fact!

That H/C guide WOULD ROCK. I WILL HELP YOU IF YOU DO IT. In between my crazy work schedule and stupid life stuff, maybe we can find a way to make it work. Because this means RESEARCH, YES? This means rewatching episodes over and over again? If I can find the time, I am SO IN. (I say, not at all enthusiastically. Heh.) Does this mean transcribing episodes and pic-spamming the hell out of them like I do here? That's easy then. I've already done at least six episodes in Season 4!! And I'm more than happy to do others. Like, WHO'S YOUR DADDY. *THUD*

Um, okay. Gonna give capslock key a rest for now. ;)

Re going gay for LE/Cuddy: well, I've been in a ton of other fandoms that have had me going gay for actresses like Gillian Anderson and (to a lesser extent) Flicka and Allison Janney. But LE has grabbed me now and it doesn't look like she's ever gonna let go. Not as long as House is running, anyway!!


jukebox_grad November 19 2007, 18:05:39 UTC
The thing with the legs -- the casual way in which she throws them on the table for House... yes, it is absolutely distracting. The only reason House is able to function is that he is clearly exploring those legs off the clock, I'm sure of it! ;)

I'm interested in all the ideas you've come up with for House's verification methods! ;) I was also thinking we might get a repeat appearance of the s2 Cuddy!thong, which is why I thought maybe it was placed in a very specific place. Who knows. Thankfully we will know tomorrow! And I'm sure there'll be plenty of room for even more speculation/fanwanking for us (and you're right, we haven't been having to try too hard lately to fanwank. We're getting fanlaid pretty much).

Mmhmm, he must have initiated the movie date with her. Even if he just GAVE her a copy, he still must have wanted her to see it. Yeah, I still can't get over the utterly adorable and COMFORTABLE, CASUAL banter between them in that scene. And Cuddy's expression when she watching, the urgency with which she grabbed the remote and turned it back on once House left. Just way too good (seriously, how do people not ship them?). It all really does seem to point to the possibility that they're already together. I kind of like the speculation... but I demand a prony flashback if it turns out to be true. Best of both worlds, please.

I would definitely take you up on the help -- I'd love to see it happen any way it can. I wonder if it would be an idea to put out there on house_cuddy and maybe make it a group volunteer effort (community for it, maybe?). lissie_pissie was saying she'd thought about doing something like that for vidding purposes, with entries seriously tagged (like with certain themes). Picspams are awesome; YOUR picspams are awesome. I know there are transcripts up at we could cheat off of.

I'd be all over it during the holidays when at least I don't have classes to worry about. Certainly when we hit a lull with the new episodes. That might actually be physically necessary if this writers strike continues for a while!

I can definitely think of actresses in certain fandoms that had gay-for status -- I think I've just seen it A LOT more with LE. But I'm very hyper-crazed with House fanergy (I decided to make a word, play it up geek-style), that might be playing a part in it!


ellixian November 19 2007, 19:09:36 UTC
Okay, I was SUPPOSED to go to bed, right? But then you got me all excited with the idea of a H/C picspam community. I'm SO for it - I'd love a place where I can pic-spam to my heart's content, but also where I can go to find every H/C moment that has EVER BEEN. For reference, for flailage, for whatever. It would be so essential for anyone writing fics or vidding or ANYTHING. Group volunteer sounds good, though maybe you could cap it at a few people until we figure out logistics. People can sign up for batches of older episodes from previous seasons, to pic-spam the hell out of every episode.
(And I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one who'd rather do my OWN transcribing. Hee. the reference is probably awesome. But I'd totally take the opportunity to just rewatch for all the H/C love.)

Let's do it!! *bounce* I need SOMETHING to take my mind off work. Couldn't think of a better way. When do your holidays start, my dear? are you still in the throes of exams and classes now? That's so not fun. =( We'll definitely need something to tide us over strike hiatus!

Oh, I'm so excited now. How will I ever go to bed?!

Speaking of LE's legs, I clearly had TOO MUCH TIME on my hands (and still did a very rough job), but I produced this for another forum, because her legs so deserve their own mention in the credits:


I can't wait for the episode. It's TOMORROW. Squee!! So much fun. And you know what? We so need banners:
House/Cuddy - we're not even fanWANKING anymore. We're FANLAID for the WIN.

The ending of Ugly was just played out so beautifully. Seriously, they could have just had Cuddy smirk at the end, when Kenny said thank you to House - it would've fit, since it was a funny episode anyway. But no, they let her get all gorgeous and clearly in-love, and I really DON'T know how people couldn't ship these two when it's THIS obvious and the chemistry is, like, hello, I'm so obvious I need to get my own room!

But definitely a porny flashback. We CAN'T be denied that first, explosive (redux) kiss.

I guess you're right - the going gay for thing probably went huge with Gillian Anderson (the first for always - XFandom is just that way!), but LE, to use a bad and obvious pun, has got legs. She's running that race for keeps and turning girls all over the world gay everyday!! Hee.

Fanergy. And flaily. My new words for the day. All thanks to H/C love. ;)

Seriously. GOTTA go to bed now. But I'm so excited about the picspam community idea. FUN.


jukebox_grad November 20 2007, 03:56:24 UTC
I should come with a warning label -- disrupts normal sleeping patterns. ;) I'm so glad the idea excites you, though! Because if I have someone doing it with me, then it's more likely to get done! I'd like to be somewhat selective, just because I'm elitist, I suppose? More likely, I've got those OCD tendencies to keep in check. I like order very much. But tags allow for a lot of control. Oh, and as I was watching the s1 repeat that aired tonight, I saw House playing with the rubberband and made a note to have some sort of list of Huddy trends. I'd definitely want to actually re-watch the episode, too, and not go solely by the transcripts. But it can be kept in mind for relief for heavily Huddy eps!

Okay, so we'll do it then! Should we start up a community? If so, something like huddy_guide? Can we be more creative than that? That means can YOU be more creative than that? I do so prefer shipper names that aren't just name mash-ups. Gilmore Girls had some fun ones.

My break starts somewhere around 12/20, I think. I'm not completely sure when my last exams need to be taken. Could be earlier. The next semester starts up around 1/20, but I don't think my courses will be as challenging. Chemistry maybe.

Starring Lisa Edelstein's Legs. I like it. Should get top billing! Actually, Lisa Edelstein's Legs should get the coveted last position that's prefaced with the AND! So, I find out I'm a conditional lesbian and also apparently a leg gal? (Earlier today, I watched a movie of Lisa's I had recorded from the Lifetime Movie Network; she was a lesbian. It amused, since we were commenting back and forth -- there were a couple Cuddy-esque moments, though not really of the lesbian variety. But of the kick-ass, high-powered woman variety. Except then you have that whole stereotype that aggressive women must be lesbians. I'm going off on a tangent here).

Cuddy's goo-goo eyes. She definitely loves the man. For everything she puts up with, she knows it's all worth it. And I think she likes those little glimpses that remind her of why House is worth the financial, ethical, etc., risks. And they're in love and screwing each other senseless, too, of course.

I'm sure House and Cuddy both have enough TNT in their persons to create plenty of explosive kisses for us -- but there's just something about the moment where they both let down their guards. I really want to see that.

Oh yeah, I imagine it was huge there -- wasn't everything, in XFandom? ;) I've never really taken part in huge fandoms before, I don't think. House might be the biggest and most mainstream. Well, I did Alias, but not on this level. House is approaching Sports Night level, actually. And I think I'm more House/Cuddy! than I was Casey/Dana!

Hopefully by now you've managed to calm yourself and get some sleep! ;)


ellixian November 20 2007, 19:48:00 UTC
Ha, the sleep thing totally didn't work out for me AT ALL. Went to bed for, like, an hour before I was woken up for work reasons and didn't sleep much for the next 24 hours or so. (And here I am, back online!) BIG SIGH.

But. Flailage more important! And YAY for picspam community! Yes yes yes let's do it! We'll inspire each other to keep plugging away at all that gorgeous (not much of a chore, really!!) and I like order too. So definitely keeping it small will help with the order and everything. (CONTROL. Heh.) I totally LOVE the idea of trend posts. Because we so have to do Cuddy and the rubber bands of angst, and House playing with them too. Or moments when she's touched his cane (ahem, get back from the gutter, Jenn!), and obviously when she's shown him some leg. Hee.

Names-wise: I've been thinking all day, in between craploads of work, and came up with so much random. Like, Patch Adams & Partypants would be SO CUTE. But too incredibly long as a community name. What about something simple, descriptive but a little poetic too, like capturing_october? When we get the community rolling properly, we might see if we can get affiliated with house_cuddy and october_october, to bond all the H/C love together. Yes indeed.

Oh I'm SO excited for this. For serious. And now it's almost time for a new pic-spam!! NEW EPISODE TO AIR SO SOON YES.


And I saw clips of that thing LE did in which she played a lesbian. She was still totally hot and kickass, I must say. Yes, there's the stereotype, but I'll take any stereotype when played by LE. BTW, I'm SURE you must have seen the LE interview that everyone's been flailing about all day? I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW, YES I DO. She is so in our corner ship-wise, thank GOD.

Like we could ever doubt that House and Cuddy weren't already schtupping like bunnies every chance they get... HEE. I really cannot WAIT for the next episode, but must allow it to download, sigh. Patience is a virtue, I must tell myself... eventually we'll get the explosive kisses too, I'm sure. LE seems as excited as we are as to show off her boobs and to get House into her bed. Heh.

Fandoms>> I was so deep into XF it wasn't even funny. Thought me much about being a fangirl, and I have carried it over into many another fandom (West Wing, Gilmore Girls), and now HOUSE. I am definitely more House/Cuddy than almost every other ship except Mulder/Scully. They are that much an OTP for me, yes indeed. (And I'm awful. STILL haven't finished watching S2 of Sports Night, GAH!)

Okay. I SHOULD sleep now, since it's almost 24 hours since I've been awake, and I've only had a 1.5 hour nap in that time!! Sigh...

BTW, I ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD: OUR ICONS MATCH. Hee. That was surely intentional on your part. How much do I love you for finding a matching icon? Cuddy's cleavage ftw!!! Hee. ;)


jukebox_grad November 21 2007, 05:34:03 UTC
That sucks. I had a few nights like that last week -- didn't matter what time I went to bed and what time I got up, however many hours I slept the days before. Just wasn't happening. I did eventually catch up and manage to go to bed at like 10:30pm and got up at 6. So nice.

Trends: Rubber band, cane, arm grabbing and pulling aside, House's ball (first cane, now ball). lissie_pissie did a picspam for one ep on her LJ that had matching facial expressions. Legs, yes, but maybe not right away in case it renders me speechless again? Top however-many moments would be fun, too. It's difficult to boil it down just off the top of my head, though.

Okay, so I just thought of one possible name -- my_vicodin. I like yours, too -- and "party pants" immediately came to mind, but it's a bit hard to boil down into a cohesive name! Do you know anyone you think would want to participate? I just mentioned the idea to badposture and she's interested. Might be best to just get a few people we know and see if they'd want to take part. Or we can kick it off on our own first, maybe get a few entries to start and then put the community out there. (okay, and I went ahead and created my_vicodin just for the hell of it, 'cause I could always use it for something; don't feel pressured to use that one though! I really couldn't come up with anything... I thought maybe tonight's ep would give some inspiration, a total AHA! moment, but it didn't really come to me, but that's not to say someone won't jump out at you!)

I DID read that LE interview and it was awesome! See, we knew Lisa wouldn't have let that birth control comment go without at least saying something! And I was so happy the interviewer asked the question. And then with the boobs and the H/C sex! Oh, LE, you rule, you really do. (though I imagine there's plenty of non-H/C fans bashing the interview? Just a hunch)

I won't say anything about the ep since I don't know if you'll have seen it by the time you read this... I WILL try to post thoughts on the ep tomorrow, though!

See, with SN, I was never ga-ga over Casey; he can kinda be a prick sometimes. And we only got two seasons. So that might have something to do with me not being TOTALLY crazy about them. But H/C are a serious OTP, for sure. And you need to get on that already and finish SN. Although now you might be busy re-watching House! ;)

Appropriate icons FTW! What cleavage? Oh no, it's all about Cuddy being a doctor........ ;) Hee.


ellixian November 21 2007, 18:27:18 UTC
I'm on all kinds of weird timing sleep-wise at the moment. But I don't care - am off from work for quite a few days and trying to repair my psyche. (Which was considerably repaired by all that spamming I did on 4x08. Mmm. Cuddy!thong for the win!!)

I LOVE the my_vicodin idea. In fact, um, I just requested to join. *looks around furtively* Let's SO get it started, Jenn. I think we can do a really awesome job of it. We'll need pretty banners and icons and everything, and trend-spotting and lots and lots of H/C fun, basically. lissie_pissie's face-matching picspam was made of so much WIN. We can and definitely should encourage such picspams in the community! :)

Re: anyone who'd be interested: right now the H/C fans I know, other than yourself, need the pic-spams more than I do! In fact, my pic-spamming started out because I was helping missmagic86 out with her lack of access to Season 4 of House. Then it took on its own crazy life! We can probably expand it after a while, once we get it going?

Back to the LE interview of win > yes, I do think there'll be a ton of non-H/C fans bashing the heck out of the interview. It's fair game, though, Jennifer Morrison is always keen to get the House/Cam out there. And seriously, people who don't see the H/C sexual tension, even if they don't actively ship them? Must be BLIND. I'm so glad LE is out there picketing for H/C schtupping. She is so awesome I can't take it, sometimes. ;)

POST YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE EP SOON, YES. Too little Cuddy. But what we got was priceless. ;)

Agree with you about the mehness re Casey. I didn't LOVE him, though I did adore Dana. So the OTP-ness there fades a little in comparison with my crazy H/C adoration. It's getting more and more out of hand each week, and I suspect we only encourage each other!! Heh. ;) I wouldn't want it any other way though...

And matching icons AGAIN, ftw!!! (LE is so adorable in that shot. ADORKABLE. ADORABLE. Both.) *happysigh*


jukebox_grad November 22 2007, 02:33:18 UTC
Will have to look for your spamming! Haven't gotten a chance to do mine, yet. Work today, then I went out with my sister to get her a birthday gift, and then we had company that just left. So maybe I'll try to do that now, or as I'm winding down for bed. I'm going to have to take notes on the H/C insights we got, because I know a few of them probably escaped me!

I'm glad you like it! I figured I'd just create the community, because something like that could be used for anything. Glad it wasn't taken! You're in, and I set you as a maintainer, too. I think the other settings I made were that only certain members can post, but I think I put it so anyone can join. I didn't really put a name or anything -- figured we could decide on those little details together. I was going to play around with a layout. Something that has good options for tags. I was going to try to do something like mine, but there were a few others that looked promising. I kinda liked this one but it might be hard to work a header into it. I was checking thefulcrum, minty_peach, mintyapple, outgone, and refuted. If you see anything, let me know. I can mess a little with html/css (on a very trial-and-error basis, these days!). Do you have any experience running a comm on LJ? Might also be trial and error! ;)

I mentioned something to badposture -- I'm not sure if you remember, or if you two were both active around the same time, but she was a member on my FHO message board. She's game to play, if you want to bring her into it, too! I'm sure there's a few notables in the H/C fandom that would probably be interested, but it's up to you if you want to not bring too many people into it. Too many cooks kinda thing, maybe?

I still SUCK at flisting. I really do. These days I hit a few friends I really try to keep up on, and house_cuddy, for sure. One of these days I'll catch up. For a while there I was so good about it, and my flist wasn't even moving fast enough for me! So, I haven't gotten my finger on the pulse of what the reaction might've been to the LE interview, other than from people who are like-minded and were squeeing as much as we are. I don't really pay much attention to JM, so I haven't heard whether she pushes the H/Cam thing; I just know I've come across comments about LE always pushing the Huddy thing. WHICH IS FINE BY ME. I think there's always a bitterness, among the ships. I know if they start going with H/Cam again or H/13, I might scream. I was about to say something about 13, like I wish she would just show NO interest in House, but that might be a BAD thing -- House likes a challenge after all. I'll just keep clinging to Huddy, thanks.

I actually kinda shipped Dan/Dana. I love the moments we got between them. They're my two favorite characters, so... Yeah, I don't think our analysis of H/C is slowing either of us down! Fuel the fire, baby!

(oh, and I've already though about it -- we should have an icon for each season! ;))


ellixian November 22 2007, 04:51:46 UTC
Urgh, you poor thing. You're so busy. Well, not like I'm not, most of the time, which makes setting aside the NECESSARY time for H/C flailing (it is NECESSARY, I'm sure of it) so difficult. But I do have time off 'til Sunday, so I'm revelling in it. You take your time and come up with gorgeous pic-spams and episode reviews. *hugs*

Thanks for adding me to the community! I checked out all the links you mentioned, and I like them - simple and minimalistic works great (especially since, hello, look at all the pretty pictures we'll be flooding the community with!). Feel free to go wild and experiment. I've had NO experience modding an LJ community, so it'll be very much trial and error for both of us. But moderated membership and anyone-can-join works for me, until we figure things out.

Does badposture post by a different handle on FHO? I don't remember anyone by that name, so we probably never crossed paths. (I DID drop out suddenly. DARN WORK.) I'm happy to bring anyone on board, though I'd say we should probably think about whether we want to cap membership posting rights and at what (arbitrary?) point, if at all.

The flisting is DIFFICULT. I'm only good with it because I reserve it all for House. I have no energy for any other fandom at the moment, and I'm awed that you're no doubt still keeping up mod duties and everything else at FHO.

As for the reaction - like you, I only know what like-minded people say. (And there was MUCH flailage involved.) I really can't be bothered about what the H/Cam people have to say, seriously. Because, even if I DID get their ship, which I don't, I still think it's pointless and the one weak part of this season that the writers have insisted on bringing the Original 3 back. They only made a reasonable hash of it with Foreman's motivations and reasons for returning. And I don't even LIKE Foreman.

Um, random rant much?? I'll cling to House/Cuddy too, obviously. H/13, meh whatEVER.

And I DO remember your shipping Dan/Dana, hon. Hee. The icons of love!! And I love Josh Charles. He's so cute. And not doing enough acting these days, dammit!!

ICON FOR EACH SEASON IS APPROVED. Wait, you mean for the community or for our LJs? I have only six user-pics!!! ;)


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