"we're so happy, we share everything!"

May 27, 2008 00:51

1. I AM GOING TO BE SPAMMY TODAY. Because I feel spammy. Lots of spammy goodness.

2. I'm actually feeling not too bad work-wise - I spent waaaaay too long chatting with *ahem*
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desperate housewives, lj - weazel_luv, lj - book232, broadway, julia murney, lj - angiescully, i fail, music, movies, idina menzel, bookdorking

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Comments 67

kerryaod May 26 2008, 17:30:16 UTC
Oooh YAY ellixian spam! :D Today shall be good then yess? And wtf about firefox scrolling? That is weird. Im on a laptop so no scrolly so no idea! Sorry!

And I shall download even though I have no iPod room; I can still listen :)

And I put some music up on my journal that you might like maybe? Idk; its vocals and is pretty good :)


ellixian May 26 2008, 17:32:34 UTC
Thanks for the tip - and enjoy the music!


kerryaod May 26 2008, 17:33:55 UTC

athenaraven May 26 2008, 17:33:42 UTC
3. Haven't you heard. Inside-out is the new in. Or has been for a while.

5. EEEE! More new music, thank you! I was crazy obsessed with Full of Grace for the longest time. Such a gorgeous song! And sad. And perfect to sing along with, although I'll never match Sarah's vocals, lol.

7. I haven't started on my rec list yet. -hides- Catching up on PD's a good excuse though, right? :-p

8. LOL, I have to look this up.

9. I saw that! It was positively heartbreaking.

Good night!


ellixian May 26 2008, 17:37:38 UTC
3. Or I am just made of fail, that would explain it too. ;)

5. YAY ENJOY. Oh god Sarah is so epic. I love her in a crazy way. And these two albums really just have her BEST stuff, my god. Now I feel the need to get Elton John off the playlist and put Sarah on instead. ;) I love singing along to her songs too! Although, of course, it rather spoils the effect of the pretty when I do... :p

7. Oooh, a rec list would be good. Though when I'd ever have the time to READ anything is beyond me!! PD IS THE BEST EXCUSE EVER, TRU FAX.

8. It's terrifying.

9. Oh god. Flicka. AT THE END. THAT HOWL. *SOBS*

And clearly I'm still here. :p But I'll shut down before 1.40am, how's that?! ;)

*uses all my PD icons on you*


athenaraven May 26 2008, 18:03:13 UTC
5. That's what the repeat loop's for. :)

7. These are the ones that people recommended on my Babysitter's Club entry, excluding yours.

Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Wonder Boys, Werewolves in their Youth.

Paul Auster - Mr. Vertigo.

Ken Kesey - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Henry James - The Turn Of The Screw.

Tim O'Brien - The Things They Carried.

Deb Caletti - Wild Roses.

Richard Adams - Watership Down.

Jane Langton - The Fledgling.

Stephen King - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Dead Zone.

Walter Tevis - The Man Who Fell To Earth.

Willa Cather - My Ántonia.

My Name Is Asher Lev - Chaim Potok

Musicophilia - Oliver Sacks

Schindler's Ark - Thomas Keneally

The Sweet Hereafter - Russell Banks

8. Oh yeah, his version of Reflection is weird. Very jarring. He sang it well enough but I couldn't get over the fact that a guy was singing it.

Hmmm, it's 11:02 and I don't see you around. Good girl. :)

Yay! Use them all if you like!


ellixian May 26 2008, 18:35:25 UTC
HA HA guess who's back. I was waiting for my DH downloads to finish so I can power down, and couldn't resist logging onto LJ. OBVIOUSLY. FAIL FAIL.

7. Oooh, Kavalier and Clay, I had fun with that one. I've really GOT to get back into reading again. I don't know why I stopped for so long. Oh yeah, LIFE. :p

8. Isn't it STRANGE? Like I said, his voice is GOOD, but... Man. Weirdness.


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ellixian May 26 2008, 18:36:03 UTC
Awww, I totes know what you meant. And that song pretty much BROKE me on Buffy. It was SO gorgeous. Amazing.


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eengah May 26 2008, 17:54:04 UTC
I'm too tired to comment coherently but I just have to state my agreement on the Idina thing. She's not one of my favorite singers but I do have a really strong fondness for her and for awhile I was listening to her album like... nonstop. And I hadn't listened to it in forever and after hearing yesterday's Where Do I Begin I remembered how much I love all the songs that she doesn't sing at her usual concerts and put on the whole album again. Silly me. I forgot how much I enjoy it.

Back to zoning out and staring off into space now.


ellixian May 26 2008, 18:38:33 UTC
Awww, I'm sorry to hear you're tired - hope it's not anything too serious and you'll be okay after a good rest?

That's it about Dee: I WAS really into her at one point, and I thought that was the height of my fangirling. Well, no, not really, because AFTER that I got into Julia. ;) But Idina is just... there's something about her. And honestly, when she goes into her high belt and pulls off those notes you don't expect? Kills you dead. Is it weird that when I watch I'll Be Seeing You, I always kind of cringe before her high notes, because I KNOW she hits them but can't believe she does? I was addicted to her album. ADDICTED.
You have all her concerts right? The older ones especially, when she sings stuff from Here and It Only Hurts When I Breathe? Because those are my FAVOURITES.


eengah May 27 2008, 06:29:16 UTC
Oh, it's all fine. The weather here was just gross this weekend (85 degrees F with 80% humidity and grey skies, and this after a solid week of 60 and sunny with low humidity) so I felt all soggy and tired trying to adjust. But I was no use to anyone today, totally zoned.

And of course, part of Idina's charm is her flubs, but I also really appreciate that on this most recent album, her lyrics are very... "every girl who has ever felt like an outcast." I mean, for Pete's sake, My Own Worst Enemy could be my damn theme song. I do have most of her old concerts and her older albums as well. I wish It Only Hurts When I Breathe was sung more. But the thing I love MOST is her d'var Torah/Devorah song/Rise Up (song for Cara) combo. Maybe it's because I'm Jewish so I identify with the bat mitzvah part, but I just really get moved every time she sings it, despite having heard the story a MILLION times. I'm glad she still sings this--I wish she'd record it.


ellixian May 27 2008, 16:11:15 UTC
Oh gah, sorry about the weather. I get used to crazy heat and humidity where I live, but that still sounds pretty nasty.

LOVE Idina's newest album for that exactly - my favourite track turned out to be not any of the singles, which is strange because I loved those so and couldn't imagine she'd write something better. But I Feel Everything is actually my favourite. The sheer pain and fear in that song - beautiful.

I'm listening to one version of Devorah now. It's BEAUTIFUL, definitely. I love her older concerts, and wish she'd record some of these gorgeous songs, like you said. She seems to have excised It Only Hurts now though. *sadface*


bsofthewest May 26 2008, 18:04:56 UTC
As to Julia and "sunshine" there are no words to adequately describe how wonderful her performance is. Just no words!!!


ellixian May 26 2008, 18:39:33 UTC
Ain't that the TRUTH. One of the most astounding live performances ever - and proves what incredible control she has over her voice. From flirty to belt in 0.00001 seconds flat! ;)


bsofthewest May 26 2008, 18:45:21 UTC
And don't forget her leg! Isn't that the one where she kicks up so high, I worry for her inner parts?


ellixian May 26 2008, 18:50:37 UTC
It most certainly is. Julia and her leg trick, my god. She does it ALL THE TIME.

... )


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