"we're so happy, we share everything!"

May 27, 2008 00:51

1. I AM GOING TO BE SPAMMY TODAY. Because I feel spammy. Lots of spammy goodness.

2. I'm actually feeling not too bad work-wise - I spent waaaaay too long chatting with *ahem*
weazel_luv but still managed to get through the masses of work I had on my plate, and managed to leave early enough to actually do some exercise for once. Which was nice, though now I'm aching all over. Why?

3. Because I went skating, for the first time all year, I think! I'm glad I persevered and skated my usual five laps of the track by the huge drain near my house - it started to drizzle, kind of, halfway through the second lap, and I was all, like, I'm not going to be out here to be roasted by lightning while on skates. But it never amounted to much more than a drizzle, so... it was good. Tiring, but good. Also? Guess who is a loser? I realised after I'd put on my skates and guards and everything and left the house that I had my shorts inside out. SIGH. SO CLEVER. It was night-time though, and I wasn't about to change just because I apparently don't know how to put on clothes even after almost three decades of practice, so. HEY. IT WAS NIGHT-TIME. PEOPLE COULDN'T TELL THAT I AM AN IDIOT.

4. Oh god IDINA MENZEL. *sobs a bit from the awesome* I've been waylaid by other singers since - quite obviously - but Idina was the first and gah has she ever been reminding me recently about how amazing she can be when she trots out that high belt of hers. I'm just a very little bit obsessed with her high notes in I'll Be Seeing You, which she performed for PBS' Memorial Day concert yesterday (go here to watch both songs.) And I keep forgetting how much I ADORE Where Do I Begin. Plus Idina looked gorgeous at the concert - her hair, GAH, so old-school Hollywood!! *flails a bit* Ah Idina. Why must you pwn me so.

5. I HAS NEW MUSIC CRACK FOR EVERYBODY! I promised people some Gavin & Sarah!

Gavin DeGraw - latest album released 6 May 08; for

track listing | download

I haven't listened to this yet myself, but I've loved what I've heard of Gavin so far - thanks to
nutmeggers, so I bought this CD once, well, not once I saw it on the shelves, but when I got to HMV and could use my discount vouchers. ;)


Surfacing/Mirrorball, Sarah McLachlan - for

Surfacing | Mirrorball (live) | download both

Sarah is epic. EPIC. I love her voice, and these are just some of her most gorgeous compositions ever. Including everything from Angel to I Will Remember You (which never fails to make me sad and almost tear up, I am such a wimp!). And Full Of Grace, OMFG. Whoever has watched Buffy would know what a freakin' killer song that is. In other words, if you download one thing today, make it Sarah. Especially if you've never heard this fantastic dual album before.


6. I need to stop comparing original recordings of Broadway songs to Julia's versions. Spread A Little Sunshine from the Pippin OBC just came on, and it's a fun, trilling version - but it doesn't quite have... erm, Julia's verve? Anyone who's seen her belt the living daylights out of the song and... errrr, sex it up but good should know what I'm talking about!

7. I've started reading again! YES. I love to read. Love it. But work has been so crazy this year that I've only managed to read magazines outside of work all year. FOR SERIOUS. SO STUPID. But really, no books at all, nada, zip, zero. So this weekend, when I couldn't find one of my magazines and finished another one, I started on Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. Yes, a kid's fantasy book, don't judge. It's good so far, though I'm only a fifth of the way through. And of course, being the movie fandork that I am, I had to go hunt down cast info for the upcoming movie. I APPROVE. Helen Mirren as Elinor? That should be awesome. :D I'm less pleased about Brendan Fraser as Mo, though I don't even dislike him - am mostly apathetic towards his career. Shall give him the benefit of the doubt, however. Plus, Andy Serkis as Capricorn? NICE. I haven't even encountered Capricorn in the book yet, and I'm like, dude. Andy Serkis is creepy enough for ANY VILLAIN. ;)

8. iTunes, OMFGWTF? Michael Crawford singing Reflection from Mulan is both a little bit gay and a lot weird.

9. Still hooked on Desperate Housewives. Tornado double-bill ftw!! I shall now log off - before 1.30am, shock horror! - and watch an episode before bed. :)

10. LAST THING. My scroll button on my mouse has stopped working for Firefox. Why the hell! It works for everything else in the computer, as far as I can tell. Just not for Firefox, which is driving me batty when I try to scroll through my flist. Flist: any suggestions on how to debug this!?! Apparently shutting down and restarting Firefox works, who knew. :p

desperate housewives, lj - weazel_luv, lj - book232, broadway, julia murney, lj - angiescully, i fail, music, movies, idina menzel, bookdorking

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