"I'd give it all for you"

May 24, 2008 13:45

1. Guess sleeping about 2-3 hours every night all week would catch up on me eventually. I was SO dead-tired after I came home last night that I fell asleep in front of the computer, and finally shifted to the bed because, you know, back was breaking, and slept for, like, ten hours straight. I'm actually on normal people's time now! Kind of! Waking at noon is more normal than waking up at 7pm, surely.

2. So: Jason Robert Brown concert last night. Fortunately, none of the four singers attempted to sing the title song of the concert (Dreaming Wide Awake), as that would have been just tragic. The show was... okay. Two singers out of four that I liked - one of the girls was REALLY good, had a fantastic voice and ability to switch from high to low and was a pretty good actress too. She did an impressive version of Christmas Lullaby, and fortunately she dueted with the male singer I did like on I'd Give It All For You. He was really good. Powerful and a good actor. The other female singer had a broad... range, but a voice I didn't appreciate, and the other guy. God. When he sang within his range, he wasn't too bad. But when he tried things like King of the World? I couldn't keep from rolling my eyes. Or wanting to stab them out with my recorder. During the intermission, 
noldoparma and 
sepulchralice both whipped out their iPods to check how the song should actually sound, LOL. So. Not going to hang on to the bootleg of this, I think. :p

3. As for I Can Do Better Than That, which is at present my favourite L5Y song - the two female singers performed it as a drunken duet, which was funny, for the most part. It worked in parts (when they were all drunk and slurring and not-quite-landing-the-notes) but not in others (when they, well, couldn't land the notes even when they weren't playing drunk). By the end they were pledging love for each other. Hee. Now that kind of reminded me of that Alice/Emily duet I Could Always Go To You.

4. I have NOTHING planned for this weekend, bah. I'd cleaned out my entire schedule in case I had to work - and I'll be doing that in a couple of hours, going to the office for a bit - but this is just retarded. I guess I'll go watch Indiana Jones by myself later tonight if nothing crops up work-wise. Because, hai, the flist has gone mad with Indy love, and even though I haven't watched the original three films - DON'T KILL ME - I still want to see Cate Blanchett as a sexy, evil Russian spy, kthx.

5. Oh god. Julia AND Brian AND David Hyde Pierce? WTH. How is it possible for three people of that much awesome to be in the same room at the same time? *sobs* And why is it that I do not live in NYC so I can see this happening! DHP doing improv! GAH!! I hold little hope that anyone will be there to audio the show, but at least the people behind the event put up videos.

6. In my ongoing attempt to impose form and structure upon my iTunes library: is there a way to edit files that appear to be edit-protected? It REALLY bugs me that I can't change the album or title info for some of the tracks so that they'll match other tracks from the same event. BUGS ME IN AN INSANE WAY. iPods are not good for obsessive-compulsive people. In that vein, more album art for Julia's two other concerts:

There are so few photos of this concert compared to Birdland 2006! Plus, all orange and washed-out. Coloured it up as best I could so Julia actually looks normal-coloured. :p

Again, not from the actual Ars Nova concert - that was too long ago for anyone to have photos of, I guess? But from the one-off Kitt and Green event Julia performed at a few years ago.

7. GOING TO WORK NOW ON A SATURDAY. LIFE FAILS KIND OF HARD. Edited to add, at 4.17pm: Screw that. I spent so long procrastinating that it'd be stupid to go in now and anyway I'm sleepy and can't be bothered. I shall just go shopping and watch a movie instead. :p

frasier, lj - noldoparma, artistic pretensions, julia murney, lj - sepulchralice, podperson, theatre

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