Meme: I'm spreading a little musical crack!

Apr 20, 2008 04:33

1. I went to bed at 5am on Saturday morning and got up at 3pm. Maybe I'm starting to hit a slightly more normal sleeping pattern... Yeah, right.

2. Had a crack-tastic Julia!flail session with
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alice in wonderland, lj - weazel_luv, lj - book232, meme, julia murney, skipley, tunespammage, music, colbertnation, lj - athenaraven

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Comments 40

dark_faith366 April 19 2008, 22:44:16 UTC
5. I'd say she's the Blonde chick at the end who becomes the bad girl. I'm terribly at spotting her to, she's really good with that voice of hers.


ellixian April 19 2008, 23:31:06 UTC
LOL, I totally failed at trying to identify her voice too! I kept listening to ALL of the female characters. Bah. We'll see if there are more discerning Julia fans out there. ;)

And I LOVE her voiceover stuff. She's got such a wide range of things she can do with that voice of hers. ♥


msuzoocrew April 20 2008, 00:45:16 UTC
Yeah, that's definitely her. I'm pretty good at picking out Julia's voice in any situation and that's the character my ears responded to.


ellixian April 20 2008, 00:55:10 UTC
Oh YAY, looks like I got it right after all! Those hours of listening to Julia paid off, after all, heh - love that Julia had to say that "this uniform dissolves in water". Awesome. ♥

I LOVE your icon. Did Julia sign that picture for you? :)


weazel_luv April 20 2008, 00:09:42 UTC

i shall have to think on this meme. and limit myself to two julia songs... okay maybe three.


ellixian April 20 2008, 00:13:26 UTC
OMG, we had the BEST time, didn't we?! LOL - you're using the belting icon!! ♥ AWESOME.

Your music is uploading as I type. It's been uploading for TWO HOURS, ZOMG. At 80% now on damn sendspace. Let me know when you get the crack safely, won't you?

I'd have made seven songs all Julia EASY. But I decided I needed to appear a little bit LESS insane than I am. :p Plus, some of the rarer cuts - which I'm actually grooving on now - I wasn't sure I could share. ;)

*uses new Julia!DG icon, replacing Idina*


dark_faith366 April 20 2008, 10:29:14 UTC
WOW. I LOVE your icon. So perfect.


weazel_luv April 20 2008, 10:33:22 UTC
points at ellixian

crazy iconmaker...


fastandfunky April 20 2008, 02:30:29 UTC
5. kthx for the link. I'd gotten the google alert that she did the voice over, but I hadn't had time to find the clip.


ellixian April 20 2008, 08:43:02 UTC
Oh no problem! Clearly I absolutely HAVE to track my Julia crack down to the source. Helps I'm a huge fan of Stephen Colbert too. XD


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ellixian April 20 2008, 08:48:49 UTC
OMG, SWEET. You're amazing! ♥ Thank you!!!

And you actually went to request for the album for me from bwayrecordings!! LMAO, why didn't I think of doing that myself?! YAY. New music crack.

Seriously, thank you MUCH. And hai, you're on my flist, OMG. I'm so adding you back right now. You guys should SO totally talk to me more often, especially about Julia. Then I would add you back asap. ;)


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athenaraven April 20 2008, 19:30:31 UTC
You show remarkable restraint limiting yourself to four Julia songs. ;)

Ooooh, Enchanted! Thank you!


ellixian April 20 2008, 19:32:40 UTC
I coulda made seven, EASY. ;) But the other songs are awesome crack, so i made the sacrifice. :)

Oh, no problem about Enchanted! Snag it while the link's still live. :)


athenaraven April 20 2008, 19:39:12 UTC
OMG You're still awake?! I don't know how you stay up like this all the time, I really don't. My body refuses to cooperate anyone and I end up snoozing off, deaf to everything, including alarms. -headdesk- Good thing I spend most of the time in my bed anyway, the lazy bum that I am. :-p


ellixian April 20 2008, 19:41:28 UTC
I am indeed still awake. I am made of fail, apparently. Your icon is not helping my mental state. ;)

Man. I'd love to spend all day in bed. Which is what I did all weekend, really, when I wasn't online. SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.

But I'm really going to bed. NOW. NOW. SERIOUS.


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