Meme: I'm spreading a little musical crack!

Apr 20, 2008 04:33

1. I went to bed at 5am on Saturday morning and got up at 3pm. Maybe I'm starting to hit a slightly more normal sleeping pattern... Yeah, right.

2. Had a crack-tastic Julia!flail session with
weazel_luv - ah, Google alerts, how I love thee - before heading out for a birthday dinner celebration at my aunt's place. Ate way too much unhealthy food, and clearly STILL didn't sleep enough since I spent some of the party asleep in the armchair in front of the tv. WTF, I SWEAR I'm a narcoleptic of some sort. How else do I explain these random bouts of just falling asleep?!

3. Music meme, tagged by
athenaraven - all I listen to these days is Julia Murney, or showtunes, or Julia Murney, and occasionally some (shock!) Julia Murney, so clearly this is going to be a LITTLE bit biased in one direction. I've tried to include some other singers though. Like Skipley - pretty much the only singers who've managed to oust Julia from my CD player in recent weeks - and Jason Danieley, just because I can. :p Songs (all handily uploaded for crack-sharing!) and tags behind the cut (obviously).

List seven songs you are into right now no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good. They simply must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. I'm Not Waiting - Julia Murney
yousendit (album cut) | youtube (live performance)

but we stagger to a party
as if it were an alibi
you lose me at the party
and i stop to wonder why
i've been waiting for you
i'm not waiting for you

I just love this song. LOVE IT. It's perfect for Julia's voice, and so... beautifully tragic. To steal a phrase from Wicked. :p She also acts the heck out of it whenever she sings it. Watch the video and die from the awesome. She goes from mellow, to emo, to belty-rocky-angsty in the space of under four minutes. LOVE.

2. As Long As You're Mine - Julia Murney & Sebastian Arcelus (Bryant Park)
yousendit | youtube

kiss me too fiercely, hold me too tight
i need help believing you're with me tonight
my wildest dreamings could not foresee
lying beside you, with you wanting me

Yes. My obsession with this song - and in particular, this performance of this song - is still going strong. Just listen to the crazy high notes Julia and Sebastian hit - I'm pretty certain Julia's 'fast' in the first verse is the exact moment I fell for her, and Seb's 'pair' just KILLS ME. Plus, harmonisation of win.

3. Someone Else's Story - Julia Murney

sadly she realised she'd left him behind
and sadder than that
she knew he wouldn't even mind

A completely impromptu performance - which is pretty evident from Julia's random squawks and attempts to get lyric prompts throughout the song. It's still one of the prettiest songs I've heard in ages though - Chess and its crazy awesome music and randomly weird book ftw! - and I love how Julia sings the heck out of this even on, like, no notice.

4. Watching the Wheels - Julia Murney

i'm just sitting here
watching the wheels go round and round
i really love to watch them go
no longer riding on the merry-go-round
i just had to let it go

Song written by John Lennon. Live version performed during her 2005 Birdland concert. Just a gorgeous song and Julia's high notes in this are just beautiful. Much as I adore her belt, I love it possibly more when she goes purely into her head voice and just sings right up there. Her control is phenomenal.

5. Contrapuntal Berlin - Jason Danieley & Marin Mazzie

I hear singing and there's no one there
I smell blossoms but the trees are bare...

This is just fun. I love love love both their voices, and it's just ridiculously fun when they sing two different songs at the same time and just mix it up so fantastically well. WIN.

6. You Have To Be There - Alice Ripley

you have to be there, you have to
without you i'd drown in the deep
too far too far from land
the waters drag me down
i reach for your hand

I LOVE THIS SONG. It is made of FLAIL. Seriously - it's a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous tune, and so incredibly sad as well, in the context of the musical. (Cliff's Notes: The character, Kristina, has lost her faith in God - this is her song questioning if He's still there for her.) Certainly helps that Alice basically sings the heck out of this because she is AWESOME.
And because
angiescully would choke a bitch - namely me! - if I didn't mention Helen: the Swedish version of this song is KICKASS. Helen Sjoholm ftw! Listen to Du Maste Finnas!

7. Poor Unfortunate Souls - Emily Skinner

come on, you poor unfortunate souls
go ahead, make your choice
i'm a very busy woman
and i haven't got all day
it won't cost much, just your VOICE

FLAIL. I love how Emily growls the heck out of this song. I've always loved it from The Little Mermaid - and yes, Sherie Rene Scott does an awesome version for the Broadway musical - but Emily just rips into this with such verve and energy and it's pure delicious fun. Plus, her cackling midway through? CRACKTASTIC.

I tag:
rockcandy83 and

4. To wit - does anyone on the flist have Emily Skinner's album? There's no human way it's going to be in the shops here, and I want to hear moooooore. As much as possible, lol.

5. Fandom collision! Julia does a voiceover on Stephen Colbert's Tak Jansen Adventures! RANDOM. I'm terrible at spotting her voice though - I want to say she's Grief Counsellor woman. Yes? No? Murney fans on my flist, please to be confirming if that's her?

6. Edited to add: I uploaded the Enchanted soundtrack for
book232. Anyone else who wants it, have at it! :)

alice in wonderland, lj - weazel_luv, lj - book232, meme, julia murney, skipley, tunespammage, music, colbertnation, lj - athenaraven

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