Meme: I'm spreading a little musical crack!

Apr 20, 2008 04:33

1. I went to bed at 5am on Saturday morning and got up at 3pm. Maybe I'm starting to hit a slightly more normal sleeping pattern... Yeah, right.

2. Had a crack-tastic Julia!flail session with
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alice in wonderland, lj - weazel_luv, lj - book232, meme, julia murney, skipley, tunespammage, music, colbertnation, lj - athenaraven

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dark_faith366 April 19 2008, 22:44:16 UTC
5. I'd say she's the Blonde chick at the end who becomes the bad girl. I'm terribly at spotting her to, she's really good with that voice of hers.


ellixian April 19 2008, 23:31:06 UTC
LOL, I totally failed at trying to identify her voice too! I kept listening to ALL of the female characters. Bah. We'll see if there are more discerning Julia fans out there. ;)

And I LOVE her voiceover stuff. She's got such a wide range of things she can do with that voice of hers. ♥


msuzoocrew April 20 2008, 00:45:16 UTC
Yeah, that's definitely her. I'm pretty good at picking out Julia's voice in any situation and that's the character my ears responded to.


ellixian April 20 2008, 00:55:10 UTC
Oh YAY, looks like I got it right after all! Those hours of listening to Julia paid off, after all, heh - love that Julia had to say that "this uniform dissolves in water". Awesome. ♥

I LOVE your icon. Did Julia sign that picture for you? :)


msuzoocrew April 20 2008, 00:59:04 UTC
It's her real signature, but not from that picture. I cropped the signature and added it to the picture from her CD liner.

You can see the "real" thing here -


ellixian April 20 2008, 01:04:25 UTC
Oh wow, that's fabulous - I think I've stalked this post of yours before, because reading about Murney mail is always so exciting. She's so sweet about it, and always replies so thoughtfully. I love that she gave you an extra ALAYM publicity shot too, and mentioned that you're a zookeeper and everything. She's so classy.

I'm tempted to write to her myself, but have no idea how to go about it or where to send it! Especially since she's no longer with Wicked. Bah.


msuzoocrew April 20 2008, 01:07:40 UTC
Yeah, she's definitely a cool lady. You can even tell that through her writing - the fact that she takes the time to jot down a few words of thanks and all that.

I'm lucky that both notes I have from her are before she started getting tons of fanmail because they're a little more ... thoughtful, I guess, than some of the notes people from later in her Wicked run. I don't know if that's the word I wanna use, but I'm sure you know what I'm aiming for.


ellixian April 20 2008, 01:17:47 UTC
LOL your icon is SO appropriate for your comment! ♥

And Julia is definitely Classy, with a capital C. I'm sure she managed to be much more... personal, in her notes back to people before her Broadway Wicked run. (Is that the word you were looking for?) I don't think she was less thoughtful, because taking the time to reply and send back things - and there are so many stories of how she sends replies to people who don't ask for anything or include SASEs - is awesome enough in itself. Just that she had less time to give a REALLY personal touch to it maybe? IDK, she still always seems like such a sweetheart in all the mail I've seen people receive from her.

I don't even need a RESPONSE, really - just want to let her know that her fanbase extends even to Asia, lol. ;)


msuzoocrew April 20 2008, 01:20:48 UTC
Exactly the word I'm looking for. Thanks! lol


ellixian April 20 2008, 01:31:24 UTC
Hee, no problems at all. :)

I'm friending you back, btw, now that we've chatted. I don't usually friend back until people strike up a conversation. Just 'cause I'm shy that way. ;)


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