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Comments 84

angiescully January 21 2008, 18:52:38 UTC
Do me baby! :)

And eek! Still can't wait for Idina's CD!


ellixian January 21 2008, 19:14:36 UTC
1. Because I saw you around the House fandom and thought you sounded awesome. But I was shy and never thought to ask. (For serious!) The XF promo pics, however, clearly got rid of THAT in a hurry. ;)

2. YOUR KICKASS ICONS, OMG. I stalked the House/Cuddy ones like a maniac and have so many of the anicons saved it's a bit embarrassing. I couldn't use them back when I had, like, no icons, but now I totally will! ;)

3. So far, pretty much everything - you flail with the best of them, we share too many fandoms, and you make me smile. :)

4. Ongoing flail-fests on many separate threads as we chatted about Wicked and Chess and My Fair Lady and our XFics from a billion years ago. Good times. Even though they were, like, yesterday. ;)

5. What would you do - like, your dream job - if you could do anything in the world?

6. IT'S SO UNFAIR TO MAKE ME CHOOSE. I love them all. But this one is hilarious:

... )


angiescully January 22 2008, 16:12:04 UTC

LOL Our Les Trois icon! Gah, haven't used that one in ages.


(The comment has been removed)

ellixian January 22 2008, 06:05:58 UTC

1. You made me laugh - for serious! I totally LOL-ed at your entry on the friending meme, and I'd seen you around the fandom. SO. FRIENDS. :)

2. Associate you with something - You have Disney flail!! Not many people have Disney flail! And House/Cuddy flail!

3. Seriously, you're too funny - can't wait to get to know you better. :)

4. This is kinda lame, but your House/Cuddy '08 icon TOTALLY reminds me of you. When you post on comms, I know right away who's posting lol.

5. What's your favourite classic movie? (Because, OMG, I adore Katharine Hepburn and the stars from the golden age too. They are WIN.)

6. Well, aside from the House/Cuddy '08 one, this one's pretty kickass:

... )


nitsa_maro January 21 2008, 19:52:25 UTC
I would like you to DO me PLEASE :XD


ellixian January 22 2008, 09:06:53 UTC
1. Awww, because you're a total sweetheart and were the first person to friend me in the House fandom after reading the first fic I posted! :)

2. For some reason, cuddelstein - because you (and me both!) are all about the LE love :)

3. From what I've seen in the fandom, you're just a wonderfully sweet person and you're always looking to cheer people up and help them flail. I love that!

4. You always have such great little pic-gifts for people. That's just so awesome. :)

5. How did you come up with your LJ handle?

... )


nitsa_maro January 22 2008, 11:34:20 UTC
"blushing over here" Thank you so much for your kind words ♥
How did I come up with my LJ handle? Honestly,when I decided to make a LJ I had no idea how to do it! I just did a little bit of research, reading some stuff and finally I made it^^


ellixian January 22 2008, 15:17:08 UTC
Cool!! :) And the kind words are deserved, you ARE a sweetheart!

BTW, I hate to be a loser and rude, but I saw you posted Minnie The Moocher for teh_maskmaid on her LJ. I was SO gonna steal that, but Megaupload totally doesn't work for me. *sadface* Could I be really rude and beg you to upload it to yousendit or sendspace for me or something? THANK YOU. I'm so shameless lol!!


an_aviary January 21 2008, 20:34:51 UTC
oh sure I'm new, but LET'S DO THIS THING!


ellixian January 22 2008, 09:59:15 UTC
Of course! The reason we do things is to get to know each other better. :)

1. Discovering similar interests through the X-Friending meme is of the win - and anyone who's a fan of Gillian and Scully is a friend of mine. ;)

2. Gillian-related flail!!

3. I love how much you love the XF and Gillian, and all the assorted flailing that comes with this! It'll be fun to get to know you better while we wait on July to get here... ;)

4. Sharing about Gillian and XF-related dreams, ftw!

5. Tell me about your LJ handle and where it comes from!

... )


an_aviary January 22 2008, 12:51:24 UTC
my lj handle is rather random-- i've been using this service in various incarnations for quite a few years, and have gone through almost just as many journal names, all of which are now defunct. generally these ideas for usernames have always come from something that was particularly moving at the time--- a song, a phrase from a poem, a word, etc. i became really interested in birds (special significance within a relationship i had at the time which is now over) and aviaries and since "aviary" was gone, i had to put "an_" in front of it. not exactly my favourite thing to do, but it works.

And yeah, Gillian looks gorgeous in every picture of her pretty much, but that icon you chose is definitely one of my favourites, as well.

I posted the meme in my journal if you wanna go for it ;)


crumpled_up January 21 2008, 20:37:35 UTC
(not THAT WAY. get your mind out of the gutter! :P)


i will watch the idina video when my connection is better. :( it's being a butt right now.


ellixian January 22 2008, 10:10:48 UTC

1. Because you were wonderful about commenting on my fics, and after one of yours inspired one of mine, I just HAD to have you on my flist. ;)

2. How bad physics homework can bring a good person down - poor thing, you seem to always be bogged down by school stuff! :(

3. OMG, I LOVE how you indulge my flail - you're too sweet about downloading and watching all the crazy stuff I put up, even if you don't understand the language, lol! You help give my flailiness a point. :)

4. Oh lots of good ones. But flailing over music is a good recent one. Can't wait to get started on your fanmix (I have to convert some of the tracks as, loser that I am, I don't own an iP-od...).

5. What do you want to do when you're done with school?

... )


crumpled_up January 22 2008, 20:42:27 UTC
Re 5: THAT is the question of the year! :P I have no idea what I'm going to do once I'm done with school. People have suggested grad school but I'm so tired of school right now, I don't want to think of an extra like five years of school. I might do that at some later time. I just haven't decided what to do with my bio degree. Definitely not medicine because I don't have the brains or the patience to go through all that schooling and people in general haha. I'd be like House minus the genius part. :P So, in short, I have no idea. :( I'm so indecisive.

Aaah! Sorry about the music files. :( I got so used to everyone having iTunes that I just left it like that. My bad. :(

And I'm an idiot! I totally forgot to follow the 7th point. I'll post it up in a sec!


ellixian January 23 2008, 15:12:32 UTC
I totally know what you mean - I'd have been lost when I finished uni too, if I hadn't already had a job sort of waiting for me. So I fell into it and have stayed in the same place, doing the same thing, for the last five years. (Which is pretty sad when you think about it!!) I hope you get some clarity on it soon. I can totally get how you'd be sick of school and just want to do something different after so many years. Though, speaking as someone who's been working for a while - I SO WISH I COULD GO BACK TO COLLEGE LOL.

As for the music: NO WORRIES! Everyone has an iPod, I'm just a loser and don't. ;) I'll convert the files soonest and burn them on a CD for a car, definitely. :)


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