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ellixian January 22 2008, 09:59:15 UTC
Of course! The reason we do things is to get to know each other better. :)

1. Discovering similar interests through the X-Friending meme is of the win - and anyone who's a fan of Gillian and Scully is a friend of mine. ;)

2. Gillian-related flail!!

3. I love how much you love the XF and Gillian, and all the assorted flailing that comes with this! It'll be fun to get to know you better while we wait on July to get here... ;)

4. Sharing about Gillian and XF-related dreams, ftw!

5. Tell me about your LJ handle and where it comes from!


Man. Gillian is so many kinds of gorgeous in this icon - her features are like cut glass. ♥

7. Go forth!


an_aviary January 22 2008, 12:51:24 UTC
my lj handle is rather random-- i've been using this service in various incarnations for quite a few years, and have gone through almost just as many journal names, all of which are now defunct. generally these ideas for usernames have always come from something that was particularly moving at the time--- a song, a phrase from a poem, a word, etc. i became really interested in birds (special significance within a relationship i had at the time which is now over) and aviaries and since "aviary" was gone, i had to put "an_" in front of it. not exactly my favourite thing to do, but it works.

And yeah, Gillian looks gorgeous in every picture of her pretty much, but that icon you chose is definitely one of my favourites, as well.

I posted the meme in my journal if you wanna go for it ;)


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