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ellixian January 22 2008, 06:05:58 UTC

1. You made me laugh - for serious! I totally LOL-ed at your entry on the friending meme, and I'd seen you around the fandom. SO. FRIENDS. :)

2. Associate you with something - You have Disney flail!! Not many people have Disney flail! And House/Cuddy flail!

3. Seriously, you're too funny - can't wait to get to know you better. :)

4. This is kinda lame, but your House/Cuddy '08 icon TOTALLY reminds me of you. When you post on comms, I know right away who's posting lol.

5. What's your favourite classic movie? (Because, OMG, I adore Katharine Hepburn and the stars from the golden age too. They are WIN.)

6. Well, aside from the House/Cuddy '08 one, this one's pretty kickass:



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