"they passed me by, all of those great romances"

Jan 24, 2009 14:25

1. Am currently at the Doha airport, not even past the halfway mark of a SEVEN-HOUR layover between flights back to Singapore. I am sorely sorely missing New York already. Also, I am going to die from heat stroke when I get back. By our last day in NYC, it was about 45F i.e., 7C, and I was walking around in just my Wicked hoodie... clearly I had ( Read more... )

boots, rl ftl, lj - noldoparma, broadway, nyc, beth malone, travel, meryl streep, marvellous wonderettes, starstalking

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ellixian January 24 2009, 20:22:04 UTC
5. Oh good, so it's NOT just me? I wonder how long they wait before they start sending out emails like that. Random.

The trip WAS fabulous. The layover and travel back home is all worth it. I kind of wish the trip didn't have to end though. Sigh. :(


broadwaybaby_xx January 24 2009, 20:23:34 UTC
A 7 hour layover?! That is ridiculous! But I'm glad you had a nice time on your trip. I miss New York. /: & I totally got the same email from my Photobucket. Hahahah. :D


ellixian January 24 2009, 20:25:56 UTC
It is definitely a ridiculous amount of time to have to wait. Fortunately I have the interweb to keep me company.

I don't think I'll ever stop missing New York - until the day I LIVE there!

Photobucket is clearly going on an emailing spree. Fail. I thought it was just me. ;)


in48frames January 24 2009, 20:47:29 UTC
I got the same email, BUT? It was for my old account, a.k.a. the one I haven't used in three years. GOOD JOB, PHOTOBUCKET.

I am so sad that you are all leaving. :( I liked having everyone in MY time zone.


ellixian January 24 2009, 20:51:06 UTC
LOL, so clearly someone got into the archives and has just been sending mails to everybody like a demon - looks like EVERYONE with a Photobucket was informed that their albums miss them. Boo. I thought mine was special. ;)

I'm really sad to have left your timezone too. :( Next time, we'll have to try to arrange for an even greater convergence. GET A JOB, JULIA. Then we could all come and watch you be awesome... ;)


llyfrgell January 25 2009, 01:13:33 UTC
Julia HAS a job. IN OKLAHOMA. :-P


phineas_gatsby January 24 2009, 21:01:55 UTC
Photobucket's sent me those, too. Only I have two albums--one with personal pictures, the other for more public places, with pictures of celebrities, etc. (the celeb one got the email)

And--random--I thought about adding my pictures from the inauguration--especially the one of the Monument at sunrise--to the special album about the inauguration. So I tried, and freaked out for a second because I thought I'd accidentally sent them pictures of me and my friends over homecoming. Luckily the album was full ;-)


ellixian January 24 2009, 21:55:45 UTC
Ahahaha, seriously, Photobucket is just... all kinds of random right now. I got a couple of invites to upload inauguration photos too. Weird.


joyfulxheart January 24 2009, 21:26:55 UTC
Is it sad that Photobucket has noticed my hiatus and is sending me e-mails titled "Your Album Misses You"? I wish I was kidding. I'm not

LOL. That is hilarious


ellixian January 24 2009, 21:56:19 UTC
Isn't it?! I thought it was SO random when I got that email.


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