"they passed me by, all of those great romances"

Jan 24, 2009 14:25

1. Am currently at the Doha airport, not even past the halfway mark of a SEVEN-HOUR layover between flights back to Singapore. I am sorely sorely missing New York already. Also, I am going to die from heat stroke when I get back. By our last day in NYC, it was about 45F i.e., 7C, and I was walking around in just my Wicked hoodie... clearly I had acclimatised to the -16C temperatures of the week before. :P Seriously: it was 17C when I disembarked in Doha, and already I exclaimed at how WARM it was - Singapore will be at least 10C hotter. F A I L. I envision spending most of the next year week indoors.

2. Turns out there's wireless internet at this terminal. I have never been happier to have dragged my laptop with me on this trip (and I will never travel without one again!) - I sure could have used this in my FIRST ridiculously long layover here. I think it was in 2005 or 2006 when I was on my way to Egypt. We had to wait here for six hours at one point. I have spent more time in the Doha airport than... probably any airport ever. How's that for random times?! This, of course, means that I haven't done anything of what I PLANNED to do - which was get caught up on all the books I brought/bought on the trip which I didn't read because I was too busy flailing/watching theatre. But Wavepad refuses to work, so I can't track audios, wtf! *grumbles*

3. I'm addicted to Tetris. I spent the entire 11-hour flight (it's shorter because head winds or tail winds or whatever are in our favour travelling back across the globe) playing Tetris instead of, you know, watching movies. Or reading. Or even sleeping. Boo, I suck.

4. Let me also admit right now that I am ridiculously addicted to The Marvellous Wonderettes. Also my Mamma Mia audio. I am listening to both (especially my favourite songs) on a loop, and I really REALLY want to be able to see both shows again. Preferably with the specific performers who make me all flaily. BTW, because I'm not at all creepy: when I mentioned earlier that I'd stalked Beth Malone on Facebook, I meant it - I thanked her for a great show, and she was really nice and replied! ♥ Corinne Melancon sings such a BEAUTIFUL rendition of One Of Us. Now I wish that song had been kept in the movie. Meryl singing it would probably kill me dead. (And here's another random factoid proving that I'm not at all creepy: Meryl HAS sung two lines from it and was all reproachful of Benny for it being cut from the film. XD)

5. Speaking of Meryl, I really want to MAKE ICONS. This picture is just screaming for a ROCK ON caption...

She's in Tokyo! Why on my side of the globe NOW, Meryl?!

On a related note: Is it sad that Photobucket has noticed my hiatus and is sending me e-mails titled "Your Album Misses You"? I wish I was kidding. I'm not.

6. STILL. I will keep my chin up - it's been one of the best trips in the history of the universe (honestly this is my favourite vacation I have EVER taken). But it WILL be nice to go home and settle back into a familiar groove, in a way, and get some me time... well, maybe not, since I'm plunging straight back into CNY festivities and then work thereafter. Again, as I've said frequently, I'm just glad there's so much flail-related stuff to distract me from being back in the equatorial climes of Singapore. Doubt (and a ton of Oscar movies) on the weekend. Epic Emil concert the weekend after. Taiwan a month after that. noldoparma - want to go book-shopping at Kino? I think we get 20%-off sales from Jan 28 for a few days. I'm going to have to distract myself from how blah and soul-sucking RL/work will be in comparison to the last fortnight...

7. I AM going to read now. I must try to finish another book before I go back to work on Wednesday!

boots, rl ftl, lj - noldoparma, broadway, nyc, beth malone, travel, meryl streep, marvellous wonderettes, starstalking

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