"the bartender said she's gone out of her head"

Jan 28, 2009 00:39

1. Oh goodness, I'm sleepy. I was sleepy at 10pm, wtf. It's my version of jetlag, I guess - though not quite. If I had had adequate amounts of sleep over the last couple of nights after getting home, I'd be fine. But I keep... lingering online, predictably, which means I've spent the last two days functioning on four and seven hours of sleep respectively. Fail. I'm gonna crash after this (for serious), since it's back to work in a matter of hours. BLERGH DO NOT WANT.

2. And that's CNY over for another year - well, the festivities go on for a couple of weeks yet, but the main part of it, with the food and money and visiting relatives, is over now. There was a massive party at my house tonight, and I spent most of it bonding with my computer. Honestly? People annoy me so much sometimes. Also, my brother took back the laptop he 'gave' me as his new one is, for some reason, worse than this one. Urgh. I was looking forward to multi-tasking by using it while watching TV. I GUESS NOT, NOW. Sigh.

3. Since on occasion most of the time I'd much rather spend time flailing than with people, I plunged straight back into icon-making (visual representations of my fandoms ftw!), and that's what I've been doing all afternoon. Made a ton of Meryl ones, catching up on the stuff I missed while on vacation. I decided to post all my Falling In Love icons because I don't think anicons are gonna happen as I originally intended. I'm too lazy. (Aren't Meryl and Robert De Niro ridiculously hot together though?) I'm also saving up icons for a bigger Broadway batch - I've quite a few (slashy) Wonderettes icons, and I made ten Gypsy icons because hai, photo diary of closing night! Awesome. Also, it makes me a tiny bit less terrified of Patti to see her just waking up, or to see her sprawled on her dressing room floor (presumably stretching, though for a moment I thought she had fainted and was horrified that the photographer was busy taking pictures instead of HELPING her).

4. BTW, this POSSIBLE guest star for 30 Rock? FUCKING ROCKS MY UNIVERSE. YES PLZ. If this happens, I think my brain might very possibly break into a million teeny tiny pieces, and each piece would melt from the awesome. I'M PRETTY SURE I'M NOT EXAGGERATING THERE.

5. If any of you guys happen to be bored, I've some music to flail over.

Beth Malone - Green River

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Fine, so I'm obsessed. WHAT. HAVE YOU A PROBLEM WITH THAT. This is one of my favouritest songs from Beth's album - all ten songs are absolutely crackerjack (ha ha, I used the word 'crackerjack' and I have no idea why or where it came from!), but this one KILLS ME. It's melodic and SO lovely and just gorgeously written. What LYRICS, aieee. I'm addicted to it and am so glad to have found a video of her singing it live. ♥

Another freakin' awesome song on Beth's album? Daredevils And Circus Freaks

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ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG. Another impossibly beautiful, lyrical song... and the story in the lyrics is just heartbreaking. ASKLDHASDHALSDHASDLADHLAS.

Superband - live medley of awesome

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EEK. Superband played a special CNY live set, presumably on some tv show, and each band member sang songs they had written and then they all sang their first single together. I am quite certain my heart will fail when I see them live FROM THE SECOND ROW in early March... if it hasn't already burst from seeing Emil live IN TWO WEEKS. (I AM FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS, GUYS, IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW. SO. FUCKING. EXCITED.) Each of these guys has written such FABULOUS songs. Like 童年 - literally a song about childhood, and one that brings me back to mine. And I was even more excited to discover that Emil appears to have appointed himself the chief harmoniser in the group. XD When he's not singing solo, he's singing backup for everyone else. OMG, his harmonising on 童年 made me SUPER HAPPY. MARCH IS GOING TO BE MADE OF INSANITY, PEOPLE.

6. OMIGOD I NEED TO WATCH A MOVIE, GUYS. I haven't watched one in two weeks, I think. Can we say withdrawal?! I didn't watch anything on the flight(s) back since I was addicted to Tetris (yes, I fail hardcore). But! There'll be Doubt this weekend (CAN WE SAY MEGA ULTRA EXCITED?!), and a bunch of other Oscar movies to catch up on. I have a feeling I'll be watching three shows a day on the weekend. Oddly enough, I'm totally fine with that. :D

7. Is Photobucket being a mega-bitch for anyone else? I managed to upload my Meryl icons before the site stopped functioning normally, but man, is it ever being a pain right now. Grrr.

8. The prospect of being at work in seven hours or so makes my heart very very sad indeed. :(

broadway, iconage, beth malone, meryl streep, music, tina fey, movies, cpop, tv, marvellous wonderettes, capslock flail, family, emil chau, sleep patterns of fail

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