Title: Spice
Author: eimeo
Beta: penguin_attie
Universe/Series: TOS
Rating: NC-17
Relationship status: Pre-slash to slash
Chapter: 15/54
Pairings: Kirk/Spock
Additional Pairings: Kirk/Lori
Summary: It’s a question of biology. Vulcan biology.
The problem with falling in love with a member of an insanely private species is that it just might take you
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Comments 12
It's writing like this, this kind of style, elemetal, flawless, the kind of writing that draws you in, that keeps the reader's attention riveted and seared to the page: literary splendor, as I've noted before...
Can. Not. Put. This. Down! :D Your visual on Spock is so realistic...you've got me SEEING him, watching him, and waiting...ah, yes, the waiting...ad of course I'm loving the daylights out of Jim...he's waiting, too, and it's not the sort of thing he's known for...but this time it's different...this kind of waiting game is worth it...SO very worth it, and more...
And that's a fantastic way of putting it: "Spock IS life. Jim's life, beyond a shadow of any discernable doubt..." Another reviewer on the Archives was talking about the theme of home in this chapter and it got me thinking about how Jim is basically "home" for Spock. I guess it's another way of saying they are each other's life. I identify more closely with Spock, I suppose, so this idea of finding "home" in another person has a lot of resonance for me. But it comes to the same thing: they are two halves of one whole. *happy sigh*
Thank you so much for this! It's great to know that all these things that I'm hoping to get across are actually coming across. I love writing Spock's POV; I identify more closely with him than I do with Jim, but he's also a real challenge to write. There's all these emotions swirling around, and he's not exactly connecting with them... "That's a level of showing and not telling that leaves me in awe" - THANK YOU so much for this!! The trouble with trying to show and not tell is that I'm never sure if I'm showing enough or too much or in the right way, or if any of it's reading the way it does in my head. Thank you again. I will try to oblige with the next chapter as quickly as possible!
I... kind of wish I could hand out cookies over the comments page. I feel like I should be handing out cookies...
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