This is utter bullshit. I'm sorry this is happening to you. At least you could still file a claim. Good luck! Hopefully paypal gives you your money back.
You shouldn't feel the need to wait 24hrs after the dispute has been opened to escalate to claim if the seller has been unresponsive. I just recently opened a claim against someone who said my item was shipped but I had not received it and some days had passed. Anyway, in the details of my claim I asked for a refund if my item had not shipped. The seller mailed it after I opened the claim. I was so upset. I hate irresponsible sellers. Why does a buyer have to be on top of a transaction to make sure an item was mailed? If you have stuff going on in your life and you can't mail things then REFUND. Ugh. Sorry you are going through this. :c
Comments 24
That's ridiculous and if she can't ship it in a timely fashion she shouldn't sell.
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