I'm Drowning, So Come Inside

Nov 10, 2007 17:58

As you can see, I got my internet back. Yayz! And I finished my layout.
effulgent_girl  effulgent_girl
Featuring Ned and Chuck from Pushing Daisies. I figure it will hold me through December and into January. I like what I was able to do with the promo shots and the background. One of my better banners, if I do say so myself. I've also included some icons I made while I was ( Read more... )

banners, layout, stock banners, actors icons, graphics, icons, profile graphics, actresses icons, pushing daisies, david/billie, pushing daisies icons

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Comments 18

enigmaticblues November 11 2007, 21:57:04 UTC
I love your new banner! It's adorable and very well done.


effulgent_girl November 11 2007, 23:24:15 UTC
:) Thank you!


oingo_boingolo November 12 2007, 14:23:23 UTC
These are gorgeous!!
Took 1 and 5, will credit!


effulgent_girl November 12 2007, 15:48:18 UTC
Thanks and glad you like!


thick_mints November 13 2007, 02:20:12 UTC
these icons are brilliant!
very cute
i snagged the banners, and i'm unsure how to put it up, but i'll be sure to credit you when i figure this outttt


effulgent_girl November 13 2007, 05:08:34 UTC
Thanks. Well, it depends on what layout you use, but you can save it to your image host and post the link where it says header or banner image link. Some layouts don't have that. I know Flexible Squares has a banner link.


nila_rena November 18 2007, 15:33:37 UTC
snagged #1. thanks


effulgent_girl November 18 2007, 21:03:06 UTC
Thanks for snagging:)


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