I'm Drowning, So Come Inside

Nov 10, 2007 17:58

As you can see, I got my internet back. Yayz! And I finished my layout.
effulgent_girl  effulgent_girl
Featuring Ned and Chuck from Pushing Daisies. I figure it will hold me through December and into January. I like what I was able to do with the promo shots and the background. One of my better banners, if I do say so myself. I've also included some icons I made while I was making the banner as well as my old header from the last layout and a couple of other graphics I'm no longer using. So enjoy:)

{01-06} Pushing Daisies (Ned/Chuck)
{07-07} Emily Deschanel Header
{08-08} Stock Header
{09-09} Pushing Daisies (Ned/Chuck) Banner
{10-10} Billie/David Banner


[ more here ] @ betweenthewoods

banners, layout, stock banners, actors icons, graphics, icons, profile graphics, actresses icons, pushing daisies, david/billie, pushing daisies icons

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