"Walking Through A Winter Wonderland"

Dec 24, 2007 14:27

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I made some icons for presents. Some are seasonal, some aren't. Hope you enjoy:)

{01-12} Buffy
{13-16} Angel
{17-25} Doctor Who
{26-31} Veronica Mars
{32-35} Bones
{36-38} The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
{39-40} Friends Only Banners
{41-41} Spuffy Banner



[ more here ] @ betweenthewoods 

banners, buffy icons, spuffy, doctor/rose icons, doctor who icons, icons, christmas, profile graphics, flist love, bones icons, angel icons, movie icons, david/billie, veronica mars icons

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