
Dec 04, 2009 20:39

Characters: Stoneface (stonyfaced) and OPEN to any applicants. Please tag yourselves in accordingly!
Date/Time: FORWARDDATED to Sunday, December 6th. Interviews go from 10 AM to 7 PM. Please list what time it is when you tag in.
Location: The Arena (and the rest of Melee Island if your character requests the use of The Range, etc.)
Rating: PG-13 for ( Read more... )

~ff legend of the crystals: prettz (joe), final fantasy tactics: ramza (reed), discworld: vimes (stoneface), ~gundam 00: setsuna (gundam), ace attorney: edgeworth (justice), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), megaman x: layer (locket), naruto: gai (youth), ~pokemon: charmander (relic)

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Comments 74

Around 11-ish. moe_rapier December 5 2009, 05:28:25 UTC
Well, Locket was about on her rounds, having finished up an early morning blasting targets and giving the sword she'd found a few swings. She alternated on weekends, making her weather readings while blasting a few monsters on Crystala or sparring with visitors.

It would appear she picked a fortuitous weekend to practice on Melee Island, but had yet to notice such fortune. She spent her little breather between training regimens wandering the island in search of some new stimuli, a new opponent, a new style to test her own against.

It was always nice to use a bit of variety.


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 06:17:16 UTC
As Locket wandered her way into the Arena, Stoneface looked up. Her face wasn't familiar, but then again, very few were--more and more people seemed to be arriving lately, including the applicants.

"Are you here for the job interview?" He called out, just in case she didn't see him, slouched against the bleachers.


moe_rapier December 5 2009, 15:54:13 UTC
She looked up at the voice, immediately tracking the source. Composing herself, immediately, Locket nodded. "Ah, you're Stoneface, then."

"Yes, I would like to interview," she replied, wondering if she wasn't dressed suitably for a job interview - her ensemble wasn't too dressy, but she needed something to maneuver in.


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 20:55:35 UTC
"Yes, I'm Stoneface," he said, scrutinizing her and wondering if he had ever seen her around before. He didn't think so and her speech pattern certainly wasn't as easily identified for a name to spring to mind immediately.

"Come on over, then. What's your name?"

There was a pause as he went over the question he'd been asking everybody. It was the standard, and one he had to ask, but it didn't mean that he liked parroting himself with every new recruit. Somehow, though, Tell me that you're not joining up just because you like to hit people legally, didn't have the same ring to it, so he stuck with the tried and the true.

"Why do you want to join the Watch?"


Noonish ambitious_fire December 5 2009, 06:24:31 UTC
Relic had been a little hesitant to come at first, but there was a feeling that pushed him to go ahead. He couldn't place what it was, but finally he'd given into it. So here he was, on his first visit to the Arena in hopes of aiding the Watch. It wasn't hard to notice the man on the bleachers, so Relic made his way over to him. "Om, excuse me," he started. "Are you Stoneface, sir?" He was getting nervous again and it was so tempting to turn around and go back the way he came.


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 06:53:12 UTC
Stoneface eyed the orange... thing as it headed his way, and was only mildly surprised when it opened its mouth to speak. As things went in the Sphere, it wasn't too strange to have what appeared to be a giant, walking, talking lizard. It didn't mean that he liked it, but, well, it was bound to be one of the things that wanted to sign up.

Could those paws of his grasp a sword? He wondered. He'd heard somewhere that lizards had very sharp teeth, and he wouldn't be against using something like that, at least.

"Yes, I'm Stoneface," he said. "And I'm guessing you're here about the Watch. What's your name?"


ambitious_fire December 5 2009, 07:09:01 UTC
"I'm Relic, and yes sir I am," Relic knew to respest authority figures, but he was watching Stoneface curiously as he answered. This person hadn't seemed nearly as surprised as most people he'd met for the first time. Was he just more used to seeing things that were odd than other people? Whether or not that was the case, the lack of surprise made this much less awkward.


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 08:35:42 UTC
"Ah, Relic. I remember you."

He leaned back, face living up to his name. Time to repeat the same old song and dance, see who spoke of good wages, see who just wanted to fight, see who spouted that nonsense about the good of the people. Stoneface wasn't sure what the correct answer was, himself, but he had a good idea of where it lingered.

"Let's get straight to the point. Why do you want to join the Watch?"


10 sharp! Almost [|D he's never going to pass...] checkmysmiley December 5 2009, 07:09:47 UTC
It took Joe a while to find the arena, but he'd gotten up early anyways. Lots to see, do, all that good stuff. He wasn't really serious about this Watch thing, but a job was a job. Besides, even without his memories, he was completely confident in his skills. Whatever they were. Though he was assuming swordplay was one of them. Along with surviving explosions. Definitely that last one. Still, with a guy as amazing as him on the force there was no way they'd fail in...whatever it was they did. Stop crime or something. He was a bit unclear on that part. The idea of a Watch didn't feel very familiar at all, but everyone else seemed to get it so it just had to be the amnesia messing up his head he supposed ( ... )


He's not, the poor sap! BUT HE CAN TRY! XD stonyfaced December 5 2009, 08:33:24 UTC

Aha. The altogether too weathered skill of putting face to writing, writing to personality, personality to words worked its course. He recalled who it was, now. The boy with little grasp on size control and a challenged perception of how many capitals it took to make up a sentence. The messy sort of approach where you sprinkled capitals randomly about the sentence like darts on a dartboard was familiar, but Joe seemed fonder of throwing the dartboard like a frisbee, running towards it, then jumping up and down on it. Repeatedly.

He had to give him credit, though--he'd managed to make Cara angry, and that was no mean feat.

"Sit down," he commanded, working out how he wanted to respond and how he ought to respond. Reluctantly, he chose the latter. "As you say... might as well get this over with. Why are you interested in joining the Watch?"


10:30 or so, roughly. heretic_hamlet December 5 2009, 20:34:39 UTC
It wasn't that he didn't enjoy job as a binder; yet, his inaction in the face of the sphere's troubles weighted heavy upon his conscience, and a chance to step forward in its defense seemed as good a tonic as any.

On top of which, there was a certain comfort and familiarity to the sentiment. He could cast aside those nagging, troubled doubts for the moment.

So when he'd arrived in the arena, it was with wary eyes at the front and a sharp blade at his side. When he'd spied Stoneface- embarrassingly enough, recognizing him from his lapine illustration- he sought him out immediately. "You are Stoneface, are you not? I seek to join your ranks."


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 20:48:53 UTC
"Yeah, that's me." Stoneface looked at Reed, from sharp sword to his attentive expression and felt relieved that at least somebody came prepared. The way he spoke was a bit odd, and he recognized it straightaway--for some reason, he didn't expect Reed to speak the way he wrote, but it seemed he did.

"Reed, right? Have a seat. Before I decide whether or not you can join up, we're going to have a little chat."

"So. Why is it that you want to join the Watch?"


heretic_hamlet December 5 2009, 22:01:21 UTC
"A blade, ser- kin to the arm and heart that wield it- is ill put to use without just cause or discipline." Reed plucked the scabbard from his waist as he took a seat upon the bleachers, resting it at his side as he spoke- yet never releasing his grip. "And worthy cause and discipline have now revealed themselves."

There was little else he could say; it simply felt right. And a means to protect his kin could finally provide penance his prior absence and ignorance.

Stoneface might have noticed a bit of remorse crossing Reed's eyes, but only for a moment. He steeled himself soon enough. "Some duties must simply be undertaken," he concluded, "and here the means are reason enough. I would assume you to understand, having taken this upon yourself."

"Unless you've found some other end to this endeavour...?"


stonyfaced December 6 2009, 03:27:38 UTC
Stoneface stared at Reed for a moment, trying to decipher what he was saying. It was as if he was translating Dwarfish, but Reed was no dwarf. It wasn't altogether impossible to slot into plain old Morporkian, but it wasn't any good for arresting somebody.

Somehow, Halt, evil-doer! You are breaching Act 22 of the Edensphere charters, providing us with sufficient evidence to take chase, but I do assure you, we shall step only where we are allowed to! Comrades in arms, commence! didn't seem to work as well as, Stop, in the name of the law! C'mon, boys, let's get 'im!.

"So... you think the Watch is worthy, you're a swordsman, and you want to help. Is that what you're saying?"

He considered Reed's words, and with it, the accusation. "No, I'm doing this because it needs doing, nothing more. What do you see yourself doing in it? What have you got to give?"


11:30 spandexisyouth December 6 2009, 00:46:58 UTC
Youth had been up long before the interviews were to start, but he'd had to finish his workout. His last two push-ups hadn't been perfect, which meant he'd had to do three hundred squats. He'd finished those four seconds too late, which meant he needed to run a hundred laps around his training area for every second. Those were finished in a satisfactory fashion, so Youth did another twenty-five laps to cool down. Pleased with himself, he made his way over to the interview after a quick clean-up.

Thanks to Kazahana's bunnies, Stoneface was very easy to identify. Youth made his way over cheerfully. "Hello! You are Stoneface! I recall your bunny! I am Youth, and I would like to interview with you!" Still standing respectfully, Youth gave Stoneface a happy thumbs-up.


stonyfaced December 6 2009, 04:54:58 UTC
Stoneface stared at Youth evenly, wondering whether or not the man was genuine. Unfortunately, from cheerful exclamation (which was quite literal; he could tell that if this had been written up, each sentence would end in an exclamation mark) to the thumbs up, this kid was real.

"Hello, Youth," Stoneface said, trying not to let his weariness seep into his tone. "You don't have to stand. Sit down."

If you could say anything about him, it was that he certainly lived up to his namesake. You could practically feel the energy emanating from him.

What he wanted to say was, Why do you want to join the Watch?. What he did say was, "You recognized me from the bunny? Really?"


spandexisyouth December 6 2009, 05:56:32 UTC
Glad of the invitation he took a seat. "Thank you!" He looked the other man over. Stoneface looked stern, older, probably knowledgable. There wasn't a lot of energy to Stoneface, but it wasn't required. "It is good to meet you!"

He nodded in confirmation. "Yes! It had stubble on its chin and a cigarette in its mouth! It was not much to go on, but people tend to each have one or two things that are distinct-looking about them! Kazahana is very creative." That hadn't been an expected question for an interview, but he had brought up the topic.

Youth sat up very straight, patient, waiting to prove that he could be a good watchperson.


stonyfaced December 7 2009, 03:19:32 UTC
Stoneface's brow shot up. Stubble on its chin and a cigarette in its mouth... well, well. It seemed that Youth was the literal sort, and that he owed Kazahana an apology. After thinking on this for a moment more, he amended his train of thought to say that he may owe Kazahana an apology but sometimes the best reward was a job well done.

"Creative... yes, I think we could call them that."

Underneath different circumstances, he would have smiled, perhaps, or made a light joke back at Youth, but for now, it was more important to stay solemn, so he did. "Well, let's get straight to it. Why do you want to join the Watch?"


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