
Dec 04, 2009 20:39

Characters: Stoneface (stonyfaced) and OPEN to any applicants. Please tag yourselves in accordingly!
Date/Time: FORWARDDATED to Sunday, December 6th. Interviews go from 10 AM to 7 PM. Please list what time it is when you tag in.
Location: The Arena (and the rest of Melee Island if your character requests the use of The Range, etc.)
Rating: PG-13 for ( Read more... )

~ff legend of the crystals: prettz (joe), final fantasy tactics: ramza (reed), discworld: vimes (stoneface), ~gundam 00: setsuna (gundam), ace attorney: edgeworth (justice), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), megaman x: layer (locket), naruto: gai (youth), ~pokemon: charmander (relic)

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10:30 or so, roughly. heretic_hamlet December 5 2009, 20:34:39 UTC
It wasn't that he didn't enjoy job as a binder; yet, his inaction in the face of the sphere's troubles weighted heavy upon his conscience, and a chance to step forward in its defense seemed as good a tonic as any.

On top of which, there was a certain comfort and familiarity to the sentiment. He could cast aside those nagging, troubled doubts for the moment.

So when he'd arrived in the arena, it was with wary eyes at the front and a sharp blade at his side. When he'd spied Stoneface- embarrassingly enough, recognizing him from his lapine illustration- he sought him out immediately. "You are Stoneface, are you not? I seek to join your ranks."


stonyfaced December 5 2009, 20:48:53 UTC
"Yeah, that's me." Stoneface looked at Reed, from sharp sword to his attentive expression and felt relieved that at least somebody came prepared. The way he spoke was a bit odd, and he recognized it straightaway--for some reason, he didn't expect Reed to speak the way he wrote, but it seemed he did.

"Reed, right? Have a seat. Before I decide whether or not you can join up, we're going to have a little chat."

"So. Why is it that you want to join the Watch?"


heretic_hamlet December 5 2009, 22:01:21 UTC
"A blade, ser- kin to the arm and heart that wield it- is ill put to use without just cause or discipline." Reed plucked the scabbard from his waist as he took a seat upon the bleachers, resting it at his side as he spoke- yet never releasing his grip. "And worthy cause and discipline have now revealed themselves."

There was little else he could say; it simply felt right. And a means to protect his kin could finally provide penance his prior absence and ignorance.

Stoneface might have noticed a bit of remorse crossing Reed's eyes, but only for a moment. He steeled himself soon enough. "Some duties must simply be undertaken," he concluded, "and here the means are reason enough. I would assume you to understand, having taken this upon yourself."

"Unless you've found some other end to this endeavour...?"


stonyfaced December 6 2009, 03:27:38 UTC
Stoneface stared at Reed for a moment, trying to decipher what he was saying. It was as if he was translating Dwarfish, but Reed was no dwarf. It wasn't altogether impossible to slot into plain old Morporkian, but it wasn't any good for arresting somebody.

Somehow, Halt, evil-doer! You are breaching Act 22 of the Edensphere charters, providing us with sufficient evidence to take chase, but I do assure you, we shall step only where we are allowed to! Comrades in arms, commence! didn't seem to work as well as, Stop, in the name of the law! C'mon, boys, let's get 'im!.

"So... you think the Watch is worthy, you're a swordsman, and you want to help. Is that what you're saying?"

He considered Reed's words, and with it, the accusation. "No, I'm doing this because it needs doing, nothing more. What do you see yourself doing in it? What have you got to give?"


"Lay down your arms or die clutching them!" -Ramza, first battle heretic_hamlet December 6 2009, 04:37:42 UTC
"Well said," he conceded. He was starting to grow accustomed to having others not quite grasp his words, but he wasn't without patience in the matter. Stoneface said it succinctly enough in his own motives; he made a mental note to ease up on the formalities of speech. He could hardly question the morals or goals of his captain-to-be, at least, and that gave him some relief.

"I would seek the safety of those under my vigil, and see to it that justice be served to those who would harm them. As for what I may offer... I'd assume the skills of a swordsman would be well put to use, would they not? I have found them tested before; I assure you, they will suffice."


That is acceptable. :| stonyfaced December 7 2009, 03:16:42 UTC
"And they'll be tested again," he said. "By me. But that will come later."

Stoneface clasped his hands together, index fingers forming a point and elbows resting on his knees. "See, this is what I'd like to know. What are you expecting the Watch to do, and what do you expect to get out of it?"

Justice was a word thrown around a lot in the past week, by others as well as him. "And what do you think this justice would be?"

They weren't easy questions, he knew, but they had to be asked.


heretic_hamlet December 7 2009, 05:05:25 UTC
"I would see to the safety of all within the tree," he replied in plain terms. "and that is reason enough to me; all the coin in the world serves for naught with a brigand's blade to your back." Chances are it would hardly pay as well as his bookbinding job, anyway, but a cleaner conscience would pay the difference; besides, his roommates could assist with upkeep. "And it's hardly a worthy watchman whose duty is to his purse."

"As for justice--" he paused, consternation running across his features. "Well, one answer would not suffice; there's nary a single punishment befitting both a bread-thief and a murderer. Would detainment suffice, or are we to provide sentence as well?"


stonyfaced December 7 2009, 22:53:04 UTC
"Fair enough," said Stoneface, nodding. Reed spoke in loftier terms than what he was used to and he wondered at whether or not his rather idealistic claims would hold up in the face of the aforesaid brigands blade... but that was something he had yet to decide.

"We won't be the ones designating the judicial system. Our job is to get the blokes fighting away from each other's throats, calm them down and hand them over to the people who do decide. What I want from my men is the ability to resist the urge to knock heads together when necessary, even when you think that they really deserve it. We won't go raining justice upon the masses--we just initiate that. Keep the peace, serve and protect and nothing more. I want you to be honest with me, Reed. Is that what you want out of this?"


heretic_hamlet December 8 2009, 02:24:25 UTC
"Yes, sir." spoke Reed, a certain relaxed grin coming to his face. He rather preferred the idea of such limits; at least, this time, he could be assured the incident at the fort need not be witnessed twice. "It is as much as I would ask of anyone. I'd sooner not think of a guard granted authority to kill on a whim."


stonyfaced December 8 2009, 05:21:06 UTC
Stoneface nodded lightly. "Fine, then," he said. "Unless I thikn of something else I want to ask you, the interview's over. We're going to get started on the practical side of this now."

Hefting himself to his feet, he took several strides into the middle of the arena. "I see that you're a swordsman. But, see, I've got what you'd call an allergy for blades handled by other people coming too close to my face, either you can show what you've got against this training dummy--" he thumped it once for good measure, "--equip yourself with a wooden sword, or both. What's your choice?"


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