Mistletoe, round 3. FIGHT.

Oct 09, 2009 10:01

Characters: OPEN
Date/Time: ALL DAY Friday, October 9
Location: Everywhere and anywhere
Rating: varied, likely
Summary: Mistletoe shenanigans.
Notes: Scath here. With mod approval, I'm throwing this up for the use of those whose mistletoe encounters might not merit a formal log. This also saves you from having to think up an excuse to post in ( Read more... )

~hp: harry (prongs), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~gundam wing: trowa (nobody), kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), power rangers: sky (spike), ~ace attorney: maya (medium), ~dogs: haine (zombie), ~gundam 00: sumeragi (cheers), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), naruto: gai (youth), ~tales of symphonia: zelos (chosen), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~ffx: rikku (cecdan), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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Comments 112

Park, round lunch time redrobinhood October 9 2009, 18:45:53 UTC
Ghost had a bright red and silver Frisbee and a stiff right shoulder he wanted to work out. So he invited a few friends to spend a nice relaxing day dodging and back flipping to avoid plastic thrown viciously at people's heads.

Or maybe that's just how the Rangers played.

He noticed that there were still bunches of mistletoe growing in clumps around the park. So he picked a spot that seemed plant safe and was now trying to snipe the suckers with the Frisbee from several feet away.

Of course he could have missed one. It was the Sphere after all.


Re: Park, round lunch time yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 18:55:53 UTC
Roswell had managed to free himself from work a little early that day and, as was becoming his usual, he made his way over to the Park. This time, however, he was determined to avoid the damn mistletoe that seemed to enjoy sneak attacking him whenever they could.

When he heard someone not far away, however, he contemplated just going home. After all, he couldn't talk without singing thanks to his Memory Crystal and he found himself strangely embarassed by the process. Just as he was about to turn, however, he heard something whistling. Shifting his head to find it-

-his head thrashed back at the sudden impact of something ricocheting off of his forehead. Sonuva!


Re: Park, round lunch time redrobinhood October 9 2009, 19:08:10 UTC
oops. Definitely not his original target. Ghost winced and ran over to Roswell.

"Sorry buddy. My bad." He bent down to retrieve the Frisbee with a sheepish grin. "You ok?"

He didn't look familiar. Must be a noob.


Re: Park, round lunch time yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 19:18:28 UTC
Roswell did his best to smile at the man after his apology, despite what felt like a concussion, and even managed a small laugh. Instead of 'I feel fine', however, what came out was, "I feel pretty~, oh so pretty~, so pretty~, and witty~, and gay~." And what?

Doing his best to be manly and not blush, Roswell took out the notepad Lucy had given him the day before and scrawled a quick message.

'Sorry. Memory crystal won't let me do anything but sing. And don't worry, I think I only suffered minor brain damage.'


OPEN! ALL DAY! Wooooo hunny_sensor October 9 2009, 18:55:24 UTC
Today was the first clear day of the week. Despite the chill requiring folks to slap on their jackets to beat the cold, it was a crisp, clear sunny day. Chosen, at work once more at the shop brought under his care, was soaking in the sunshine like anybody else... if by 'like anybody else' it meant everyone lounged on a bench in pretty clothes and posed all day.

The redhead totally dug the mistletoe, hunnies buzzing right in and sticking to him for a quick (or the occasional not-so-quick) kiss that would break the strange curse. It was a rather slow point for the casanova, unfortunately for him, so he remained laid out upon the bench, chin in a palm, watching the world go on by.

Hmm... the last one tasted like really good peach lip gloss. He hoped he could get stuck to her again.


hee hee hee lemonshine October 9 2009, 19:19:11 UTC
Lucy was getting better at avoiding the mistletoe... somewhat. Luck would have it however that she'd wind up near the dress shop. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jacket as she spotted a familiar head of red hair. Chosen had neatly arranged himself to best show off the clothes the shop produced and with cheery smile, the glitter cutie marched over to say hello.

She tapped him on the head before looking over at him. "Having fun?"


hunny_sensor October 10 2009, 22:42:48 UTC
"You know me, always having the time of my life," he casually replied, stretching out like a lazy cat on the bench. The look he gave was that of a rather sleepy one, blue eyes hooded as he gestured a 'so-so' with a hand. In one movement, he sat up and lounged, stretching his arms over the back of the bench.

"Everyone's enjoying the sunshine today, which is always awesome, but not if they don't want to come inside and make any orders! Come on, hunny, have a seat."


lemonshine October 11 2009, 00:12:12 UTC
She knew that he didn't sleep as much as she did but something had Lucy wondering if he was okay. She sat on the bench cross-legged next to Chosen with a cheery smile on her face as a breeze blew her hair into her face. Usually, Lucy just let it fly where it wanted to but for some reason she tried to keep her hair in place.

She looked at Chosen with a slightly helpless look on her face. "You would happen to have a hat in there for sale would you?"


Guys only, market place, afternoon, open for anything! fewterer October 9 2009, 20:43:25 UTC
Fuck this bullshit, and that was simply it. This kissing and touching event was on his last nerve. He already had a miserable week, and this was the icing on the goddamn cake. He had to kiss Eyepatch multiple times, and it was probably the worst experience of his life (like he could remember everything, but still). Kissing that smoke smelling asshole was never on his list of things to do.

He decided to go out, and he had to. He had to go back to work and get some meat for dinner. He didn't mind helping Fenrir out, but he always thought he was some creepy bastard. It didn't matter though, money was money and food was food. He needed food and money, and the guy was willing to provide that.

He knew going to work would cause him to face people he didn't want to see (basically everyone), but it was hopefully better than kissing that cyclops bastard for the hundredth time (okay, maybe the fifth time). He made sure to have his gun on him, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe he could scare people off or something.

Fucking tree


oh yeah, you suggested this esoteric_rose October 10 2009, 22:54:13 UTC
Juliet had nearly decided it would be worth the exhaustion to just run everywhere. The plant didn't seem to touch him when he was that quick, and he thought it had figured out that it wasn't worth it.

Still, it seemed to attack him when he had to stop. He found himself being pulled towards a white-haired man with a grumpy expression. Best to just hug and get it over with.


fewterer October 10 2009, 23:02:00 UTC
Zombie was on alert, and goddammit, he saw someone coming near him. It looked like some woman, but he didn't know her name (and he didn't care for that fact). He growled to himself, his face tensing. He was cursing to himself as this person approached him.

"What do you want? Go away." He snorted.


esoteric_rose October 10 2009, 23:07:01 UTC
"I can't-help it," he responded, trying to fight the pull. Damn plant. He would have destroyed it, but apparently someone had gotten stabbed with their own sword while trying.

For every step he took away, he seemed to slide back. It was almost funny, but not.


Outside Smoke's, afternoon, open for anything! temulance October 9 2009, 20:48:59 UTC
Cheers got up about an hour ago and decided to go to work. Yes, decided. She wasn't a morning person, or really a working person in general. It was easy working at Smoke's since she usually ending up closing with the fellow she eventually knew as Grift. Life was simple for her and mostly isolated, and for some reason, she liked it that way. It was an easy way to manage her life, and that was a good enough reason for her not to change a thing.

She thought getting some fresh air after having a drink. It was the usual morning drink, and it almost was like coffee for her. It soothed out worries from the previous days and nights. It helped her function and smile at those who came into the bar.

She leaned against the wall, watching as others passed by in the marketplace. She still couldn't believe what had taken place a week ago...was it even a week ago? Time was always a tricky, confusing thing to her.


do as you will with him~ mythgravenblade October 9 2009, 21:07:27 UTC
When was this going to end? The indignity of being toyed with by...by small plants, of all things, being forced to come up to total strangers and...and...it was all really too much. Hence, he had spent the day scanning the area, darting from safe zone to safe zone like a common thief.

And now that he had been complacent for all of five seconds, he felt the now-familiar tug that indicated that it was going to happen yet again. Swallowing, Paladin turned and looked and prepared to apologize to whoever it was that he had gotten too close to.


FTW temulance October 10 2009, 03:05:09 UTC
Cheers already knew there was something going around, but she hadn't had anything unlucky happen to her so far. Maybe it was luck, or maybe just simple avoidance of people.

She saw someone come towards her, and she didn't seem to know him. She blinked as suddenly he came closer, and closer...and yes, closer. "Oh," she blinked at the person in front of her. "It seems fate has truly tried to bring us together." She gave a little laugh, reading and hearing about this event from others.


::evil laughter:: mythgravenblade October 10 2009, 03:24:35 UTC
...Oh my. Well, this was...erm...

"I'm so sorry," Paladin said to the very beautiful woman he was approaching. "It's this strange enchantment, it's making people--do this, and I wouldn't otherwise dream of being so forward...which is not to say that you're not...um..." Oh dear.


Park, late afternon, open for all (what innocence?) silver_antlers October 9 2009, 21:24:54 UTC
Prongs sat out on a bench, unnaturally warm in the cool, late autumn air. It must have been all the layers he was wearing. The young magician had bundled up with caution in a thick sweater and a jean jacket as he had went flying earlier that afternoon. Though he thought he was only gone from the 'Sphere for five minutes, Prongs had realized just how long it was since he was in Edensphere the moment he sat down on his broom; it felt like an old friend that he hadn't seen in a long time. He spent the better part of the day zooming through the sky, relishing in the feeling of the cold air blowing through his already messy hair. He practiced all those moves he had read about, the Wronski feint for example, which he had yet to perfect. Prongs flew until he could take it no more, until his hands were too frozen to hold the broom, until his eyes were watering with the chilling wind, until his rear was sore from sitting on the broom for too long ( ... )


SUP PRONGS. esp_optimism October 10 2009, 03:33:47 UTC
Medium was wrapped back up in the scarf Truth had given her back just after she'd arrived. It was going on a year, she realized. How weird. She scuffed the ground. All sorts of things had happened. So many. She couldn't let Truth see how hurt she was he'd forgotten her. She couldn't make people worry about her. He wouldn't have forgotten her if he had the choice, right? He was her friend. She rubbed her arms to get some warmth into them ( ... )


Oh love of his life~ silver_antlers October 10 2009, 03:48:35 UTC
At the cheery voice, Prongs looked up to see Medium, the only person who could make him smile as of late. He grinned as she took a seat down next to him, but attempted not look to satisfied with her appearance. However, a flutter of happiness spiked through him when she was seated close to him.

"Hi Medium," Prongs greeted back, pausing his broom polishing for the moment. "Yeah, I agree it is cold. I'm wearing a sweater and a jean jacket and I'm still cold... why didn't you bring anything to wear outside today?" he asked, and for no reason he inched over on the bench a little closer. Not to surreptiously put his arm around her. Of course not.


esp_optimism October 10 2009, 13:01:20 UTC
If there was ever a time Medium could be truly aware of her surroundings, it was now. She didn't mind so much that Prongs wanted to sit closer. It was easier to talk that way. Was it the chill or the sense that his arm was around her that sent heat into her cheeks? It didn't matter so much to her. Whether it was by the force of the mistletoe they happened to be under or her willingness, Medium scooted a little closer to him.

She gave him something of a sheepish look. "I didn't think it'd be this cold." It was true. It had looked nice outside! But then she was already running errands so it was better than going back... and now that she'd spotted Prongs it wasn't the time to be going back for warmer clothes. She could make some tea when she got back. Simple.


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