Mistletoe, round 3. FIGHT.

Oct 09, 2009 10:01

Characters: OPEN
Date/Time: ALL DAY Friday, October 9
Location: Everywhere and anywhere
Rating: varied, likely
Summary: Mistletoe shenanigans.
Notes: Scath here. With mod approval, I'm throwing this up for the use of those whose mistletoe encounters might not merit a formal log. This also saves you from having to think up an excuse to post in ( Read more... )

~hp: harry (prongs), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~gundam wing: trowa (nobody), kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), power rangers: sky (spike), ~ace attorney: maya (medium), ~dogs: haine (zombie), ~gundam 00: sumeragi (cheers), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), naruto: gai (youth), ~tales of symphonia: zelos (chosen), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~ffx: rikku (cecdan), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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Park, round lunch time redrobinhood October 9 2009, 18:45:53 UTC
Ghost had a bright red and silver Frisbee and a stiff right shoulder he wanted to work out. So he invited a few friends to spend a nice relaxing day dodging and back flipping to avoid plastic thrown viciously at people's heads.

Or maybe that's just how the Rangers played.

He noticed that there were still bunches of mistletoe growing in clumps around the park. So he picked a spot that seemed plant safe and was now trying to snipe the suckers with the Frisbee from several feet away.

Of course he could have missed one. It was the Sphere after all.


Re: Park, round lunch time yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 18:55:53 UTC
Roswell had managed to free himself from work a little early that day and, as was becoming his usual, he made his way over to the Park. This time, however, he was determined to avoid the damn mistletoe that seemed to enjoy sneak attacking him whenever they could.

When he heard someone not far away, however, he contemplated just going home. After all, he couldn't talk without singing thanks to his Memory Crystal and he found himself strangely embarassed by the process. Just as he was about to turn, however, he heard something whistling. Shifting his head to find it-

-his head thrashed back at the sudden impact of something ricocheting off of his forehead. Sonuva!


Re: Park, round lunch time redrobinhood October 9 2009, 19:08:10 UTC
oops. Definitely not his original target. Ghost winced and ran over to Roswell.

"Sorry buddy. My bad." He bent down to retrieve the Frisbee with a sheepish grin. "You ok?"

He didn't look familiar. Must be a noob.


Re: Park, round lunch time yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 19:18:28 UTC
Roswell did his best to smile at the man after his apology, despite what felt like a concussion, and even managed a small laugh. Instead of 'I feel fine', however, what came out was, "I feel pretty~, oh so pretty~, so pretty~, and witty~, and gay~." And what?

Doing his best to be manly and not blush, Roswell took out the notepad Lucy had given him the day before and scrawled a quick message.

'Sorry. Memory crystal won't let me do anything but sing. And don't worry, I think I only suffered minor brain damage.'


Re: Park, round lunch time redrobinhood October 9 2009, 19:51:06 UTC
Of all the things Ghost expected the new guy to say, singing wasn't one of them. He busted up laughing.

"Really? Me too." He snickered. "But I prefer 'ruggedly handsome' thanks."

He read the notepad and nodded. "Ah. Well if it's just minor, ya don't need to go see Will or Lezard right?"

Ghost had the sudden urge to touch the other man to make sure he was alright. Maybe he needed a hug...


Re: Park, round lunch time yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 20:27:22 UTC
'Yeah, I'll be fine' came out instead as, "Fully alive~, more than most~, ready to smile~, and love life~." Again, it was close enough. Why he kept forgetting the notepad was beyond him. A compulsion, maybe? Something to do with the friggin' crystal.

'My name's Roswell, by the way. Have we met over the journals?'

The moment he handed the notepad over, however, he felt himself...freeze. Like the other man, he felt the odd urge to hug him and assure him his head was going to be just fine.

He looked up. And sighed.


redrobinhood October 9 2009, 21:41:20 UTC
Hey the singing was hilarious. Really.

"Roswell...oh so you're the stupid new kid." Ghost's lighthearted look darkened instantly. "A real smooth operator."

Damn. And now Ghost had to hug him. Just fabulous.

"Right. Let's get this over with." He held out his arms.

Maybe he should have hit the guy harder with the Frisbee.


yourealrightnow October 9 2009, 21:51:16 UTC
Roswell indulged the silly need to hug, but it was clear by his expression that they both didn't want it to happen. Quickly scrawling a note, he lightly slapped the thing against Ghost's chest.

'I haven't done anything less sly than anybody else. I had my baby steps, but I know how things work now. I don't need your judgement, whoever you are.'


redrobinhood October 10 2009, 19:29:41 UTC
Well this was an incredibly awkward hug. As soon as it ended Ghost scooted away.

"Right cause everyone dies within their first month in this place," he growled. "I can understand wanting to do something buddy, and I kinda admire it, but whatever you did sure as hell brought the Tree upon you faster than anything I've seen yet, and I've seen a lot of crap. Tells me either you were incredibly lucky or incredibly dense. Aka not sly."

Ghost moved away to pick up his Frisbee. "Name's Ghost." He said finally, addressing the other man's note. "You do what you like, Roswell. Just make sure it doesn't accidentally spill over to the rest of us. That's how this stuff works."


yourealrightnow October 11 2009, 01:29:14 UTC
Roswell couldn't help it - he laughed. Once he heard the reason behind the man's misplaced frustration, he couldn't be anything but amused. Not only did the guy formulate opinions that, when looked at in the big picture, didn't exactly match up, but it was Ghost! "Be careful~, you be careful~, this is where the world drops off~."

Scrawling one final note, he passed it on to the man with a suddenly light heart. Here he had thought he had done something to deserve the other's attitude.

'You really think that was me? Everything I did, I did with the highest caution a person here could possibly use. Did you not notice the five bodies within not even a two day period? My death wasn't about me. Whoever's behind this place is paranoid right now. I just happened to come in a bad month. And Ghost? Someone who almost got killed himself not long ago should probably hold back on the hypocritical lectures.'

And with that he was gone, making his way out of the Park with a determination not to touch the throbbing on his head.


OOC redrobinhood October 11 2009, 02:47:09 UTC
So I'm a little confused about his comment about five bodies. Was he talking about the bookstore? Cause I thought there was no evidence of bodies and no one knew until Truth, Crow and Spade were reborn.

I just want to confirm what he's talking about before I respond because ICly Ghost would question the five deaths thing and the 'almost got killed' comment--most people think he died.


OOC yourealrightnow October 11 2009, 05:04:32 UTC
He counted five from himself (1), Fred (2), the pile of sandy clothes with the pole in them (an assumptive 3rd he could be called out on), and I thought the other two had been reborn/general gossip about their deaths had started (4, 5). It's no problem editing that to three instead of five if my assumptions were wrong on Crow and Truth. If so, my bad.

And Pinky actually told him that he didn't die here.

Edit: Oh, if I was wrong about Truth and Crow, I can't edit now. So if you could, just have him putting 'three' on that. Sorry about the mix-up, if that's the case.


OOC redrobinhood October 11 2009, 05:11:53 UTC
Ah. I see. I probably missed the gossip then. Would he jump to the conclusion that the pile of sand was a different body from the other two?

Its cool I just needed to make sure it wasn't common knowledge that there were five deaths because if it was Ghost would walk away. Now I think he would follow after Roswell to ask about that. Is that cool? Probably could take care of it in like two tags or something.

lol yeah I followed the Pinky/Ros log. Remarkably few people ever asked him about his non death so this makes Roswell special. He comes off harsh but he really is just concerned.


OOC yourealrightnow October 11 2009, 22:50:57 UTC
I considered it more NPC gossip. I mean when people come back from a blown up bookstore, I figured it'd be talked about. xD If I assumed too much, though, I apologize. This is my first LJ RP and this could be one of the many bumps I expected I'd have to adjust to.

Yeah, Roswell just assumed that a pile of clothes filled with sand used to be a body and wasn't some sort of macabre decoration. xD And yeah, that's completely fine. We can take as long as we need.

He was concerned about Pinky's nightmares which ended up involving Ghost. She thought he had come back in some special fashion which, after Roswell re-dreamed about coming out of cocoons in a cave (he was birthed from alien incubation pods in his canon, in a cave), interested him. He wanted to know what was up with that. xD

And yeah, Roswell is also being overly pissy about Ghost's reaction because he's been called an idiot quite a few times in a small time frame for what happened. He's just at the last of his rope on the topic.


Before anyone else arrives - 4-WAY RANGERHUG blue_shields October 9 2009, 18:56:19 UTC
Sky was feeling quite energetic and playful today. Of course, that may have had something to do with mistletoe giving him a ready excuse to hug and kiss his girlfriend a whole lot. Or maybe it was knowing that Bridge was finally over him.

Whatever the case was, he was helping his friends try and take down the mistletoe. He imagined many people would be relieved when it was finally gone.


handy_psychic October 9 2009, 19:01:20 UTC
Bridge still had the sign reading "FREE HUGS" hanging 'round his neck. He'd given and gotten lots of them over the past few days and still had yet to get tired of them. And now, he had Frisbee and his friends.

Who could want anything more?

"Hmm... I wonder if I could see where the mistletoe is with my powers? But that kinda feels like cheating," he mused.


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