[OPEN] Answering a call.

Dec 15, 2008 15:32

Characters: Fugue (fugue_angel), OPEN to all
Date/Time: Today, after receiving a strange dream
Location: Park Island, The City Without Walls
Rating: TBD. May change depending on various interactions and/or possible introduction of meta info.
Summary: Fugue comes out of hiding after receiving a strange dream. What awaits him now?
Note: Each thread will be ( Read more... )

~aph: russia (vodka), original: fugue, ~ff7: shelke (data), ~bleach: aizen (white moon), ~maximum ride: angel (pure), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~tales of symphonia: kratos (seraph)

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Comments 53

babyoftheflock December 15 2008, 21:24:17 UTC
The little blonde girl had managed to sneak away from Hybrid the day after her scary dreams. Wings outspread, Pure flew over the park, letting the wind rush past her face and make her smile--it seemed so nice to fly, and throw all your worries to the rushing currents to make yourself happy once again.

...And then someone felt sad, making her slow her flight and hover, then dive lower to what looked like a playground. The sadness was coming from the playground, which confused her--why was a happy place so sad?

Remembering what Hybrid said about her wings, Pure landed a bit outside of sight and folded them neatly, then walked forwards onto the ground the playsets were on. Where she saw the man on the swing. Somehow he reminded her of someone she knew, but she pushed the thought aside after she realized he looked really sad and tired. So she walked up to him and stood in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Hi mister! You don't look too happy...Are you okay? Do you need a hug?" Seems that old habits died hard, concering Pure with


fugue_angel December 15 2008, 21:40:19 UTC
He looked up past the chipped part of his sunglasses; it revealed one of his strange gold-colored eyes to the little girl. Originally he was rather wary and guarded since his interactions with others were generally awkward and often resulted with some party or other assuming he's some kind of sick freak or creepy bastard.

But the cute little girl innocently greeted him with a smile on her face, and it didn't take long for him to drop his barrier of suspicion. Fugue looked around, noticing that the area around him was fairly lonely for the most part. Watch someone spot him and think he was some kind of pedophile now... Nevertheless, the girl deserved an answer to her question.

"I'm... Not doing too well. Just a little tired, and there's a lot of things to think about," he replied. That was the thing about answering children--in the end, you really didn't want to let them know how hard life could actually be. They didn't understand that sort of thing, and innocence... was much better off left that way, wasn't it?


babyoftheflock December 20 2008, 18:39:21 UTC
Her head tilted at the sight of the golden eyes, but she realized that he was special. Just like her. In a different way of course. As he looked around her head went to the other side and she sat down in front of him.

"Are those things bad enough to make you sad and tired?" Definitely tying the two together was Pure's way of figuring out if things were really wrong or not. The blonde shifted the wings on her back lightly as she looked up at him with those bright eyes of hers, trying to figure out how to cheer him up.


I apologize for the delay as I've been so swamped recently. DX fugue_angel December 27 2008, 23:05:51 UTC
Was she suspicious of him, this child? He hoped not, though he pondered her reaction upon seeing his gold eyes. But she didn't seem to take it negatively or anything. That was what was so nice about children--they were so innocent, ignorant, and generally so unafraid of different things. Though he wasn't entirely sure whether or not she'd understand.

"Hmm... Yes, they're quite... stressful is the word." Thinking about it more, the girl really did mean well. He wondered who she was and whether or not he'd met her anytime before. "Do you remember us meeting before? I can't really recall."

He was making an effort to be in better spirits, and maybe talking to the child could ease his mind even a little bit.


extsviet_shelke December 15 2008, 21:35:26 UTC
When Data had gotten up that morning, she felt different, and not in a good way. For a long while, she did not rise from her bed; she only stared up at the ceiling, her eyes not quite so hardened as usual. Just... staring. Thinking. Almost as though that'd will her memories back to her, which, of course, it didn't. But she lied there anyway, in something like shock. Then, she had slowly risen out of bed, her movements not quite as mechanical as usual. She did not take her usual precautions, not even trusting the safety of her own room, but, rather, didn't even think about it at all. She'd walked to her journal and reached for it, like she would do every day, reading previous entries and generally keeping up on Edenspheren life ( ... )


fugue_angel December 15 2008, 21:54:04 UTC
It wasn't unusual for Fugue to remain guarded nowadays. He didn't even necessarily know how or why people had such horrible impressions of him. Why did people always have to accuse the 'old man' of doing anything? What was it that he'd forgotten that others seemed to remember--he'd probably wronged them? When? How ( ... )


extsviet_shelke December 15 2008, 22:56:47 UTC
Data noted how he snapped out of his daydreaming. She was always quick to pick up on the little things and be wary of the bigger ones. That was just who she was, whoever she was ( ... )


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:49:18 UTC
Seemed the girl didn't mind staying as company. Not that he wasn't in the mood for company--actually, the truth was quite far from it. But what he did really want, he wasn't entirely sure of just yet. Perhaps he wanted answers, or maybe friends. Or maybe he just wished he knew why people hated him, why people accused him of certain things... like being a pedophile and pervert ( ... )


shining_bind December 15 2008, 21:43:44 UTC
It had been strange, experiencing a dream, despite his typical lack of it. He had taken having these strange experiences to mean something, though the man was far from arrogant enough to presume he knew what that something was. It was just another curiosity to ponder upon, wonder what force had bestowed upon him this dream- as well as his birth-dream. Probably the same force that had swapped their dreams about ( ... )


lemonshine December 15 2008, 22:22:24 UTC
Curiosity seemed to be getting the better of Lucy this day as she'd been following (although she was fairly certain Seraph knew) the father figure in her life. Chastising would probably ensue later on but she was with someone so it was okay right? It was hard to be quiet in the snow however as her feet crunched through the powder. It sent puffs of white up around her as she wanted to make a snowman ( ... )


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:11:22 UTC
Fugue looked up at the man, studying him through cracked sunglasses with his golden eyes. Somehow the man looked familiar, but he wasn't sure from where. Perhaps he'd seen the other in passing, or maybe they'd talked sometime before. Honestly, Fugue wasn't too sure, but at least he didn't have a horrible knotting pit in his stomach. Didn't mean that he was going to let his guard down; still, it might help if he talked things out as his mind was quite crowded with all sorts of things.

"Yes, quite a few things, actually. Such as that dream that--"

There was a rolling, sliding noise in the snow as a young lady came tumbling forth in front of them. Lucy, wasn't it? It'd been a while since he'd last seen her, come to think of it, though at times he worried greatly about what she thought of him. Especially considering the times that he'd forgotten about, the things that he was accused of... And the fact that he could no longer disguise himself as the old man because for whatever reason everyone suspected that he was some crazy pedophiliac ( ... )


shining_bind December 18 2008, 19:35:20 UTC
As Lucy tumbled out of the snow, Seraph simply closed his ruby-tinted eyes and sighed. One day he would teach the girl to not trip over her own two feet. But her following was better than her being alone with the diabolical doubles about. Without missing a beat, he grabbed the back of the girl's clothing and gently lifted her to her feet, continuing with his conversation with Fugue.

"A dream?" A brief flicker over his eyes might have been a blink. "What sort of dream was plaguing you?" It couldn't be sheer coincidence that this man was bothered by a dream on the same day that he had experienced one. So far his only time with dreams was at the will of the Sphere.

"...It couldn't have been a lighthouse, could it?" As he spoke carefully, he brushed some snow off Lucy's shoulders, before looking to the smaller girl.

"If you wish to sneak up upon someone, make every move carefully. Even the way your feet touch the ground will effect the noises you make." The barest flicker of a smile, and he looked back to Fugue.


Italice = Russian kolkolkolkolkol December 15 2008, 22:26:31 UTC
Vodka had left the temporary housing very early that morning and hadn't been back since. Although he had obtained employment as one of the residential cleaners very recently, he hadn't actually begun work or moved into his own apartment. This suited him just fine for the time being, because he was on a mission today. Generally he spent his time wandering around Edensphere and observing the daily going's on, and today would seem no different to the casual eye. Today, however, he was looking for something in particular, and he was more than willing to scour the entire tree in order to find it. He had recently decided that his double was so completely useless and unlikely to do anything anytime soon that he might as well dump him somewhere. Part of his brain understood that the double had died a few days ago, although his conscious didn't seem willing to admit it; either way, he felt that it would be better to find someplace to either bury or conceal the body, and so he had gone out today in an effort to find just such a place ( ... )


<3 fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:25:20 UTC
He was so deep in thought that he hadn't even realized the other had spoken to him in another language. But having just snapped out of it, he looked up and studied the other though cracked sunglasses. Gold eyes quickly blinked confusion away as he replied, "Pardon, what did you say?"

If only he'd known the other's intentions, he might've been mortified and run away. However, ignorance was bliss--Fugue would know no better today, which was as much as he knew just about any other day as well.


Sorry for being teh slow! D: kolkolkolkolkol December 16 2008, 22:47:23 UTC
The man's obvious confusion and disarray were almost endearing to Vodka, who proceeded to reach out and pat the other once on the head, his ever present vacant smile growing just a bit. "I asked if you're in trouble?" He repeated the question a little slower than he'd originally asked it.

In the back of his mind he was still thinking about what to do with the double, but for the time being most of his attention was focused on the man before him. Part of him thought about how great it would be to make another friend, and yet at the same time it almost pleased him to see someone else in distress.


It's okay, I'm kinda slow myself. ^^ fugue_angel December 17 2008, 04:51:20 UTC
Only now did he realize just how cold it was as he sat outside in the lonely swing set area wearing a dirty suit. Perhaps he'd have been better off with a coat or something of the sort. Well, it was somewhat late now; although he was shivering, he was more or less comfortable at the swing. Or maybe he just felt lazy and didn't want to get up after having been settled there for long enough.

Fugue felt guarded but simply watched (albeit quizzically) as the other patted him on the head. He quickly wiped the expression off his face when the other clarified. It was strange that the other was asking so slowly, like they were both speaking different languages or something...

"I... well--I suppose it could be called trouble." He sighed a little, breath coming out in a little smoky mist in front of his mouth. "Has to do with those duplicates. What do you think of them?


Cresent Moon using WM's journal~ iniquiticity December 16 2008, 00:24:06 UTC
Before White Moon had dashed off to the lighthouse, he'd filled his twin in on a number of interesting things. Though Crescent Moon suspected he hadn't been told half of what White Moon knew, things would come in time. He was patient ( ... )


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:41:10 UTC
Fugue looked up as the words were spoken and noticed the tall man standing before him. Gold eyes looked up through the cracked sunglasses lenses before blinking a couple times. Indeed, the man was quite wrapped in thought--about the dream, about the exile, and about him. Most of his worries were about him--Fugue was more anxious about this person than that man, otherwise known as the exile.

"I can't really help but wonder... about these doubles that have shown up recently."

It was probably very easy to read his anxiety and frustration. Actually, the man was even somewhat depressed for whatever reason, and it seemed that he'd chosen one of the empty swing sets in the park for the sake of solitude. Though, if he truly wanted solitude, there were far better places to go. Any cold reader would know that Fugue probably wanted to talk this out more than he was letting on...


iniquiticity December 16 2008, 06:20:17 UTC
Huh, Crescent Moon thought, easily suppressing an inner smile. They were an interesting little bunch, weren't they - impersonating their real selves. "It is strange, but it doesn't seem to be more or less strange than some of the other things that have happened." Despite the confidence in his tone, Crescent Moon made sure to keep the conversation away from things that he didn't know anything about.

"What do you think it means? The doubles. Some of them are so violent, but others don't seem to feel the same way...." He asked, his tone light in a you can tell me sort of way. It was obvious that this man had plenty to say on the matter at hand, and perhaps some of it would be marginally intelligent. From the look on the man's face - the worried wrinkles and crackled sunglasess - it seemed like his own evil twin was quite a handful.


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 22:06:47 UTC
"I don't really know, but the same could be said for every other oddity this place has to offer." And Fugue looked honestly perplexed as he didn't have the slightest idea how or why these strange things took place. But Fugue had also been cited as connected to Edensphere, though there weren't really any explicit details concerning this. None had any concrete evidence, and even Fugue himself suffered memory loss upon being reborn.

"No one seems to know exactly why these sorts of things happen, but it's apparent that they're here now." He sounded tired, though not necessarily tired of the event of doubles. No, he seemed troubled by what they were capable of doing or what their intentions may be. "But not everyone has one, right? So I don't see why this is happening."

Indeed, he must have his own evil twin who was making life miserable in some way.


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