[OPEN] Answering a call.

Dec 15, 2008 15:32

Characters: Fugue (fugue_angel), OPEN to all
Date/Time: Today, after receiving a strange dream
Location: Park Island, The City Without Walls
Rating: TBD. May change depending on various interactions and/or possible introduction of meta info.
Summary: Fugue comes out of hiding after receiving a strange dream. What awaits him now?
Note: Each thread will be ( Read more... )

~aph: russia (vodka), original: fugue, ~ff7: shelke (data), ~bleach: aizen (white moon), ~maximum ride: angel (pure), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~tales of symphonia: kratos (seraph)

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Cresent Moon using WM's journal~ iniquiticity December 16 2008, 00:24:06 UTC
Before White Moon had dashed off to the lighthouse, he'd filled his twin in on a number of interesting things. Though Crescent Moon suspected he hadn't been told half of what White Moon knew, things would come in time. He was patient ( ... )


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:41:10 UTC
Fugue looked up as the words were spoken and noticed the tall man standing before him. Gold eyes looked up through the cracked sunglasses lenses before blinking a couple times. Indeed, the man was quite wrapped in thought--about the dream, about the exile, and about him. Most of his worries were about him--Fugue was more anxious about this person than that man, otherwise known as the exile.

"I can't really help but wonder... about these doubles that have shown up recently."

It was probably very easy to read his anxiety and frustration. Actually, the man was even somewhat depressed for whatever reason, and it seemed that he'd chosen one of the empty swing sets in the park for the sake of solitude. Though, if he truly wanted solitude, there were far better places to go. Any cold reader would know that Fugue probably wanted to talk this out more than he was letting on...


iniquiticity December 16 2008, 06:20:17 UTC
Huh, Crescent Moon thought, easily suppressing an inner smile. They were an interesting little bunch, weren't they - impersonating their real selves. "It is strange, but it doesn't seem to be more or less strange than some of the other things that have happened." Despite the confidence in his tone, Crescent Moon made sure to keep the conversation away from things that he didn't know anything about.

"What do you think it means? The doubles. Some of them are so violent, but others don't seem to feel the same way...." He asked, his tone light in a you can tell me sort of way. It was obvious that this man had plenty to say on the matter at hand, and perhaps some of it would be marginally intelligent. From the look on the man's face - the worried wrinkles and crackled sunglasess - it seemed like his own evil twin was quite a handful.


fugue_angel December 16 2008, 22:06:47 UTC
"I don't really know, but the same could be said for every other oddity this place has to offer." And Fugue looked honestly perplexed as he didn't have the slightest idea how or why these strange things took place. But Fugue had also been cited as connected to Edensphere, though there weren't really any explicit details concerning this. None had any concrete evidence, and even Fugue himself suffered memory loss upon being reborn.

"No one seems to know exactly why these sorts of things happen, but it's apparent that they're here now." He sounded tired, though not necessarily tired of the event of doubles. No, he seemed troubled by what they were capable of doing or what their intentions may be. "But not everyone has one, right? So I don't see why this is happening."

Indeed, he must have his own evil twin who was making life miserable in some way.


iniquiticity December 17 2008, 02:05:22 UTC
"I wonder where they come from," he mused. "All of these strange things happening. Evil twins...." His gaze trailed off. A little strange, contemplating the randomness and briefness of his own existence. "I don't know why it's happening either - so many strange things happen here. They go and come as they please."


fugue_angel December 17 2008, 05:02:51 UTC
Fugue wouldn't have guessed that he was simply speaking to one of the duplicates, but he wasn't exactly familiar with everyone in Edensphere. For all he knew, he might've known this man before one of the many times that he'd died. So he was none the wiser as he continued discussion with the double.

"How frustrating," he muttered in response, seemingly aggravated--perhaps at whatever other version of himself existed. "Though where they come from doesn't concern me as much as whatever their intentions may be."

The man frowned, gaze dropping to the ground. "And I wonder what they could do, or how much... or even how long they will be here. These are all just--" An irritated sigh. "--pressing things, I suppose."


iniquiticity December 17 2008, 14:25:25 UTC
"It seems like a number of them do have somewhat unpleasant intentions, yes." What a crude number they were, kicking things over and beating up their doubles and making a mess of the world in general. "But not all, it seems. Perhaps yours is harmless as well?"

He paused for a moment, and wondered where his double was.

"Pressing things?" It was a gentle press for information - couldn't push too hard or you'd get shoved back, and it might hurt quite a bit. "Is there anything I can help with?"


fugue_angel December 17 2008, 16:00:11 UTC
He shook his head. The more he thought about his double being around, the less he liked it. "I... don't know. I haven't met him, but I think that he must be up to no good."

While perhaps not necessarily in league with the exile, his double seemed to like the same type of trouble. But that wasn't something that others would be completely aware of. Fugue rather hoped against hope that he just didn't have one, but fat chance that. Especially after last night's dream that he found others had as well. Could people possibly connect the two? It wasn't impossible, but if they did then Fugue was far less than happy...

"Do you have a double, and have you met him? Has he caused any trouble?"


iniquiticity December 17 2008, 16:19:48 UTC
"I do have a double, and I have met him," Crescent Moon answered, smiling at the thought. He wondered, again, where White Moon was - what he was doing with his blade, if it was worthy of the strength they both knew he possessed. "But as far as I can tell, he doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. He actually helped me with a number of things, such as unlocking strengths that I could feel in the tips of my fingers. It is very interesting to converse with oneself."

If he was White Moon, this would had been true. "I don't know if he's caused trouble for anyone else, but if he has, I haven't heard or seen anything about it on the journals. Maybe your twin will try to help you as well."


fugue_angel December 18 2008, 18:06:39 UTC
"Hm. I suppose that you're luckier than most if your double isn't one of the particularly rowdy ones," he replied. Fugue slowly rocked himself back and forth on the swing, balls of feet controlling it carefully. He was thinking about it and probably thought that it was really unfair how some doubles had better manners than others.

"Not that mine has said anything on the journals, but I have seen that others have caused problems in that regard. But I'm pretty sure he's caused problems in a different way." Thinking about it, Fugue's only evidence that he had a double was that dream. He hadn't met the guy or seen evidence of him on the journals. Still, the work of that dream... the exile wouldn't dare be that direct.


iniquiticity December 18 2008, 20:11:28 UTC
"I suppose I am." He shrugged. It didn't have anything to do with luck, really - just randomness, his (their) personality. How backwards and useless it would be to go around causing chaos. As if things needed so much attention to happen.

"A different way?" Not that was curious.


fugue_angel December 19 2008, 05:20:57 UTC
"Yes, a different way," he replied. Fugue's hands clenched around the swing's chains as he cited the source of his upset and irritation. "He's revealed himself through a dream."

He stopped rocking, suddenly planting his feet into the wet ground. Mud had formed at his feet from his movement melting the snow where his shoes were. So much for white shoes, so much for a white suit. But Fugue was really too upset to care... and more interested in trying to find some way to make his double pay for his anxiety. Which naturally was failing, thus adding more to his upset.

"At first I didn't think it was possible, but I found out that others had this dream as well." Eyes narrowed behind those cracked lenses, concern and upset just morphing into a mild irritation.


iniquiticity December 19 2008, 07:05:58 UTC
"A dream?"

White Moon had told him about his strange dream involving the lighthouse. And perhaps strange dreams weren't uncommon, but his double had most certainly had his interest piqued by it, and some normal uncommon dream wouldn't have done that. He would check back with White Moon once they both returned to his house - until then, it was just a matter of making sure he was told things without telling anything himself. It wasn't difficult, with the way this man acted, letting his frustrations leak words all over the place.

"Strange dreams don't seem to be uncommon here. Why do you think this dream presents such a danger? After all, something in your sleep can't actually hurt anyone. True, mischief is a constant annoyance, but it seems that your double could do much, much worse. Between destroying peoples' property and giving out strange dreams, I'd prefer my double to give out dreams any day."


fugue_angel December 27 2008, 23:29:37 UTC
This person... seemed to take their dreams so casually and without issue. Could others be so carefree about it as well? Fugue was so used to people making a big deal of dreams and spreading rumors because of them.

"Is that really so?" he asked. "Granted, no one wants property destroyed... But so many hold their dreams dear and important in a place like this -a place where people have no memories and no sense of self- that dreams tend to bear some sort of weight and importance, isn't it? The kinds of messages that dreams would send, the kinds of things that dreams are interpreted as... isn't it possible that people can read into them wrong? That people see a message that is detrimentally false in some way or another?"

Because in the end, what if someone was trying to use a dream to spatter and smear another's good name or reputation? What if the dream was being used to present all others with something that was simply a lie?


iniquiticity December 28 2008, 16:06:57 UTC
"I think that's possible, yes. But dreams can sometimes be so indistinguishable that it might be impossible to know what the dream is actually talking about. If you dream of a lighthouse - who knows what that means? Solitude? Finding the path? Loneliness? Light? There are so many different meanings to dreams that I think it's difficult to get a right or a wrong answer. With dreams, what we think might be right, and maybe we'll push forward thought but..."

He shrugged again. "We never really know, do we? If you're sending messages through dreams, you've got to expect them to be misinterpreted at leas sometimes."


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