[OPEN] Answering a call.

Dec 15, 2008 15:32

Characters: Fugue (fugue_angel), OPEN to all
Date/Time: Today, after receiving a strange dream
Location: Park Island, The City Without Walls
Rating: TBD. May change depending on various interactions and/or possible introduction of meta info.
Summary: Fugue comes out of hiding after receiving a strange dream. What awaits him now?
Note: Each thread will be ( Read more... )

~aph: russia (vodka), original: fugue, ~ff7: shelke (data), ~bleach: aizen (white moon), ~maximum ride: angel (pure), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~tales of symphonia: kratos (seraph)

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Italice = Russian kolkolkolkolkol December 15 2008, 22:26:31 UTC
Vodka had left the temporary housing very early that morning and hadn't been back since. Although he had obtained employment as one of the residential cleaners very recently, he hadn't actually begun work or moved into his own apartment. This suited him just fine for the time being, because he was on a mission today. Generally he spent his time wandering around Edensphere and observing the daily going's on, and today would seem no different to the casual eye. Today, however, he was looking for something in particular, and he was more than willing to scour the entire tree in order to find it. He had recently decided that his double was so completely useless and unlikely to do anything anytime soon that he might as well dump him somewhere. Part of his brain understood that the double had died a few days ago, although his conscious didn't seem willing to admit it; either way, he felt that it would be better to find someplace to either bury or conceal the body, and so he had gone out today in an effort to find just such a place.

He had recently made his way to the park, which in fact seemed like an oddly ideal place to stow the double. On the other hand it was very public, and getting the body there without being seen might be difficult. As he walked along and let the idea roll around in his mind he spotted a strange looking individual, and suddenly 90% of his attention was diverted from whatever he'd been thinking about before. He approached the man slowly, breath puffing about in front of him.

"Hello~ You're covered in dirt, are you in trouble?"


<3 fugue_angel December 16 2008, 04:25:20 UTC
He was so deep in thought that he hadn't even realized the other had spoken to him in another language. But having just snapped out of it, he looked up and studied the other though cracked sunglasses. Gold eyes quickly blinked confusion away as he replied, "Pardon, what did you say?"

If only he'd known the other's intentions, he might've been mortified and run away. However, ignorance was bliss--Fugue would know no better today, which was as much as he knew just about any other day as well.


Sorry for being teh slow! D: kolkolkolkolkol December 16 2008, 22:47:23 UTC
The man's obvious confusion and disarray were almost endearing to Vodka, who proceeded to reach out and pat the other once on the head, his ever present vacant smile growing just a bit. "I asked if you're in trouble?" He repeated the question a little slower than he'd originally asked it.

In the back of his mind he was still thinking about what to do with the double, but for the time being most of his attention was focused on the man before him. Part of him thought about how great it would be to make another friend, and yet at the same time it almost pleased him to see someone else in distress.


It's okay, I'm kinda slow myself. ^^ fugue_angel December 17 2008, 04:51:20 UTC
Only now did he realize just how cold it was as he sat outside in the lonely swing set area wearing a dirty suit. Perhaps he'd have been better off with a coat or something of the sort. Well, it was somewhat late now; although he was shivering, he was more or less comfortable at the swing. Or maybe he just felt lazy and didn't want to get up after having been settled there for long enough.

Fugue felt guarded but simply watched (albeit quizzically) as the other patted him on the head. He quickly wiped the expression off his face when the other clarified. It was strange that the other was asking so slowly, like they were both speaking different languages or something...

"I... well--I suppose it could be called trouble." He sighed a little, breath coming out in a little smoky mist in front of his mouth. "Has to do with those duplicates. What do you think of them?


kolkolkolkolkol December 18 2008, 16:50:09 UTC
Mention of the doubles quickly snapped Vodka's attention back to the fact that he was in the park to get rid of his own, but having already started a conversation with the unusual looking man he figured it would only be polite to properly respond. Besides, seeing someone so obviously down on their luck was kind of... nice? The feeling wasn't one he could really describe, but it was exceptionally familiar and made him want to pick the other man up and drag him around for a bit.

Before replying to the man he flattened some of the nearby snow with his boots and proceeded to squat on his haunches. "Some of them have caused quite a lot of trouble, but thankfully they're being disposed of. It's too bad that they wouldn't cooperate with us, that would be so much more efficient." As he spoke he had been drawing pictures of sunflowers on the surface of the snow. When he finally turned to look at the other man again, there was a strange darkness on his face. "My own double is really not much to worry about though, although he's caused me a little bit of trouble. And yours?"


fugue_angel December 18 2008, 17:51:03 UTC
Disposed of? Cooperate? More efficient? Something about these words seemed unsettling, but Fugue decided to ignore it for the time being. Besides, maybe it was just an awkward word choice. And okay--so it also was peculiar to watch the other begin drawing pictures in the snow during mid-conversation. The guy might be a little strange, though. That's all. Yeah.

So Fugue decided to wave it off in his head.

"Mine--" He cut himself off, thinking about it for a bit. As far as he was concerned, his double has already taken action against him. So he didn't like it one bit. "Mine is quite a handful, I suppose. I haven't yet met him, but I've seen what he can do and am somewhat anxious about it."


kolkolkolkolkol December 18 2008, 20:01:55 UTC
"Hmmm..." Vodka turned back to the sunflower doodles, wiping them away with one swipe of his hand. This time he simply began to draw spirals, each one hooked to the other as he dragged his finger through the white powdery substance. "... when others cause so much trouble and try to destroy your hard work, the only choice is to punish them." As soon as he finished speaking he jabbed his finger into the snow, then sat motionless for a few moments before turning to the other man.

"That's your job, right? Unless what you've worked for is meaningless?" He wasn't smiling any longer, a look of uncertain seriousness on his face. Parts of his dream crept back into his mind why couldn't they get along? why had this happened... but he tried to ignore them.


fugue_angel December 19 2008, 05:13:35 UTC
... Okay, that was kinda unsettling, too. Fugue wasn't exactly sure what to make of it. To punish them. That's your job, right? Maybe. Maybe it was. Granted, the man wasn't exactly sure what he's worked for (or what the other was talking about really), but his reputation was at stake, wasn't it? At the very least, he'd been trying to turn over a new leaf and escape whatever wild accusations people had made, unfounded or otherwise.

Though speaking of otherwise, he was pretty sure that there wasn't much concrete evidence in the first place. Well, okay--there was the instance of eyewitnesses, but... people couldn't exactly take responsibility for things they couldn't remember. And Fugue, like others... didn't remember.

But punish them...? As in, punish the exile, punish his double... It all sounded like a very good plan. He'd most certainly like to punish them, and if he could, he wouldn't mind punishing all those who'd smeared his good name made it impossible for him to continue disguising himself as the old man. He liked that outfit, darn it! It gave the impression of someone aged and wise.

"Perhaps. Hn, punish the doubles, then? The ones who have made so much trouble--yes, I suppose that would be my duty." Fugue liked the suggestion, though he wasn't exactly gung-ho or thoroughly ecstatic about it. More like he was still just trying it out, testing the thought in his head and getting used to the idea that he might have that kind of power.


kolkolkolkolkol December 20 2008, 03:40:22 UTC
Vodka's vacant smile once again crept across his features, the other man's willingness to take his advice into consideration a good sign. "Yes, because we don't want children who won't play nice." As he spoke he drew a cross on top of each of the swirls he'd made earlier, with the exception of the one with his finger jab in the middle.

He looked up once again from the snow drawings and over at the man sitting on the swings. "It's nice to meet you comrade. I'm Vodka. I'm sure you'll be able to take care of the issue with your double."


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