3 things: update on Josh O; smoke shop news; burglary follow-up

Aug 03, 2010 01:32

1. AO's son Josh is making some slow progress! First some of his friends put together an iPod of music he likes, and while he was still in a coma last week, the doctors could tell by watching his various monitors that he was responding to the music. On Sunday he opened his eyes, and on Monday he was able to twitch his toes when asked to move them ( Read more... )

badness and woe, humor, medical, weirdness happens, work: smoke shop, wtf, burglary is no fun at all, ithaca local, everyday life

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Comments 5

askerian August 3 2010, 08:15:18 UTC
i'm glad to hear Josh is doing better. And if the police can track that ipod it would be awesome. still not really likely they'd get somewhere but still more than now! >____>


edenfalling August 4 2010, 02:58:49 UTC
Josh was flown down to Philadelphia today for specialized surgery -- something about fixing his skull to his spine so he can't turn his head, because otherwise he has no way to support his head? (I'm getting this third-hand from people who aren't doctors; details get lost and mangled in the process.) Also, he had some surgery on his arms today. But he can blink to answer yes-or-no questions, which is a good sign!


annearchy August 3 2010, 19:47:41 UTC
Glad to hear that Josh is doing better.

And the drunk guys? At least they complimented you!!


edenfalling August 4 2010, 03:04:43 UTC
He was flown down to Philly for specialized surgery; AO has driven down to be with him. He seems to be doing as well as can be expected, under the circumstances. And our little fundraising can at the store has been gathering modest amounts of money (plus a lot of verbally expressed sympathy), which is at least something.

I am always nonplussed when I get comments like that on my appearance, because I think of myself as generically cute (often downplayed by a severe hairstyle), not sexy. I should remember that men look at my chest, not my face. *wry*


annearchy August 4 2010, 18:50:25 UTC
Generically cute with BOOBS. That's all a lot of guys see, really.


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