3 things: update on Josh O; smoke shop news; burglary follow-up

Aug 03, 2010 01:32

1. AO's son Josh is making some slow progress! First some of his friends put together an iPod of music he likes, and while he was still in a coma last week, the doctors could tell by watching his various monitors that he was responding to the music. On Sunday he opened his eyes, and on Monday he was able to twitch his toes when asked to move them.

He is still very, very injured, and I think he has more surgery scheduled for Tuesday, but this is good news.


2. Some random stuff that happened at work today:

a. We received not only this week's book shipment, but last week's as well. I only had time to put up one, and it was riddled with shortage errors. (I sometimes think STNC's warehouse is staffed by illiterate monkeys.)

b. We were expecting a delivery of Wind River tobacco -- specifically, 21 one-pound bags of bold flavor and 24 one-pound bags of mellow flavor. What we discovered, via worried phone calls from Wind River Co., was that while our bill reflected our order, what was actually on the truck heading our way was 21 and 24 cases -- each case holding 12 one-pound bags. *headdesk* PM hashed out an agreement whereby we took 5 cases of each flavor, left the others on the truck for immediate return, and will be billed the difference. (I think Wind River's warehouse may be staffed by illiterate monkeys as well. This is actually a running theme in my experience with wholesalers.)

c. About fifteen minutes before I closed the store, I was washing the front doors with Windex when two obviously drunk guys walked past the store, stopped, turned around, and walked up to me.

"We just wanted to tell you that you're really hot," one of them said.

As I wondered what to say to that, the other added, "You know everybody's dirty little secrets."

Then they left.

Drunk people: weirder every day!

d. Tangentially related to the issue of my hotness, MS has informed me that there is a mostly tongue-in-cheek rumor among my coworkers that I am a closet dominatrix. I about died laughing. :-D

(This is even funnier if you know how passive-aggressive I am at work.)


3. I was awakened around 9:30am on Sunday by the police calling with a follow-up on my burglary. They said that the thief's baseball cap has been sent off for DNA testing, but since this was not an urgent violent crime, it's not high on the priority list and they won't have results for a few months. Still, this may eventually turn up a suspect. Also, they have not found any of my jewelry.

I told them that my upstairs neighbors R&A had had their car broken into, most likely on the same night by the same guy, and the police said that if their iPod was indeed stolen, they should file a report that includes its serial number, so the cops have a better chance of identifying it should it turn up somewhere.

I must remember to email them about that.

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badness and woe, humor, medical, weirdness happens, work: smoke shop, wtf, burglary is no fun at all, ithaca local, everyday life

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