[Thread] - Lovely day for a walk, eh? (OPEN!)

May 28, 2008 17:39

Characters: OU: Mizuno Ami [PGSM], OPEN
Where: the park, a swingset
When: after Mercury is shot down
Summary: Mercury is ordered to take a hike walk, and does so. She winds up in the park on a swingset.
Azula visits
Pharaun visits
Usagi (OU, PGSM) visits
Kunzite visits
Warnings: emo? dramaz? but moderation in all things.

No problems here! Problems? What nonsense. )

[avatar] azula, [forgotten realms] pharaun mizzrym, [pgsm] tsukino usagi, [pgsm] mizuno ami/mercury, [pgsm] kunzite

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waterfell May 28 2008, 13:29:07 UTC
People who don't know someone is watching them act freely. People who always know someone is watching them, at least in this case, offer the watcher a brief smirk. Mercury slowed her swinging and eventually stopped, and she was just sitting on a swing dangling her feet now ( ... )


waterfell May 28 2008, 22:56:28 UTC
"In the Dark Kingdom, humans are usually just considered in terms of the energy they could give," Mercury admitted. "I don't agree. There aren't drow or elves there, just humans and animals...and us." Somewhere in-between, the great powers of that world, born to other planets but born on earth this time.

"If there weren't humans, there wouldn't be a point to ruling that planet."


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 00:22:20 UTC
Pharaun shrugged. "I'm afraid drow tend to consider any other race inferior, honestly. Though I suppose it doesn't start causing serious problems until we forget that, whether or not they're inferior, they're just as capable of causing destruction as any drow. Menzoberranzan was nearly destroyed that way; Ched Nasad was destroyed." In both cases, of course, it had been helped along by the fact that Lolth had not been granting her priestesses spells.


waterfell May 29 2008, 00:32:42 UTC
It took races to do it, in that world, just to destroy a city. Why had power to destroy a planet ever been left in one person's hands at all? She supposed it was useless asking that.

Mercury was still seated on the swing, and renewed her exercise, kicking her legs out so that it moved and carried her a bit higher. She could feel the wind on her face again, lightly.

"You should try this!" she called over to Pharaun. There were other swings available, if he chose to.


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 00:41:54 UTC
Pharaun grinned sardonically. "No thank you. I'd just as soon not make a complete fool of myself again - I'm sure I'd find a way to if I tried, and it's been nice to be able to have a conversation with you without humiliating myself." Not only that, Pharaun realized, but this was possibly the first time that their conversation hadn't descended to either that or thinly-veiled threats. At least, the first time while Mercury had been in her right mind.


waterfell May 29 2008, 00:55:43 UTC
"Not very coordinated?" she teased. Mercury continued swinging anyway; it wasn't as if, even at its highest, it would prevent her from holding a simple conversation, and it did feel good. The soothing motion, the air, even the faint familiar creaking of the swing set.

Something had changed, here. What was it? She was having trouble identifying it, categorizing it.

"Chicken?" The oldest, and probably least mature, playground taunt. Well, they were at a playground. So why not?


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 02:00:47 UTC
"And here I thought you knew something about drow by now. Coordination is hardly the problem." He wasn't about to say that the problem was that he'd never been on a swing before.

As for being "chicken", he just looked at her oddly. "What?"


waterfell May 29 2008, 02:05:12 UTC
"Then there's no problem at all getting started!" He'd led himself into that one.

She paused as she realized the childish slang for 'coward' had gone over his head. That was something she was getting used to in Econtra, with so many worlds and realities.

"Chicken. Too scared to do it."


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 02:12:09 UTC
"That's an odd way of putting it." He might've understood it if he hadn't grown up underground, where chickens don't do so well. "Has it occurred to you how much opportunity I've had to do things like this?"


waterfell May 29 2008, 02:16:01 UTC
"All the better to start now!" she rejoined. For whatever reason, and she possibly wouldn't have been able to name a reason herself, she seemed to want him to join her.

Mercury reflected for a moment. Chickens were known for being silly, wasting energy uselessly, and...cowardice. Why cowardice? She'd never been sure.

Back, forth, back, forth, the swing continued its pendulum-like arc, squeaking at the same point in its journey each trip.


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 02:20:29 UTC
Pharaun sighed. She was obviously not going to leave him alone until he joined her. "If I humiliate myself doing this, I hope you realize I'll be blaming you."

He slid into one of the other seats. It couldn't be too difficult, could it? Back and forth... Child's play, really.


waterfell May 29 2008, 02:36:08 UTC
Quite literally child's play. Mercury, at least, seemed somewhat experienced at it, possibly thanks to a childhood of just such contraptions - in addition to other playground equipment and even amusement parks. It was a seemingly incongruous thought, but if it was so foreign to her now, why had she chosen that amusement park as the place she'd wanted to visit in that last day in the human world and why had she chosen it as a place to corner and attack the senshi?

She continued swinging, and glanced over towards Pharaun as he finally began.

"You shouldn't look so scared!"


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 02:40:59 UTC
"Well, pardon me if I'm not used to swinging through the air held up by two lengths of chain!" Pharaun retorted as he passed her. "There's no need to be quite so smug about it. I'm a male; I spent most of my childhood cleaning." Still, he had to admit that it was pleasant.


waterfell May 29 2008, 09:04:16 UTC
She considered that idea. I'm a male; I spent most of my childhood cleaning. It was nothing like that in her world, where any present gender bias towards housework and drudgery was typically associated with the female. Actually, it was something even her rebellious nature had never minded much. She enjoyed cooking, cleaning, tidying.

"But you studied magic," she pointed out. "Nothing like a school for that in my world."


berranyrmizzrym May 29 2008, 09:53:50 UTC
"It's nothing particularly unusual; any male in Menzoberranzan studied to be either a wizard or a warrior. In any case, Sorcere was a way of escaping from House Mizzrym as much as anything else." Pharaun fell silent, remembering why he'd needed to escape his home the second time.


waterfell May 29 2008, 10:01:47 UTC
"Too much cleaning?"

She was going very high and very fast by now, letting everything pour off her with the breeze her motion created. She actually was almost in high spirits now, and strangely enjoying the time talking with Pharaun.

He was swinging, too, she noticed. He was more awkward, but the principle was hardly complex and he was doing perfectly fine for now.


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