[Thread] - Lovely day for a walk, eh? (OPEN!)

May 28, 2008 17:39

Characters: OU: Mizuno Ami [PGSM], OPEN
Where: the park, a swingset
When: after Mercury is shot down
Summary: Mercury is ordered to take a hike walk, and does so. She winds up in the park on a swingset.
Azula visits
Pharaun visits
Usagi (OU, PGSM) visits
Kunzite visits
Warnings: emo? dramaz? but moderation in all things.

No problems here! Problems? What nonsense. )

[avatar] azula, [forgotten realms] pharaun mizzrym, [pgsm] tsukino usagi, [pgsm] mizuno ami/mercury, [pgsm] kunzite

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Comments 106

lady_azula May 28 2008, 10:43:37 UTC
Azula was not a fool, and things did not go unnoticed to her. She had heard the Avatar had returned, and for all that she knew, the water tribe girl could be back as well. That was fine. It really wasn't them that were on the forefront of Azula's mind right now anyway. Their meddling was something she was more than used to. No, what she was thinking about was the person she had heard mentioned that had arrived. She had done her best to be very quiet about the thing, to act as if there were nothing particularly wrong with this, but in reality, Azula was more than just a little concerned. It was Kunzite, the man that had trained Mercury, and that man, the one called "master," as well ( ... )


waterfell May 28 2008, 11:00:30 UTC
Her wrist ached. It wasn't bad, but there was a small bruise at her middle after all, where she'd expected it - fortunately hidden by clothing and not bad enough to affect her movement. She was exhausted, and that was possibly the one physical problem that did show, a little, right now. Azula couldn't mean that, then. The cursed seal?

Mercury would have doubled all of those if it would take away the feeling in her stomach. It seemed that didn't want to go away no matter how many times she told herself it should.

Aside from the fatigue, none of it showed. She had her pride. She was just a girl, albeit tired, who was having fun and swinging on a swing in a park. Such a normal teenage girl. A happy, carefree, normal teenage girl who had a life in front of her and plenty of things to be happy about.

Right. Did she ever stop fooling herself? Keep walking in the illusion Kunzite made for you. I'm going to have fun! Ta-ta! Except, he hadn't made an illusion. She had just indulged in foolishness ( ... )


lady_azula May 28 2008, 11:20:03 UTC
Azula watched her in earnest. There was something a bit carefree in the girl's actions, she knew that much. What she also saw, being no fool, was that Mercury had already met with Kunzite. She was not so much of a fool that she didn't believe that Mercury had not already gone to see him already. Azula heard enough from Mercury to know how dedicated the dark senshi was to the person that trained her ( ... )


waterfell May 28 2008, 12:08:41 UTC
Stronger again? She meant the cursed seal again.

"It's just a different source of power," Mercury said. She quirked an eyebrow at the rest. Humbled? Friends? Reports? Trouble?

"What do you mean?"


berranyrmizzrym May 28 2008, 13:20:19 UTC
Pharaun had been taking a walk invisibly. It was always interesting to see how people acted when they weren't aware of your presence. Then, of course, he saw someone familiar on a swingset in the park.

He leaned against a tree casually and dispelled the glamer. "Hello, Mercury. We haven't talked in a while."


waterfell May 28 2008, 13:29:07 UTC
People who don't know someone is watching them act freely. People who always know someone is watching them, at least in this case, offer the watcher a brief smirk. Mercury slowed her swinging and eventually stopped, and she was just sitting on a swing dangling her feet now ( ... )


berranyrmizzrym May 28 2008, 13:34:38 UTC
Pharaun wasn't about to say anything about how much he'd been thinking of his sisters lately. He shrugged. "Things have been fairly dull lately. I presume you know your friend... his name was Nephrite, wasn't it? Nephrite has apparently been turned into a rabbit. He seemed quite upset about it."


waterfell May 28 2008, 13:55:07 UTC
No, it did relate. Oh, not love, but, Kunzite did not want her to care for him. Mercury was still digesting that thought, finding it heavy and leaden and unpalatable. Because of the strange connection they'd almost started to form, she'd hoped she and Kunzite would have built something, well, something similar to a friendship.

What nonsense.

She focused on Pharaun now. "A rabbit?" she echoed skeptically. Did she remember him saying something about that? She remembered him telling her the ginzuishou was here, and she remembered knowing it meant the princess was nearby. "Nephrite should become something a little more useful," she suggested.


rabbitofjustice May 28 2008, 13:35:47 UTC
Usagi walked through the park, looking around. This place seemed so grey, almost depressing. Econtra, that's what they told her it was called. She didn't quite understand it yet. Apperantly she was pulled away from her own world, to fight in some kind of war. Someone also told her there were other people from her world, but she hadn't really noticed anyone yet. Well, there was an Ami-chan, but she was... different, to say the least. Why did she want to fight? What had Usagi done wrong?

As the girl passed by a playground, she noticed someone sitting on the swing. That blue hair, that outfit... she looked like Sailor Mercury, but different. "Ami-chan...?" She walked a bit closer to the figure.


waterfell May 28 2008, 13:46:56 UTC
She'd been swinging again, but she knew that voice.

That voice. That voice. That voice! It was probably the only voice in the world that she could somehow hear even louder than Kunzite's at times. Ami-chan. Why did that name in that voice resound throughout her body, make her feel so strange? Why was that voice here?

No. Those were useless distractions. Nonsense. What nonsense.

Mercury performed a rather acrobatic aerial somersault off the swing, landing just before Usagi with her sword outstretched, holding the other girl at swordpoint.

"It's been awhile, U-sa-gi-chan~!" she taunted.


rabbitofjustice May 28 2008, 14:02:19 UTC
Usagi was rather shocked as she noticed the sword pointing at her. "Ami-chan... What happened to you?" It was a question that had been running through her mind since she had talked with that version of Ami-chan on the PDA. She had spoken about the Dark Kingdom. But Ami-chan wouldn't side with the Dark Kingdom, would she? All of this was confusing.


waterfell May 28 2008, 14:22:44 UTC
I found out he's engaged. As if Mercury was going to pity that. She knew how it ended, after all. It all ends at the hands of the princess, Mizuno-san. Just like before!

And it ended with Tsukino Usagi in the arms of that warm-hearted fool of a Chiba Mamoru, while Mercury had only the bloodied bed she'd shared with Kunzite and his arms that were the cause of her pained wrist and bruised middle. That, and memories of him ordering her away from him.

How she hated this girl. This girl who had everything and never even saw it. This girl who had everything. This girl who had everything. Everything. Everything.

What nonsense. Thinking this way wouldn't do Mercury much good. She only needed to know this was Tsukino-san, Sailormoon, Princess Serenity. She only needed to kill this girl. She couldn't here, not yet, but she could be patient.

"I was reborn by the power of Metalia. I will defeat you and the other sailor senshi; that is my goal."


ronin_king May 29 2008, 03:48:23 UTC
What nonsense.

He had left Mercury's apartment after Jadeite had left, no longer able to endure the silence and far too impatient to wait for her return. It'd taken him quite a while to dress, his irritation building with the strain and lack of maneuverability he suffered because of his injuries. Once finished, he retrieved his sword, tucked his communicator into his pocket, and traversed the hallways in search of her.

Out of all the shitennou - with the exception of himself, of course - he hadn't been expecting to find a version of Jadeite so obviously attached to the master. It was sickeningly pathetic, the way he spoke of him as if he were an honorable figure worthy of the loyalty he likely took into stride as nothing more than an advantage. Something he could toss away at a moment's notice. Beryl had been Jadeite's primary concern in his world - to the point that he had been willing to kill the master in her name.

Kunzite knew how that ended up.

What nonsense.He found the stairs, teeth grit as he descended and tried to ( ... )


waterfell May 29 2008, 04:11:03 UTC
Mercury returned just as Kunzite had been leaving. Neither of them probably should have been surprised by that timing, but she did think to wonder what he'd been going out for. That part of her that did care - no, the part of her that was studying to be a doctor, that was all - told her he should be upstairs, resting, healing. Besides, there were few errands he could have in Econtra so soon, weren't there ( ... )


ronin_king May 29 2008, 04:23:03 UTC
Wherever she had gone, she had returned seemingly composed and no less put together than when she had left his presence, but he knew her better than that. Again, a double edged sword; it was a necessity if he were to utilize her as both comrade in arms and sword at his side, however... at times like these...

It blew up in his face. Sometime since they'd seen each other last - before he had been brought here, when this version of her had been here for months and he himself was continuing on in his world - she had developed some sort of... compassion, for him. She had admitted such allowed. And the possibility that she had hoped that perhaps he would in turn was... Nonsense, he had said.

Why did she make things complicated, unnecessarily complicated? Don't look at me as a man. When did I ever give you the impression I was capable of caring for you? Foolish girl.Hmph ( ... )


waterfell May 29 2008, 04:34:48 UTC
"I took a walk." Cheerful, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and she did not even add like you told me to. She did add, "To the park." Question asked, question answered.

And why not? Ordered to go out, why not gravitate towards that spot of nature? Anyone they knew would have. Although she had not gone to the pond this time, as she normally would have, it alone made the park worthwhile for someone like her.

She had not been looking for return of the things she had so foolishly said, no. What had hurt her was that scorn. The same answer, given to her in simple terms instead of sandwiched between insults and that spurning her, she would have not have had this difficulty with.

This difficulty? It was not difficult. Casting off emotions, that was no difficulty. In fact, there were many ways to do it. She almost felt she finally understood Pharaun's claims. I did it because I thought you didn't want me to love you! She hadn't; it had been a foolish act on his part, all of it. Just as she had committed a ( ... )


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