[Thread] Pull It Together

Apr 02, 2008 23:35

Characters: OU!Jing, OU!Cassis, OU!Kir, AU!Kir (Aligoté)
Where: Fountain » Park
When: After this post and obviously, arriving in the new compound
Summary: Some of the KOBJ group reunites with each other; sappiness ensues
Warnings: Fluff?

He wanted to take the time to marvel at his surroundings, squalid as they seemed for the moment, simply for the shocking change it was. He had been in the same, small contained place for over a year. This... this could be any of the forgotten cities of Aquavitae. He knew, logically, that it wasn't -- yet it still seemed startling.

The cracked tile floor under his boots was tricky to navigate as he slowly made his way down the broken stairs to the main level of the bank. He still had to smirk at the irony.

His back and shoulder felt tight and raw. In the heat of the moment, fighting the Entropi, he'd been burned by one of the energy bolts. Now, some hours later, he was feeling it much more acutely. But he could deal with it until he had everyone back together.

Jing exited the bank and turned his face skyward, searching for Kir.

[king of bandits jing] jing, [king of bandits jing] kir

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