character meme - Nash

Apr 05, 2012 11:54

People on DA sometimes share the best possible memes. They may seem simple, but then again they force you to create something that otherwise, you wouldn't have thought about. Obviously, I use such memes as my own indulgence and training. Using my own characters as victims.
One of those is under the cut )

meme, art, cor

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Comments 14

gorowek April 5 2012, 10:12:46 UTC
orange boy *o*
i love it!

>> because I know that my characters aren't interesting.
It's not true.
I think, the really interesting stories come to us from the simple things.


dzioo April 6 2012, 16:29:38 UTC
yes, he's a redhead^^; I'm glad you like it^^

yes, when you add something extraordinary to that simple setting and idea. but I just can't think of anything that would make them and their story interesting ;_;


cornerofmadness April 5 2012, 16:16:08 UTC
I don't think they're uninteresting at all. We can see he's athletic, musically inclined and he's wearing a cool sinus rhythm shirt that I love.
This is great


dzioo April 6 2012, 16:34:02 UTC
he is active, he plays a bass guitar and I love putting weird designed shirts on them. but that doesn't mean that he's interesting personality-wise. I mean, I do like making up stories with him and other of my OCs but I know that if anyone else would get to know them better, they wouldn't find any of them that great really...


cornerofmadness April 6 2012, 17:25:27 UTC
See, I'm not so sure of that. I do think, however, that's a common fear of any author. We can't know it until we try it


evil_little_dog April 5 2012, 19:28:04 UTC
I love these!

And I love his progression. It's very cool seeing someone else's characters grow up.


dzioo April 6 2012, 16:35:33 UTC
thank you! it was indeed very fun to make, yes. helps me establish his history a bit better.


evil_little_dog April 6 2012, 20:06:36 UTC
I can understand that.


evil_little_dog April 6 2012, 20:42:07 UTC
Oh, because you're reading gaia_lulia's Moonrise, you might want to see her take on a prompt I gave her for Ed/Winry in that 'verse.


ishte April 5 2012, 19:52:20 UTC
I love these. Your characters are not boring. I think some people actually overdo it with their characters trying to make them interesting to the point that they don't seem possible, much less real. I didn't realize that Nash was a Ginger like me. Gingers rock.


dzioo April 6 2012, 17:09:14 UTC
oh, I've seem such characters. they're very difficult to enjoy, that's true>< but my characters would probably be located on the other end, being too plain^^;

gingers are really cool, that's true. I dye my hair red as well, even if I don't have frekles^^; and yes, I'm aware that I draw them in color rarely><


ishte April 7 2012, 02:16:23 UTC
I don't think your characters are plain at all. They have plenty of interesting aspects to them. Lots of neat history.


qashqai1 April 6 2012, 11:12:38 UTC
ta, zaraz dostaniesz tipy i potem zamiast CoR bedzie mary sue band XD sa wystarczajaco interesujacy, sis. a teraz dawaj taki sam post dla kazdej postaci :DD
a powiem ci szczerze ze mialam takiego okraglego kolege w podstawowce i ogolnie byl dosc lubiany (i nie bil od niego taki MROK jak od 5 letniego Nasha... srlsy o.o), ale widzisz przez to nie wzial sie do roboty i nie wyrosl na takiego HAWT xD 17 letnia wersja rzadzi!
w ogole to "dangerous"... Nash byl jednym z tych co chodzili na solowy po szkole? NIE SPODZIEWALABYM SIE
chce taka koszulke jak ma wersja 25 D:


dzioo April 6 2012, 17:25:00 UTC
nie jestem tak zdesperowana ze dodawalabym wszystko co mi ktos podpowie^^; maja juz uksztaltowane osobowosci, zastanawiam sie tylko, czy nie sa zbyt... zwykli>< dlugo to trwa, nie wiem czy bede robic. boza tym, zanudzilabym wszystkich, gdybym 4 razy z rzedu wrzucila cos takiego><

mhroczny Nash byl straszny i smutny ;_; okragle dzieciaki i w ogole okragli ludzie potrafia byc przekochani i fantastyczni. dlatego nigdy nie rozumialam, dlaczego az tak sie ich odsuwa od wszystkiego. o co chodzi ze wszystkim podoba sie Nash z irokezem?^^;

hahaha nieeee, nie o to chodzi XDD on nie cierpial sie bic, bo zawsze po tym mial siniaki i 'wygladal nieatrakcyjnie'. wspomnialam juz ze jest narcyzem?^^; chodzi bardziej o to, ze jest taktykiem. i jest cholernie inteligentny. ale jest tez leniwy i raczej nie lubi sie wysilac, wiec nikt go nigdy nie bierze na powaznie, a tu sie nagle okazuje BAM! wszyscy tancza tak jak on im gra^^; gra w kosza, mimo ze jest krepy i niski, ale jest tez szybki, wiec potrafi przemknac praktycznie niezauwazony.


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