femme!jack at nycc

Oct 20, 2011 23:55

Hi all, this is my first real post in the community but I've been creeping for months now. I went to New York Comic Con last weekend and was one of the femme!jack's that turned up for the big meet up! I had been trying to piece together my outfit for a few months and was trying to do it on a budget.

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retail, pics, torchwood, alternative find, gwen cooper, doctor: eleven, convention: new york comic con, femme, jack harkness

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Comments 59

abqmichelle October 21 2011, 04:00:22 UTC
You look fantastic and omg James Marsters and he looks so very friendly at you and with your little brother is ADORABLE and thanks for the Amazon Indiana Jones tip and James Marsters again and oh, such cuteness all around!!


abqmichelle October 21 2011, 04:02:59 UTC
Ah I looked up the gun/belt. $8?! Thank you extra! :)


xvalderie October 21 2011, 04:09:52 UTC
Aw thank you! And :3 James was just AMAZING, he seemed really eager to talk about Torchwood which was nice and unexpected!

Glad to help with the Amazon gun tip! It's not too shabby! My main problem was that i had to tape part of the belt strap to itself because it was so flimsy it kept flopping over, but it's nothing you can tell from my photos ;)


klp2010 October 24 2011, 21:16:13 UTC
In Re: Indiana Jones and Capt. Jack's Gun.... They are NOT the same.

You can get away with it but it really is going to depend on personal preference. In complete honesty, when I see Jacks use the Indy toys (which are super noticeable) I kinda shake my head internally while trying to give the benefit of the doubt because that is usually the cheapest route... it's just.. not right to me. haha It just depends on how accurate you want to go because most Jack costumers/fans know it's not the Indy one and know what the Indy toy looks like.

Indy uses a MK VI .455 while Jack uses a Mk IV .38....


maureen_cohen October 21 2011, 04:00:26 UTC
:::Blush::: My Gwen really isn't that good. I always feel weird about pictures.

Anyway, shouldn't it be Captain Jackie Harkness? XD


xvalderie October 21 2011, 04:06:33 UTC
ahhh i didn't even think of that! love captain jackie!


maureen_cohen October 21 2011, 04:08:05 UTC
I just realised, I have no pictures of just me in my costume or any pictures that were taken of me using my camera. I doubt I even had it on me at all...

Sadness...there goes me posting here.


xvalderie October 21 2011, 04:14:01 UTC
Search the facebook group?! I know I have more our little torchwood group I posted there and I've also seen a bunch in other peoples albums :)


bluetooth16 October 21 2011, 04:26:29 UTC
You're very welcome! Organizing it was very hard work, but it was worth it!

I loved your femme!Jack! Your brother was adorable too (I love when the under 18's dress as Doctor Who characters).


xvalderie October 21 2011, 05:03:11 UTC
haha for the size of the group its amazing we had any kind of organization at all, so you def deserve an award!

one of my friends handcuffed my brother later on (she was dressed as kissogram amy) and afterwards i was like YOU JUST HANDCUFFED A 14 YEAR OLD and her face was priceless! he also wants to eventually be 10 since he bought his style of glasses specifically so he'd be accurate when saying DON"T BLINK!


bluetooth16 October 21 2011, 05:09:18 UTC
I had a plan, but it went to hell the second I saw 100+ people were there!

OMG, that's hilarious! I think he would make a good Ten too if he got the right stuff.


xvalderie October 21 2011, 05:18:17 UTC
Ten was his original plan for NYCC but we were literally wandering a thrift shop and i saw the red and white striped shirt... and a tweedish jacket an aisle over and was like heeyyyy pete how do you feel about Eleven!?!


acciochocolate October 21 2011, 04:31:25 UTC
Y'all are having a great time, I can tell. :) And James is such a flirt. ;) I have found that talking to him about anything but BtVS/AtS makes him happier. :)


xvalderie October 21 2011, 05:06:03 UTC
i was a little nervous because i've never watched buffy! so i was like oh god im going to be talking to him about something he did two episodes of but he was just great and was telling me how his wife directed his make out scene with john barrowman. hilarious!


punkchica321 October 21 2011, 04:41:58 UTC
Hey gurl hey. <3 You already know I loved your outfit! I still crack the heck up when Debbie found out your brother was 14. :P And I'm so envious you had the guts to flirt with James. I wish I had been there to see THAT. :P


xvalderie October 21 2011, 05:07:54 UTC

i think my friend was actually filming me talking to james with one camera and snapping pictures with another so if i ever see that footage im sure i'll share bahaha.


punkchica321 October 21 2011, 05:09:57 UTC
You better! I want to live through you! :P /creepyness


xvalderie October 21 2011, 05:15:52 UTC
bahaha do you watch Psych? "you stay creepy!" "you know i will~"


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