Fic: The Better Life Chapter 3

Oct 23, 2010 00:31

Titel: The Better Life
Fandom: The Devil wears Prada (movie)/surprise
Author: lady_orlean 
Genre: crossover
Pairing: hints of Miranda/Andy
Raiting (this chapter): PG
Disclaimer:  I don't own any of the character... What a shame... It's all just for fun. ;)
Summary: A funeral, a hidden past and finally a lomg longed a reunion
Beta/Translation: no beta, but translated by the great saliaah  Thank you so much! 8)
Author's Note: This story is directly translated from german into english language. If you have problems to read and/or understand the contend, feel free to send me a message. Maybe I need a beta for the translated parts. I would deeply appreciate it, because I want you to understand everything clearly! 8)
Previous Chapter:

Chapter 3 can be read here:

Oh and because someone asked for it, I have postet the present chapters in german language too.

user: lady_orlean, rating: pg, all: fiction, genre: crossover

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