"For Once" Part 11

Sep 17, 2013 14:40

Sitting at Starbucks, breathing in the sweet scent of coffee. Looking outside at the busy people, beeing grateful for a free day.
There is nothing better than the luxury of time.

I hope all of you can relax like this today. If not, be sure I am sending you my strength.

Chapter 11 is done and I try to create chapter 12 right now.

Enjoy and please review.. Maybe just a "hi, bye" or whatever.. so I know you are there.. reading and following this story. For an author there is nothing more inspiring  than the readers.

Of course the characters do not belong to me.. i am just stealing there personalities ;)
Oh and I just noticed I forgot to write the POV in the last chapters.. so this is MPOV now.

Chapter 1: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2512901.html
Chapter 2: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2513730.html
Chapter 3: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2515594.html
Chapter 4: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2516200.html
Chapter 5: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2517704.html
Chapter 6: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2518485.html
Chapter 7: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2518751.html
Chapter 8: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2521234.html
Chapter 9: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2521698.html
Chapter 10: http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2524305.html


You ask what I could protect you from.

From me.

This is the answer and you shake your head.

As if I'd be lying.

Only loosing me could destroy you,
you say.

This is the point isn't it?

You look so helpless right now.
I must turn away.

Leaving the car, breathing fresh air.
Not the sweet scent of your Hèrmes perfume.

You slip next to me in the elevator,
watching me.

I am not good for you.
I am not good enough for you.

Is all I can say.

I don't explain myself normally.

But with you I do.
Please accept the answer.

Of course you don't.
You frown and say that's stupid.

You've wanted me for so long.
You will do whatever is necessary to make me happy.
You will stay at my side.

All those dangerous promises.

When I look at you,
you smile sadly.

You are the best that ever happened to me.

How I wish I was the same to you.

You demand me to tell you what reasons I really have.

I am so close to confess
but the doors are opening.

I am safe for now.
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