Why a Live Journal?

Dec 23, 2004 10:53

If you didn't start a Live Journal for the sole purpose of being an attention whore and having everyone pity you because of your sob stories, put this in your LJ ( Read more... )

livejournal, writing, inspirational

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Comments 10

kanzeon_2040 December 23 2004, 16:46:04 UTC
Wow ... I like what you wrote there. I've also made a conscious effort to be positive and to surround myself with positive people. It makes a difference :-)


duriyah December 23 2004, 17:21:43 UTC

You are definitely one of those positive people. Thank you :)


caitilin December 23 2004, 19:32:07 UTC
I always try to be positive. Now of course there are some times where I am just positive that life sucks but hey that is the way it goes. Happy holidays!


duriyah December 24 2004, 01:26:07 UTC
LOL You are right about that. And that's okay too. The occasional rant is good for the soul :)

Happy Holidays!


artemii December 23 2004, 20:57:51 UTC
that was a pretty crass way for the author to word that meme. it makes it sound like: "if you don't do my meme, you're here just to be an attention whore!"



duriyah December 24 2004, 01:28:20 UTC
Heh, you are right. I didn't even notice that slant to it. I must've been in a good mood when I read it. Now I wish I had changed the wording to something nicer. Oh, well.


zeeohee December 24 2004, 01:33:00 UTC
Aww, now I feel all bad for having my last post be depressing. When I first started my LJ, though, I never expected anyone to friend it, and it was more my personal journal. Not that I don't sometimes enjoy writing for an audience now ;)


duriyah December 24 2004, 16:08:07 UTC
No, no, don't feel bad!

Sad and depressing are part of life, and I have written my share of sad posts :) It's just that when I think back to my paper journals, my writings tended to consist of whining and lamenting about all the bad things people had done to me. I was spinning my wheels and never really getting out of that rut. Knowing I have an audience I feel some accountability for myself that I don't think I felt before. That's all I meant :)

Plus, when I have written about sad and depressing things, it's wonderful to have people write back that they have been there and know what I'm going through.

I hope your day today is better. Happy Birthday!!!


cybrgrl December 27 2004, 03:12:34 UTC
When I started my journal I expected it to be a fine and semi-private place were I might express myself to myself and to strangers. A place to say things with no need to explain or apologize.

It took B about one day to discover my journal and other friends learned of it shortly after... so it is mostly a way for me to communicate with friends, most or whom I know in RL. But, I also met you here, and that's been nifty!


duriyah December 28 2004, 19:10:56 UTC
My experience with LJ is pretty similar. I had thought that it would be semi-private, but I have since found that I know a number of people with LJ accounts. Several of them I have added to my friend's list, so I have to be careful and think about what I post. But since I am a bit of an exhibitionist, I don't mind too much :)

But, I also met you here, and that's been nifty!

Awwww... Ditto!!


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