not-so-funny poop

Mar 27, 2006 04:44

Boy has this been a rough week for Duke. JJ laying a fucking egg in the tourney (as he steadily slipped down next year’s draft board), a dead body popping up on campus, the city of Durham effectively ending the season for the laxers before an arrest has even been made…damn shit is getting dirty. Currently, the campus is in limbo, holding their ( Read more... )

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Comments 179

The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 16:40:51 UTC
Are you fucking kidding me? Who gives a fuck about the national championship in lacrosse? The shit that (allegedly) went down is such a huge black eye on the entire university that ten fucking LAX titles wouldn't make up for the damage done. The saddest thing is that this doesn't really surprise anyone, the LAX team has been so out of control for so long that I think many people just figured it was a matter of time. Everyone I talk to has a horror story of their own about things the LAX team did to or around them. I hope this shit isn't true, but either way the LAXers are horrible people and their coach should get fired for exerting zero control over his team. (By the way, whether or not they raped that girl, the next door neighbors could hear racial slurs coming out of the house, so at best this incident is a twisted, sadistic, racist incident and the stripper is just trying to get them back for being back for a humiliating and horrifying experience.)


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 16:48:03 UTC
what other stuff has the lax team done? out of curiousity...


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 17:33:57 UTC
Lets see- They pick fights for no reason, they break shit for fun, and in general they are a very disrespectful, unintelligent, hateful group of kids. Are there exception to this stereotype? Of course. But at the end of the day, they operate as a herd of cattle, sharing one peanut-sized brain, and their shepard- Coach Pressler- is the biggest goon of them all.

Regardless of what the DNA tests show, the residents of 610 Buchanan should be evicted immediately (for hosting underage drinking and individuals who made racial slurs), the entire season should be forfeited, and Coach Pressler should be FIRED.

This kids are a fucking disgrace to our school and our community.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 18:09:59 UTC
i agree with you generally, however, its tough to take you seriously when in one phrase you claim the entire lot of 60+ share a peanut-sized brain, and in the next phrase you write "shepard."

also, you're either communist, naive, or stupid if you think people should be evicted because somebody said the n-word inside their house. maybe you're an exchange student? but in our system of government you can say the n-word almost anywhere you want, and you can certainly say it as often and as loud as you want from inside your own home. of course the n-word is despicable, but not as despicable for trying to evict someone who doesn't have the same worldview as you.


Dead body anonymous March 27 2006, 16:55:19 UTC
The dude they found didn't appear to have been murdered, so it's not THAT big of a deal (of course it's horrible for the family, but it doesn't reflect badly on Duke/Durham).
Yeah, the lacrosse situation is fucked up. I just hope they find the guys who did it, expel their asses and send 'em to prison stat. The worst case scenario is that this becomes an agonizingly long trial-all Duke needs right now, during college admissions season, is to turn off applicants with a bunch of racist rapist retards. Don't get me wrong, I want to see the twisted fucks behind bars, but I didn't come here so the school's national reputation could be racked by scandal-if I wanted that I could have gone to UMiami and at least had a club scene and better weather.


anonymous March 27 2006, 19:56:58 UTC
"intense moral decision"? Are you fucking kidding me? If deciding whether or not to cooperate with police in a rape/assault/strangulation investigation when you have knowledge of who was involved, is an 'intense moral decision', then you have absolutely NO morals whatsoever. Lying and protecting rapists makes you equally guilty. You and every idiot male at Duke who thinks like you, make me realize that there's no way I'll be accepting Duke's offer of admission for the fall. Ugh. Sickening.


Wait for the story to come out... anonymous March 27 2006, 20:51:55 UTC
Look, it really annoys me that a bunch of upper-middle class morons who couldn't break a 1200 on their SAT got into this school to play a non-revenue sport that no one gives a shit about ( ... )


Re: Wait for the story to come out... anonymous March 27 2006, 23:26:48 UTC
Whoa, dude. She was interviewed by police at the hospital. That's been verified and unnamed sources (nurses) at the hospital that night confirmed it. Visible bruises and handprints around her neck, positive rape kit, physical evidence of sodomy. I think it's pretty clear what happened, and it was clear to the cops that night. That's why the cops got their asses over to that house right away! Why do ya think those morons didn't answer the door? They were cleaning up! Who knows if the names were right. There are three Matts on the team and another guy named Breck apparently. The DNA is gonna get them. I agree that the whole story hasn't come out but, unlike you, I think that when it DOES come out, it's gonna be even worse than we think.


source? anonymous March 29 2006, 04:12:53 UTC
i'm not doubting that your statement is true, but i'd be interested to read it from the source. would you mind posting links to the relevant articles/statements?


anonymous March 27 2006, 23:14:49 UTC
I think that this website should be shut down because it misrepresents the Duke students as immoral, vulgar, cynical. It is true that the whole lacrosse scandal does just that as well, but take a step back and read some of the posts on this forum. You all are entitled to express your opinion, but do so with some respect and tact. It is not fair to the rest of the Duke community to be broadcasted over the internet as a spoiled and foul bunch. Please have some pride in your school, and realize how lucky you all are to be here. You are only hurting yourself by badmouthing Duke; and if you all really think it is that bad, then either take a stand and do something about it, or fill out your transfer forms.


are you serious? anonymous March 27 2006, 23:32:28 UTC
I go to duke, and I am just talking about stories that really happened. Fuck you if you think that I don't have a right to bash a bunch of fucking meatheads on the web. Why express my opinions with respect or tact when the people I am talking about the the antithesis of both respect and tact.


EXACTLY anonymous March 27 2006, 23:53:40 UTC
This is the only forum we have, as Duke students, to voice how extremely repulsed, embarrassed, and ashamed we are to be associated with a group of individuals that sadly belong to our community simply because they can throw a rubber ball in a net.

Just because you have some ties to these hoodlums, you shouldn't try to silence their critics-- The best thing we can do to repair our image is to get fired up about the incident-- Otherwise, the world will think we are complacent and don't care.

At best these kids are disrespectful, racist thugs. At worst, they are racists rapists. Pick your poison.


Re: EXACTLY anonymous March 28 2006, 03:44:17 UTC
Look, what I meant to say is that you can criticize who you'd like, but you can do so without making a fool out of yourself. This last post did just that. There is no need to fuck this and fuck that.


anonymous March 28 2006, 00:02:38 UTC
The dead kid's father teaches one of my classes, and yeah, the kid wasn't murdered, but it is weird that nobody talks about it. I mean, I don't even understand what he died of. He was found in a ditch with no bruises or abrasions on his body, yet 3 days prior he spoke to his mother on the phone? Kinda odd, don't you think?


anonymous April 1 2006, 05:43:41 UTC
The son was mentally ill, which is a very torturous and difficult disease of the brain. It is heartbreaking for the family who has likely spent many years trying to help their son through this terrible struggle. Nobody talks about it because some things are just too hard to talk about until you get past the initial grief and sorrow of a lost child. Beyond that, it is a private family matter that we have no "right" to know about just because we are involved in the Duke community. These parents need all the support and kindness we can offer them.


anonymous April 1 2006, 06:20:07 UTC
"the son was mentally ill, which is a very torturous and difficult disease of the brain"- something wrong w/that sentence. "mentally ill" isn't a disease.


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