not-so-funny poop

Mar 27, 2006 04:44

Boy has this been a rough week for Duke. JJ laying a fucking egg in the tourney (as he steadily slipped down next year’s draft board), a dead body popping up on campus, the city of Durham effectively ending the season for the laxers before an arrest has even been made…damn shit is getting dirty. Currently, the campus is in limbo, holding their ( Read more... )

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The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 16:40:51 UTC
Are you fucking kidding me? Who gives a fuck about the national championship in lacrosse? The shit that (allegedly) went down is such a huge black eye on the entire university that ten fucking LAX titles wouldn't make up for the damage done. The saddest thing is that this doesn't really surprise anyone, the LAX team has been so out of control for so long that I think many people just figured it was a matter of time. Everyone I talk to has a horror story of their own about things the LAX team did to or around them. I hope this shit isn't true, but either way the LAXers are horrible people and their coach should get fired for exerting zero control over his team. (By the way, whether or not they raped that girl, the next door neighbors could hear racial slurs coming out of the house, so at best this incident is a twisted, sadistic, racist incident and the stripper is just trying to get them back for being back for a humiliating and horrifying experience.)


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 16:48:03 UTC
what other stuff has the lax team done? out of curiousity...


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 17:33:57 UTC
Lets see- They pick fights for no reason, they break shit for fun, and in general they are a very disrespectful, unintelligent, hateful group of kids. Are there exception to this stereotype? Of course. But at the end of the day, they operate as a herd of cattle, sharing one peanut-sized brain, and their shepard- Coach Pressler- is the biggest goon of them all.

Regardless of what the DNA tests show, the residents of 610 Buchanan should be evicted immediately (for hosting underage drinking and individuals who made racial slurs), the entire season should be forfeited, and Coach Pressler should be FIRED.

This kids are a fucking disgrace to our school and our community.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 18:09:59 UTC
i agree with you generally, however, its tough to take you seriously when in one phrase you claim the entire lot of 60+ share a peanut-sized brain, and in the next phrase you write "shepard."

also, you're either communist, naive, or stupid if you think people should be evicted because somebody said the n-word inside their house. maybe you're an exchange student? but in our system of government you can say the n-word almost anywhere you want, and you can certainly say it as often and as loud as you want from inside your own home. of course the n-word is despicable, but not as despicable for trying to evict someone who doesn't have the same worldview as you.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 18:46:53 UTC
Take it down a notch man. They should be evicted for a lot of reasons, but loudly screaming the n-word at black people in your house is not legal, it is harassment, intimidation, borderline assault, definately a hate crime of some sort. You have a right to whisper what ever you want in your basement to your small minded cronies, but this was illegal as shit. The LAXers are an absolute disgrace.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 28 2006, 05:26:33 UTC
Do you have any sort of legal education to make these claims or are you speaking from hearsay and your own predictions of how the law might operate? In fact screaming anything, no matter how offensive as someone is not borderline assault it is merely harassment. Also on my own private property I can yell/state whatever I want. If you don't like it remove yourself from my property. It is a whole different story if I do it to you in a public place. Then it could possibly be a legal offense.

My second point is that calling someone the N-word is an awful thing to do and is extremely hurtful. It definetly qualifies a knuckle sandwich in my law-book.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 28 2006, 05:37:25 UTC
thats exactly what i'm trying to say. i was shocked these supposed duke students had no idea what rights are guaranteed to us by the first amendment. it was like talking to a bunch of stupid high school kids who want to change the world but don't even know how the world works.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 19:31:49 UTC
So basically you're saying that evicting a disrepectful, racist group of students, who violate women, and distribute alcohol to their underage cronies is more despicable than the use of the n-word?

If so, you should throw on some shoulder pads and a helmet and go fight for the ludicrous first amendment protection you are crowing about.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 21:21:38 UTC
stop misrepresenting me. momentarily ignoring all the other lax transgressions, which range from the stupid to the criminal, if all the lax guys did was call somebody an n-word, thats hardly an evictible offense. would i use that word? no. do i wish the lax guys were more tolerant and wouldn't use that word? yes. but however much it pisses us off, they do have a right to (allegedly) say it, ESPECIALLY in their home. i wish we could all get along, sing kum-ba-ya, and view the color of a person's skin as a physical characteristic as meaningless as the color of their eyes. of course having a racist mind is awful, but worse than someone with a closed mind is someone who tries to force their own worldview onto those people and attempt to prohibit those people from thinking the way they want to ( ... )


Hello...Proof? anonymous March 28 2006, 08:04:50 UTC
What all of you keep avoiding is that there is no proof yet. Ya the laxers might be loud, break shit, and maybe they have made fun of you in the past, but if your so high and mighty then you should be over that shit. Furthermore I believe there is more than one frat house on that street that operates with the same mentality....SHOCKING....a frat is breaking things and being loud! Clearly outrageous! Not really, rent fucking animal house, frats, laxers whatever its the college mentality...that dosent mean you ruin people's lives. Just because you might choose to sit in your dorm room all day being quite and not breaking things dosent give you any right to go around talking about the inccident like you have proof it happened. No one knows shit right now - all you have is the media, which is blatently using sensationalism to sell papers. The fact is, there is no proof. So protest when you can actually make a case for yourself.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 18:51:44 UTC
When they lived in Edens they would throw beer bottles at people walking by underneath them and harass girls as they walked by. Their hall was a sea of broken glass, because instead of throwing their bottles away they would break them on the floor. They nearly started a brawl with Sigma Nu at Eliza Pike's birthday (though SN could have been as much at fault on that one). I have never heard anything good about the LAX team in general, though I am sure that is the odd good apple.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 27 2006, 19:02:39 UTC
If there was one good apple, he would have told the police who raped this poor woman. (Or, better yet, he would have done something to stop it at the time.) I would have been prepared to believe that there was one good apple, but the fact that none of them has cooperated with the police and said anything for two weeks is proof that there isn't.

As for whether the victim made it up: the poor woman was strangled nearly to death and spent days in the hospital. How the fuck do you think she managed to "make it up?" It's true we don't know for certain who raped her (although she says they were being referred to as Matt, Adam, and Brett), but there's no question she was raped, beaten, strangled and robbed.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 29 2006, 21:55:26 UTC
It's possible that any good apple wouldn't have been at that party, or would have left (not brave, but not overtly evil) when things started to go downhill, so he wouldn't know who did what.

I didn't know she'd been in the hospital for days, but certainly her story would have to be forensically credible for them to be investigating this seriously.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 28 2006, 04:58:17 UTC
I live in Edens and I can tell you that the still do. They pee all over the buildings throw bottles out windows and harrass girls living in their buildings. Some of them even turn over common room furniture almost everyday just so that the housekeeping staff has to correct it in the morning. Something needs to be done to help teach these guys that they live in a community and that their actions are extremely destructive to not only property, but many people's feeling of security in their own room.


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 28 2006, 18:22:50 UTC
As for the behavior described, it's nothing new. When I was an undergrad in '96 and lived next to the ATOs they not only pissed in their own hallways, they also took dumps in their hallways. They regularly harrassed women walking by their bench, threw chicken bones and many nasty words. They also broke bottles down our hallways and when we called public safety to report this they threatened us while they cleaned up the mess that they had made. They were mostly nasty, disrespectful assholess. The university's response was only to put them on probation, but the attitudes never changed ( ... )


Re: The national championship? anonymous March 30 2006, 01:37:04 UTC
wow, they "threw chicken bones and many nasty words." poetic


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