not-so-funny poop

Mar 27, 2006 04:44

Boy has this been a rough week for Duke. JJ laying a fucking egg in the tourney (as he steadily slipped down next year’s draft board), a dead body popping up on campus, the city of Durham effectively ending the season for the laxers before an arrest has even been made…damn shit is getting dirty. Currently, the campus is in limbo, holding their collective breath for the DNA results that were scheduled to come out Sunday afternoon. This is no pussy SAE date rape. We are talking about some serious, pound-you-in-the-ass prison time if they can manage to pin the kids. And no one from Duke is supposed to go to jail.

Besides potentially ruining the lives of whoever they deem responsible, the alleged rape is on the verge of ending the season for the national title contending lacrosse team. For the team’s sake, I hope the police move quickly in making an arrest. Until then, I can only see Duke putting up forfeits. The city of Durham has made it perfectly clear that it feels the lacrosse team is guilty as not-yet charged. I am not going to lie, based on what has transpired it is hard not to immediately come to the same conclusion. At the same time, the people of Durham are starting to piss me off. What happened to innocent until proven guilty, this is fucking America here remember? No no, those silly rights only matter when they are protecting your own ass, right. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand, they are on a team…no one is going to talk, or not at least until the DNA results are back. People, we are all shocked and horrified by the allegations, but I personally would like to see some forensic evidence before we continue ruining the lives of the entire team.

By the way, does anyone care that THEY FOUND A FUCKING DEAD BODY ON THE TRAINTRACKS.

No, apparently not. We are all too captivated with the implosion of our precious lacrosse team.

I have to say I feel for the rest of the team. The kids who know the truth, whatever it may be, are all going through the most intense moral decision they have probably ever faced in their entire lives. I don’t envy their position. How do you ask a someone to be the one to cross the lines and blow a whistle, honestly. Let more than the stripper's allegations come out before you fry 'dem bitches, k?

Alright I’m done.
- yours truly

ps. It's 3 Am and I had some thoughts, im tired, and dying to sleep. fuck you if you dare talk about my grammar, losers.
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