Shake it your way, shake it your way

Oct 19, 2011 18:32

No long, no chat. A lot of changes in my life has happened: I have left my sisters' apartment, quit krogers, and have moved to livonia to live with my dad. Its been difficult adjusting to these changes. But I might have a new job. I might be working in a pharmacy in a CVS. Which is great because in a month or so, I will be trying to get into this ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 01:42:51 UTC


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 01:57:45 UTC
I missed you too. SERIOUSLY. I just miss you so much...I do consider you a good friend. WITH RED HAIR.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:06:42 UTC
I would have all the red hair for you, Heather. I'll be your Maddie Pryor.


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:09:16 UTC
Holy shit, that is the cutest friggin' icon ever. They look so cocky...probably just had sex in the danger room. Right before Wolverine is going to be training in there.

D'aww, that is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 01:45:54 UTC
I hope you get happier where you are, and I'm sure you'll make friends, soon.


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 01:59:10 UTC
I don't think I can be happy til I am on my own but I am taking steps to get there. Going back to school, hopefully a better job.

I still miss you. lol


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:07:16 UTC
<3 I bet you'll get there soon enough!


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:10:41 UTC
Yeah, it might be a weird journey but when it ends...I will have a ginger on each hand telling me about the fantastic comicbook store down the road.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 01:47:01 UTC
I hope you can come online again sometime. I miss talking to you all the times ♥


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:00:45 UTC
This computer is just full of fail. It is really upsetting to be on it half the time but I am trying to fix it.

That is a hawt icon.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:07:45 UTC
ikr sexy chains and ladies


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:12:11 UTC
and fishnet stockings are a must have.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 01:47:27 UTC
Okay. I'm done.


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:01:54 UTC
You are my sunshine face.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:08:08 UTC
you are my cherry lollipop


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:12:48 UTC


trillingstar October 20 2011, 05:01:32 UTC
OH MY GOD!! I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!! I was going to nudge you and then was like, well that's probably rude but seriously if I hadn't heard from you in a week I was going to drive down there and SCOUR THE STREETS FOR YOU.

I am THRILLED to hear that you are going to go for your CNA. Actually my peep aletter2elise just completed a CNA program, like a month ago, and you could talk to her about it if you want? I think you would be a kick-ass nursing person and everyone would want you on their rotation. But I am sorry you are lonely :( BUT you will make friends in your program! And at your new job. (And at your even better new job afterwards.) Are you close to Wayne State? Do they have a CNA program? QUESTIONS SO MANY. Well honestly I just want you to be happy, so.

Oh, thank you for checking in. You can email me anytime okay. And I will send you pictures of Bossy, shaved, and John Sheppard, half-naked. SERIOUSLY DID YOU SEE THE SELF-PORTRAIT HE TOOK COMMANDO AND SHIRTLESS AND THERE IS NIPPLAGE AND ASSCRACK - SLOBBER.HUGS HUGS HGUS ( ... )


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 18:06:13 UTC
Nudge me, I never have a problem with nudges. Ask anyone that knwos me from msn messenger. Nudges are my friends...and I abuse them by sending them to everyone. Mwhahaha D'aww, thats so sweet of you. You should've...we could go to Saugatuck and look at all the gay guys. Roar

Oh, if I have any questions...I will be more than willing to run to her and beg for help. lolol. I dunno if I would be a good nurse, but I will do my best. Money motivates me to work really hard. I am right next to Schoolcraft Community College, and it has a free cna program. Red Cross funds it. They are so nice...but I still think they feed vampires on the side.

I miss everyone. I couldn't stay away...So, I hooked up this crappy computer up and did my best. OMFG WHUT THERE IS NAKED PICTURE OF JOHN? I know he has that surfing one...where he looks drunk, and I think it is sexy. I DON'T CARE...YOU CAN SPAM ME ANYTIME. (Many I will spam you too. Mwhahaha)



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