Shake it your way, shake it your way

Oct 19, 2011 18:32

No long, no chat. A lot of changes in my life has happened: I have left my sisters' apartment, quit krogers, and have moved to livonia to live with my dad. Its been difficult adjusting to these changes. But I might have a new job. I might be working in a pharmacy in a CVS. Which is great because in a month or so, I will be trying to get into this ( Read more... )

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betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 01:42:51 UTC


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 01:57:45 UTC
I missed you too. SERIOUSLY. I just miss you so much...I do consider you a good friend. WITH RED HAIR.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:06:42 UTC
I would have all the red hair for you, Heather. I'll be your Maddie Pryor.


dressedindeath October 20 2011, 02:09:16 UTC
Holy shit, that is the cutest friggin' icon ever. They look so cocky...probably just had sex in the danger room. Right before Wolverine is going to be training in there.

D'aww, that is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.


betterthanlegos October 20 2011, 02:18:09 UTC
LOLOLOL yes Scott is like have fun training in our SEX SWEAT WOLVERINE ASS BUTT FACE.



dressedindeath October 20 2011, 17:44:54 UTC
LOLOLOL The best part is that he would say that in his mind and Jean would giggle. Hit him but giggle at the same time. SEX HAS HER MELLOW. lol


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