Shake it your way, shake it your way

Oct 19, 2011 18:32

No long, no chat. A lot of changes in my life has happened: I have left my sisters' apartment, quit krogers, and have moved to livonia to live with my dad. Its been difficult adjusting to these changes. But I might have a new job. I might be working in a pharmacy in a CVS. Which is great because in a month or so, I will be trying to get into this CNA program. I can learn things. 8D

Despite this, I have been so lonely. I miss my friends and my old co-workers. I don't know anyone in Livonia anymore that isn't family. I think about calling my friends just to hear their voices...but they told me this was going to be a mistake. So, I just txt randomly, and I don't tell them I miss them for sure. (Oh, yes...I have a phone now and know how to use it. Remember the days, when I complained about phones.

I miss my sisters too. I have my younger siblings to hang out with...but I miss my sisters that I grew up with. Not that I am playing favorites--I am just closer to them. I am having fun with Cheyenne (last girl, but the sixth one of eight children) though. We are both weird, hyper-active dorks. We make jokes, watch tv, and bug Samantha (fifth child) to the point of tears. mwhahaha. We watch a lot of tv together since this computer is utter crap, and it is getting colder. (Can't even load PS on it. I CANNOT MAKE FRIGGIN ICONS RIGHT NOW) We watch way too many cartoons. Adventure time is the best cartoon ever. I wish I invented this show. :| Why didn't I?

I miss my online friends too. Hi Ana... Kris...TRILLINGSTAR!! OTHER RANDOM PEOPLE

I updated. Someday, I will have a real computer and will do stuff on it.

Sylar is gay; YAY!

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