
Aug 18, 2010 08:53

Yay! We are home. The trip was grand in just about every way imaginable. And it was blessedly cool everywhere we were. It is not cool here but it's home ( Read more... )

keeping austin weird, scarred but smarter, don't mess with texas, our esteemed leaders

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Comments 3

ancarett August 18 2010, 14:38:13 UTC
I'd read about that law change and wondered if it'd affect you guys. Wacky times!

Oh, and we were actually IN Texas for a few hours on Monday, changing planes in Houston. Ironically, our first time in the state for all four family members and it was a bit wacky for us as a thunderstorm pretty well closed down the airport for an hour as well as delaying our flight so we weren't back in Canada until after 11. Anyway, I waved toward your neck of the woods while I was in the state!


phantomminuet August 18 2010, 14:53:45 UTC
I got my postcard yesterday! Thanks so much for the moose!


lavidaessueno August 18 2010, 15:01:56 UTC
I suspected there would be a surge in concealed carry permits.



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