
Aug 18, 2010 08:53

Yay! We are home. The trip was grand in just about every way imaginable. And it was blessedly cool everywhere we were. It is not cool here but it's home.

Today will be all about laundry and picking the dogs up from the kennel and helping my nephew move into his dorm...for us at least...for my dearest spouse today is all about a ten hour handgun safety class so he can get a concealed handgun license...not because he wants to (or will) carry a gun but because Texas is deeply cracked and a carry permit will let him bypass the metal detectors at the Capitol entrances and get into the building to, you know, do his job. Really. He and nine other lobbyists are in class and at the gun range today.

Yeah, they're searching tourists and all but God FORBID you have to un-conceal your licensed weapon to get into the State Capitol...

Sure, it's surreal and stupid and makes great headlines but the related AP story from last month doesn't really convey the panic that lobbyists, journalist, and other folks who need quick access to the Capitol several times each day are feeling just now. If you consider the number of last minute desk meetings and how amendments and deals are actually crafted it kinda nudges up against open access laws

keeping austin weird, scarred but smarter, don't mess with texas, our esteemed leaders

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