Well, hi. Welcome to the Tin Man friending meme! Would you like to meet new friends? Or maybe friend someone you’ve seen around the fandom, but were too scared to do so before? Here’s your chance. Just copy and paste the code into a comment and then look around to see if there's anyone else you've got stuff in common with.
And remember to pimp this out. If you own a Tin Man community, I'd appreciate it if you pimped it there. Just copy and paste the banner code!
Yes, it's a little long and LJ has a word limit, but just overflow into a reply to your first comment. Sorry it's so long, but more info means more stuff you can find in common with people, y/y?
Copy/paste this code to make new friends!
First, some basics.
Hey, there. What’s your name?:
Oh, really. Go by anything else?:
Awesome. What about your journal? F-locked? Open? We must know!:
Any other journals? Maybe for fics or graphics?:
What else do you like to do? Have any hobbies?:
Would you like to say anything else about yourself?:
OK! Enough about you, let’s talk about you!
Fandoms you frequent?:
Which characters do you love?:
Which characters do you hate?:
Have a favorite pairing?:
Or one that you dislike with a passion?:
Those are all great to know, but what’s your favorite movie?:
Oh, really. What about TV shows? Got some favorites there?:
And music?:
Have a favorite celebrity?:
Do you have a favorite book?:
And now the part of the meme we’ve been waiting for!
How long have you been a part of the Tin Man fandom?:
The age-old question: Tin Men or Longcoats?:
Favorite character from Tin Man? And why?:
Least favorite? And why?:
What ship(s) do you sail?:
Because wanted to know, Cain’s hat or Glitch’s zipper?:
We all love quotes. What’s your favorite?:
Of the three parts, which is your favorite?:
If you could crossover Tin Man with any fandom in existence, what would it be?:
What do you love most about Tin Man?:
What do you do in the Tin Man fandom (i.e.: write fanfiction, make icons, make videos)?:
Are you for or against a sequel to Tin Man?:
Recommend your favorite Tin Man El-Jay comm:
Finish the sentence. I love Tin Man because…: Banner Code (for massive pimpage)