
Jul 07, 2006 22:37

Title: Aftermath
Word count: ~2,000
Notes: The second part feels a little funny to me. Paranoia?
Summary: After a vacation, one must always go back to work. However, things have changed a little.


I was still thinking about Anita’s situation the next morning when I went for a shower. Unlike me, Kelly fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. Even now, she was nestled under the blankets, murmuring things every once in awhile as she dreamed. It was cute.

My smile faded a little once the hot water started to pour over my body, cleansing it with the aid of soapsuds and shampoo. The knowledge that I was causing Anita pain made my skin crawl, as if someone was pouring oil over it instead of water and no matter how much I scrubbed, it wouldn’t come off.

I gave up after a while and left the shower stall to grab a fluffy towel from the holder. Feeling a little woozy and overheated, I decided to skip drying my hair for the moment and go lie down somewhere comfortable. My heartbeat was faster than usual, and my body felt limp. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I stepped over the fresh clothes I had selected for work and went to my bedroom.

It was quite satisfying to flop onto the mattress. I heard Kelly walk sleepily towards the vanity from her room, her feet dragging slightly across the floor.

I stopped listening to her as she started to pee, focusing on the sounds outside instead. Birds liked coming to our house because of the garden and the seeds we scattered around the house so there was always some singing somewhere. I rested my chin on my arms and listened.

I was half-asleep again when I heard someone take a deep breath in the doorway. Then, I felt someone sit down on the bed next to me and a finger started to stroke the base of my neck, parting my hair to the side delicately. I stretched a little, liking the feel of warmth the contact left. Soft lips touched the tingling area, a small tongue darting across my flesh seductively. It followed my spinal cord downwards until the towel became an unwelcome barrier.

Kelly toyed with the bit of towel tucked under that kept the thing from falling off my body with one hand, and brushed my inner thigh with the other. Suddenly, the heat that made my heart beat faster came from an entirely different source than a shower. I caught the hand fiddling with the towel, and did its job.

“Impatient, aren’t we?” Kelly breathed, reminding me of a child unwrapping a present as she removed the towel. Before I could think of a scathing reply, she started stroking my inner thigh again, higher this time, and I momentarily forgot how to speak.

Taking advantage of my distraction, she began to kiss every node of my spine again, slowly forcing my legs apart. I felt myself arch against her and was irritated at how well she could manipulate my body. I used that irritation against the fog of desire in my mind, and turned over quickly, securing her hand between my thighs as I pulled her down. She made a surprised sound as I kissed her. She tasted like peppermint toothpaste. I slipped my hands up her t-shirt, undoing her bra-strap quickly so I could feel her skin without interference. This time, it was her turn to shiver.

“Vixen.” She growled, stroking the space between my legs with her fingers. I leaned my head back as a wave of fire spreading through my body, and Kelly took the opportunity to kiss my exposed throat. “My beautiful vixen.” She added possessively, her fiery kisses going from my mouth down my body.

“What’re you?” I managed as she spread my legs, feeling the cool morning air nip at my naked body.

Instead of answering with words, she blew on the tender flesh between my legs softly, feeding the fire. Then I felt her hot, wet tongue explore the folds of skin that covered my clitoris. I knew the moment they yielded because a wave of pure heat swept through the area and I couldn’t stop myself from shivering. Sucking sounds faded from my consciousness as I gave myself over to my arousal, relishing in the feeling that swept through me. I clenched Kelly’s hair in my hands as my body rocked.

Then the heat seemed to be everywhere, a fuzzy noise that spread through my body with the all-encompassing power of a tsunami. I don’t know how long I was in that place but I eventually remembered how to breathe.

“Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick.” I moaned, feeling very much like a limp noodle.

“Thank you, I love the taste of a woman fresh out of the shower.” Kelly lay down on top of me, kissing me gently. It was weird to taste my own come on her lips but at the moment, I wouldn’t have cared if she had garlic-breath… probably. “I just couldn’t help myself when I saw you lying there.”

I wrapped my arms around her hips, slipping a hand between her skin and her underwear only to feel a trimmed patch of pubic hair. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“While I’d love to say yes,” Kelly said throatily, warm against my hand. “I think the boss’d be very upset if I was late the day after my sudden vacation.” She let out a little gasp as I accidentally brushed past her vagina. Reluctantly, she removed my hand and slid off the bed, somewhat unsteadily. “I’m happy with just touching you for now.” She purred, refastening her clothes. “You’d give anybody a hard on. It’s like you’ve never had a blowjob before.”

I blushed. “Not like that, no.”

Kelly paused for a moment. “Well, I’m torn between the desire to hunt down your old boyfriends and teach them how to please a woman, and to dance gleefully because I’m the one who made you feel that way.” She said cheerfully. “I guess my time with the Queen of Blowjobs -Anita’s self-declared title in college- was useful after all.”

“Do you miss being with her? Since she knew what to do all the time?”

“There’s more to a relationship than sex.” Kelly said shortly, sitting down beside me to pull me into a hug. “A lot more. I still like Anita but I want to be with you. I could never trust Anita like I trust you; she’s too wild. Besides, I enjoy teaching you.” She kissed me. “Now why do you ask about her? You don’t have to be threatened by her.”

“But if I weren’t here, would you go back to her? Please think before you answer.”

“I don’t think so.” Kelly did as she was asked. “She broke my heart enough times to make me unwilling to ever trust her with it again. You really don’t have to worry about that, honestly.”

I did feel a little better, but not for the reason she was thinking about. I still didn’t know what I was going to do with Anita but at least I know that I wasn’t the only thing standing between her and Kelly. It helped the guilt a little.


Lisa was at the desk when I entered the station later that day. We said hello and I was about to move on when she suddenly said: “Something’s different about you.”

“Eh?” I leaned against the counter. “How so?”

“I never got a twinge off of you before, even when Dr. Sanchez was here talking about your housemate.” Lisa mused, drumming her long fingernails on the desk. “But now, I can. It’s not strong or anything but it’s there.”

“What the hell are you babbling about Lisa?”

“Are you bisexual?” She asked quietly, barely audible even to my ears.

“In certain cases.” I muttered under my breath.


Before I could answer, I heard Lillis call my name from behind. “We’ll talk later.” I told Lisa before hurrying off. “What is it?” I asked mildly as Lillis pulled me into an empty room.

“Since you forced me to work with him, I want to know where you went, who you went with, and why.” She hissed.

“Kyle’s not that bad.” I said soothingly, wondering how I could escape the interrogation.

“He has bad breath, wears funny clothes, and doesn’t shut up!” Lillis snorted. “Nice try, but I want answers now.”

“I went camping.”

“With your new boytoy in the middle of the week? Carolyn, I’m impressed. I thought you weren’t the type to play hooky. So, tell me about him already!”

“I went camping with Kelly, my housemate. You remember her right?” I asked archly.

“The karate woman?” Lillis sounded defeated. “Why the hell would you go camping with her instead of your boytoy?”

“She needed the vacation.” I answered truthfully.

“I take it back, Carolyn, you’re boring.” My co-worker sounded absolutely disgusted as she left the room. “Lydia wants to see you about the work you left unfinished.” She added just before the door closed.

“If you only knew.” I sighed, sitting down on the uncomfortable chair by the door.


It was almost supper by the time I finished the work Lillis mentioned and I could barely focus. I leaned my chair back, stretching my body after sitting down for hours.

“You look tired.” Lisa said from the doorway. The fact that I hadn’t noticed her approach was unsettling after all my karate lessons.

“I feel tired.” I agreed, succumbing to the paranoid urge to make sure my ‘unfinished’ pile was still empty.

“Do you still want to talk?” She asked meekly, not moving.

“Might as well.” I took a sip from my water bottle. “Take a seat if you want.”

She closed the door before sitting down. “I know it’s none of my business, but I requested the tape you used for the interview with Dr. Sanchez. I listened to it the day it played on the radio but I didn’t make the connection until I listened to it again today. You’re involved with Kelly, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” I answered neutrally.

“I thought you were straight.” Lisa seemed surprised that I said yes for some reason.

“Kelly’s a very important person to me and has been long before I knew she was a lesbian.” I said coldly. “It’s not a case of being straight, gay, or bi. If you love someone, then you love them. That’s it.”

“That’s what Dr. Sanchez said in her book…”

“I have to listen to that thing some time.” I said sourly, putting a few things in my handbag to finish at home. “Maybe I can throw Anita’s words back at her the next time she pokes her nose into my business.”

“So you’re still in touch with her?”

“Of course.” I grinned, remembering their first meeting. “Why? Did you want her number?”

“I… uh…” The woman sounded utterly flabbergasted.

“You don’t have to answer that.” I said gently, standing up. “Now, I think I’ll go home before Kelly gets worried.”

“Do you want a ride?” Lisa blurted out.

“I’m fine.” I lied cheerfully, not wanting her charity. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”

She followed me out of the station in silence, thinking about something. Just before she reached the path that led to the parking lot, she broke her silence. “Do you think she’d mind if I called her?”

“I don’t know.” I answered honestly. “The way Anita’s mind works is beyond me. I’d say she wouldn’t mind having a friend but I don’t know about anything beyond that.”

“Give her this then.” Lisa handed me one of her work cards. It wasn’t indented so I couldn’t read it but I recognized the material.

“And if your idol doesn’t call you back?” I asked out of necessity but it sounded cruel anyway.

“Then I won’t have to find out how human she is.” Lisa didn’t seem offended. “See you tomorrow Carolyn.”

“Ciao.” I answered automatically, confused by her reply. I thought about it until I got home but didn’t find the answer. I pretty much forgot about it then, skipping supper in favor of a good night’s rest.

A Picnic In Winter ~~ Encounters ~~ The Club Incident ~~ Kelly Part 1 ~~ Kelly Part 2 ~~ Kelly Part 3 ~~ Interview With Anita ~~ Vacation ~~ Anita's Truth ~~ Aftermath ~~ Needing You ~~ Attack At The Gardens ~~~ Attack At The Gardens Part B ~~~ Don't Tie Me Down

yame, between 2000 and 2500 words, short story

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