Interview With Anita

Jun 15, 2006 15:25

Title: Interview with Anita
Word Count: ~4,000
Summary: In which Anita just can't keep her nose out of other people's business and Carolyn is pulled along for the ride.

Interview with Anita

I was reading today’s program in the prep room when Lillis sat down at the opposite end of the table. She grabbed the copy that wasn’t in Braille and started to read. Or at least that’s what I thought she was doing until she neglected to turn the page after a moment.

“Why are you looking at me?” I asked calmly, reading the outline for an interview with a Dr. A. Sanchez. I wasn’t really looking forward to talking to a psychiatrist but at least I would be the one asking the questions.

Lillis made a surprised sound and set down the program. “How’d you know?”

“You weren’t turning the page. Now answer my question.” I took a sip of water, the air conditioning made the building almost as dry as a mall and I had to sit through an interview in twenty minutes.

“Who’re you screwing?” Lillis blurted out, leaning forward attentively.

She always did have horrible timing.

While my body was busy chocking on water, I tried to think of a cutting reply. Unfortunately, I failed miserably. “I’m not screwing anybody.” I said weakly, but truthfully.

“Then who’re you dating? You come back from your lunch breaks out of breath and looking like you just finished a make-out session, you randomly blush when you daydream and even Kyle’s noticed you’ve been acting funny. If you’re not dating anybody, I’ll eat Monty’s hat.”

I couldn’t stop the blush from rising to my cheeks. I didn’t realize that my lunch dates with Kelly left traces that were that obvious. For the past couple weeks, she’s been waiting for me outside of the station to go wandering around downtown, kissing me at random (“You have to get used to it sometime, Carolyn dear” she said innocently after I tried to shy away once). It’s been an interesting way to pass the time.

I was saved from actually having to say something by Monty’s timely intervention. “Carolyn, Lillis, the psychiatrist is here.” He said in his usual monotone.

“Thanks Monty.” I slipped past him and went towards the reception area.

“What?” I heard him ask Lillis.

“You idiot! I had her cornered! She was about to spill the beans on her new boy toy.”

“I do not think she wanted to.”

I didn’t hear Lillis’ reply because the chatter in the common room was too loud. I didn’t really listen to the men talking about an attractive woman in the reception area or the whispers that told one another theories about the reason I was still blushing.


As I entered the lobby, I smelled familiar perfume mixed in with the smell of wood polish and damp carpet. Then, I was being pulled into a hug. “Carolyn sweetie! I haven’t seen you in ages! How’re you and Kelly doing?”

“I saw you yesterday.” I told her, confused. “What are you doing here Anita?”

“You know Dr. Anita Sanchez and you didn’t tell me?” Lisa, the head receptionist, demanded.

“You’re a shrink?” I asked the suspiciously silent woman, wondering if she was sick.

“She’s one of the most famous relationship counselors in Canada.” Lisa sounded horrified by my ignorance. “Her book was a best seller and she’s always in the newspaper promoting gay rights!”

“Kelly didn’t tell you?” Anita said, putting an arm around my waist. “How predictable.” She muttered to herself, sounding distracted.

“Kelly… your college roommate Kelly?” Lisa asked after a moment. “The one whose parents threatened to kill her for being a lesbian? You know her Carolyn?”

“She’s my housemate.” I answered quickly, pulling Anita away from Lisa. “We’d love to chat more Lisa but I need to prep Anita for the show.”


Thankfully, we managed to get to the interview room without any more interruptions. I motioned for Anita to take a seat and started to fiddle with the equipment.

“Kelly really didn’t tell you what I did for a living?” Anita said softly, taking a seat. “I’ll have to talk to her about that.”

“You and me both.” I muttered, feeling foolish for not asking. “I’m surprised Lisa knew so much. She’s not usually into relationship counselors or such things.”

“She’s bi.” Anita answered, drumming her nails on the tabletop. “Don’t you have a gaydar? Of course you don’t,” she said to herself, “if you did, you would’ve realized Kelly had the hots for you.”

“Lisa’s bi?”

“Exactly my point.” I could feel Anita’s smirk from across the room. “So how’re you and Kelly doing?”

“I really wish people would stop asking about my love life. I don’t ask about theirs.”

“I’m disturbingly single at the moment.” Anita said cheerfully, deliberately missing my point. “Haven’t gotten laid in weeks. Your turn.”

“We’ve kissed.” I wonder if anybody would mind if I hit her over the head with a chair. What am I saying? Of course they would, she’s a guest in the workplace.

“Just kissed?” She prodded in a tone of voice I knew too well.

“Stop analyzing me Anita.” I shoved a couple sheets of paper her way and hoped that it would distract her.

“Friends tell each other such things.” She replied innocently, taking the papers. “Have I mentioned you’re cute when you’re irritated?”

“How did Lisa know about Kelly?” I asked instead of answering, finally sitting down in front of her. “Did you put everything in that book or something? And does Kelly know?”

“She said I could.” Anita answered serenely.

“Was she half-asleep at the time?”

“Not at all. Carolyn, you wound me with such accusations. I’d have to conclude that you haven’t gone beyond kissing and petting from your behavior and I must say, I am amazed by Kelly’s self-restraint. I would’ve had my way with you at least a couple times by now.”

“No you wouldn’t have.” I said, trying to not blush for what seemed to be the hundredth time today and failed as per usual.

“And whyever not? Pretend I’m Kelly: we’ve kissed, we know each other well, we’ve kissed, we’re both attractive and horny, we’ve kissed, and we’ve slept in the same bed many times so what’s the issue here? It’s not like we’re virgins or anything.”

I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation. “Shut up.”

“Or maybe it is.” Anita said slowly, leaning forward. The papers I gave her fluttered to the floor, forgotten. “Is it because you don’t know what to do with a woman that you’re so shy?”

And that’s when I knew that Anita really was a very good psychiatrist. I’ve seen a lot since I was a child and none of them could figure out something that quickly. “Shush.” I said helplessly, wishing Monty would provide another miraculous distraction. Unfortunately, the security guard wasn’t co-operating.

“So I’m right.” Anita said thoughtfully, making me squirm. “That’s interesting.”

“Aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be questioning you?” I tried hopefully.

“Indeed.” Anita allowed the change of subject. “Question away, Miss McKay.”

I turned on the recording system and we went through the interview quickly. Anita was actually a very good interviewee: she had an engaging voice and knew how to use it, she kept things short with only the occasional story to emphasize a point, and she kept from talking scientifically (unlike most psychiatrists I’ve encountered).

Lillis came in after I turned off the recording system. “Hello Dr. Sanchez, I’m Lillis Brown, Carolyn’s senior broadcaster. I was listening in the editing room and I have to say you’re one of the best interview subjects we’ve had in a long time. Few people are at ease with Carolyn questioning them.”

“I can’t imagine why.” Anita stood up and they shook hands. “She’s a sweetie. So this is going to be aired when exactly?”

“Tomorrow afternoon. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I’d appreciate your coming in for an open question period with our listeners. The questions are likely to be more personal than those you answered today.”

“It’s very hard to get under my skin but to warn me was sweet of you, Lillis.” Anita said graciously.

“We’ll open the question period at three and close it at three thirty. If you could show up at… two thirty, the station would appreciate it.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“Carolyn, you’re on air in half an hour.” Lillis said before closing the door behind her, leaving Anita and I alone once again.

“Do you work tomorrow, after three thirty?” She asked neutrally.

“I usually work ‘til four thirty or so. Why?” I gathered the papers from the desk and the floor. The maintenance fellow always got upset when we left things lying around.

“I’m going to steal you for a couple of hours and read you porn.” Anita said calmly, opening the door.

I banged my knees against the table and accidentally let go of the papers. “You’re going to what!”

“Well you can’t watch it and Kelly would kill me if I showed you.” Anita pointed out logically. She was really starting to scare me when she did that.

“But I- I-“

“See you tomorrow Carolyn my dear. Give Kelly a kiss for me.”

As the door shut behind her, I sat on the floor and wondered how I always got myself into these situations.


“You’re going to do what with Anita?” Kelly said mildly, arms wrapping possessively around my waist from behind. She sounded like she wanted to call Anita and yell at her, despite it being almost eleven.

I felt like hiding my head under a pillow. “Read porn.” I repeated, somewhat mortified. “She seems to think that I’d enjoy it.”

“You might. I always thought watching porn with Anita was hilarious because of her commentary.” Kelly seemed to relax, stroking the underside of my breast with one hand and playing with the elastic band of my boxers with the other. The first time she tried to do that, I kicked her out of my bed; now, it was soothing. “Don’t be afraid to hit her if she goes too far though. She sometimes forgets that people don’t think like her.”

“Mmm…” I stretched a little, feeling sleep take over me.

“I wonder why she’d come up with that notion though.” I heard Kelly murmur through a fog of sleep.


“… And now, we have a special interview by Dr. Anita Sanchez, a reputed relationship counselor and public rights activist. For those of you just joining us, Dr. Sanchez has kindly agreed to answer some questions after her interview. This is Carolyn at FG one-fifty point oh FM, metro’s source of rock and so much more.”

I switched off the broadcasting unit, took off my headset and picked up my walking stick. I had a few minutes before Anita was scheduled to show up and I needed something to eat.

There weren’t many people in the lounge at this hour, just a few of the tech assistants and a couple guests waiting for an employee. I sat down at my usual table and started to eat some leftover chicken and rice. I was almost done when someone leaned over my shoulder and plucked a piece of chicken off the container. “Not bad.”

“Don’t do that again Anita.” I growled, stabbing another piece of chicken.

“Or what?” She teased, sitting down beside me.

“Or I’ll stab you with my fork.” I waved it at her, chicken and all.

“I’m sure Lillis would be very upset if you did that.” Anita didn’t even sound remotely intimidated. “Stabbing honored guests is bad for a business’ reputation.”

She did have a point. “Okay, I’ll tell Kelly you tried to kiss me again.”

“Then I’d have to do so before I accept my punishment.” Anita said suggestively, her lips nearly brushing my ear. “I’m sure you’d enjoy it enough to change your mind.”

“I’ve told you before, I’m not going to sleep with you.”

“I wasn’t planning on sleeping through it.” The brat actually put a hand on my thigh. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind it if Kelly was there too. That would be very hot.”

“Can you please not talk about sex, threesomes, or kissing here?” I pleaded, wishing for a conversation with Anita that wouldn’t result in my blushing.

“We’ll talk about it later after I read you some porn.” She agreed. “Lets get this interview stuff over with.”


We had a couple minutes to spare before the interview we recorded yesterday was done playing so Anita amused herself by asking me what everything in the room did. I answered her questions as best as I could; I’m pretty sure the only people who know what all the machines do individually and how they do their jobs are the techs. Still, it was better than talking about sex.

Finally, I heard a warning beep that signaled I had ten seconds until we went live. “Sit down.” To my relief, she did so without speaking. Then, it was time to start. “Welcome back. For all of the people who just turned on the radio, this is Carolyn McKay at FG 150.0 FM. We have a special guest today, Dr. Anita Sanchez: a popular relationship counselor, novelist, and a public rights activist. She has kindly agreed to answer any questions you may have thought of during her interview that we just finished broadcasting. To talk to this lovely lady, you just have to call 1-800-425-6789. Again, Dr. Anita Sanchez is here with me ready to answer any of your questions and you only need to call 1-800-425-6789. And here’s our first caller!” I turned on the speaker in the interview room and pushed a button to connect the caller. “Hello, this is Carolyn. What’s your name and how can Anita help you?”

[Dr. Sanchez! My name’s Rose and I just loved your book. Did you really live through all that or did you put together stories that other people told you too?] The caller sounded like she was quite young, probably a student, and it was obvious that she idolized Anita. What exactly did she put in that book anyway?

“Well Rose, I’d have to say that I did.”

[Then Kelly is a real person? That’s so amazing! Are you two still friends and everything?]

“Kelly and I will be friends until we die.” Anita said cheerfully.

And so it went on. Caller after caller asked about Kelly and how Anita had changed the way they thought with her book. I decided to read it just so I would know what the hell they were talking about, hopefully it would be available in audio-cassette.

It was about ten callers down the line that someone had anything bad to say to Anita. [Is it true that you’re a lesbian?] The man asked neutrally but something in his voice put me on my guard.

“And proud of it!” Anita had taken off her shoes and was currently resting her feet on my lap, completely at ease. At first she had tried to play footsie with me, talking to the callers as she did so while I was trying to keep calm. We reached an understanding when I pinched her leg as hard as I could.

[Than I don’t suppose you understand the grief you caused a mother when you seduced an innocent girl like Kelly into your god-forsaken world. To see her golden child converted to the ways of a sinner must’ve broken her heart. Don’t you regret separating a mother and her daughter?]

“I regret that she refused to accept Kelly for who she was, not who she thought she was. People are often fooled by their own image of a person into not seeing the truth. I have no regrets about showing Kelly who she really was, not who she was forced to be. She’s quite happy now.” Anita said calmly but I felt her fury towards a man she had never met.

[Living in a den of sin with you?]

“Actually, no. She’s living with another woman at the moment and they’re quite happy with each other. And you’ve clearly never met her mother.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt but we have another caller waiting and your allotted time has expired.” I jumped in before they could continue arguing. “Thank you for your call and have a nice day sir. Here’s the next caller.”

[What a rude asshole.] She said almost immediately. [The name’s Joanna]

“Could you please refrain from swearing on the air?” I said mildly, though I completely agreed. “What’s your question for Dr. Sanchez, our time is growing short.”

[Actually, one of my questions is for you Carolyn.]

“Oh?” That was different.

[Is Dr. Sanchez as hot in real life as she looks in pictures?]

Anita leaned forward, displaying more interest in this caller than most of the others. “I’m quite curious to know Carolyn’s opinion myself.”

I coughed, blushing. “I wouldn’t be one to know.” My voice wobbled a little as she stroked my inner thigh with her foot.

[Even straight women recognize an attractive woman when they see one.]

“I’m sure they do but since I’m blind, that’s a moot point.” I gave Anita the finger. “But most people seem to think she’s hot.”

[Oh, ok. Dr. Sanchez, do you think Carolyn’s attractive? And have you met Kelly’s new partner?]

“As I’ve told her many times, she’s an adorable little sex bunny.” Anita spoke in a stage whisper, doing something with her foot that made me want to moan. I bit my lip to stop myself from doing so. “And I’m starting to know Kelly’s new partner quite well. I’m actually kidnapping her after work for a few hours to have fun.”

I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry to cut this short but we’re at the end of our question period. Joanna, you can ask one last quick question.”

[Are you single?]

“At the moment.” Anita replied cheerfully.

And then the question period was finally over.


Eventually, Anita brought me to her home and I sat on the couch where Kelly and I had first kissed. Well, the second kiss but the first one didn’t count. Anita wandered off to the kitchen to get us something to drink and then to her room, where I’m guessing she kept her porn.

This really was embarrassing. With anybody else, I would have simply refused to go with them, but Anita reminded me of a force of nature and you can’t argue with those. I tried to anyway of course but I was swept away before I could get my bearings.

So when she put a tray with two glasses and a bottle of something or other in front of me, I grabbed a glass and took a sip. Orange juice and some type of alcohol that made me want to sneeze. “What’s this?”

“A screwdriver.” Anita answered, lying down on the couch, her head conveniently falling into my lap. I heard some pages rustle as she flipped through the book, trying to find a sex scene. It didn’t take long and I don’t really want to think of why.

That’s about when I decided that a little bit of alcohol wouldn’t hurt anything.

And so I listened to Anita read about two women having sex in a laundry room. “Wouldn’t that be uncomfortable? There usually a lot of little knobs pocking out.” I asked after a moment, actually starting to like the taste of screwdrivers.

“If you do it right, you can avoid the knobs.” Anita replied, taking a drink for herself. I’m still not quite sure how she drank it lying down without chocking. “Ask Kelly, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t drunk enough to forget about it.”

“That’s more than I wanted to know.”

“Why? You’re eventually going to have sex with her, aren’t you?” Anita asked, once again not understanding the concept of too much information.

“I just don’t.” I poured myself another drink, this time straight alcohol.

“You should probably slow down.” She said, concerned.

“I’ll be fine.” I took a sip.

She continued talking and it took me a few minutes to notice she was no longer reading. She was still flipping the pages (she was smarter than Lillis about that), but her voice had changed from a reading tone to a story-telling tone. I’m pretty sure she would’ve been able to fool anybody else but I depended on my hearing a lot more than most people. I could hear the subtle shift.

I stopped listening after a while, feeling rather light-headed, and started playing with Anita’s hair. It was long and soft, thinner than Kelly’s, but there was more of it. “Has your book been made into an audio-book?”

“I don't know. Why do you ask?”

“People’ve been talking about it and Kelly all day.” I murmured, running my fingers along her brow. “You have soft skin.”

“Thank you.” I heard the book fall to the floor.

I felt her face, my fingertips dancing lightly across her skin, revealing a small forehead, fine eyebrows, long lashes, a delicate nose, full lips slightly parted, a sharp chin that made her face feel vaguely heart-shaped. I smiled at her and poked her nose. “Now I’ve seen you.” I teased as she sat up abruptly.

“Do you do that to everybody you meet?” She asked, sounding slightly breathless.

“Only people I like that won’t go away.” I answered.

“You’re adorable.” She said, pulling me into a kiss. I don’t know whether it was because of the alcohol or the fact that I’ve discovered kissing women was enjoyable, but I didn’t pull away like I did last time. Then, she was pulling me down, resting on top of me with her hands on either side of my chest for support. I could feel one of her legs go between mine for support and felt her weight resting comfortably on top of me as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her waist so she wouldn’t fall off and hurt herself. She was a bit lighter than Kelly, having a delicate frame and less muscle-mass, and she smelled different. Her perfume actually started to tickle my nose after awhile, becoming more potent with proximity and exposure.

We started with affectionate kisses, quick and sweet. But then Anita started to lose control of her desire, and they became deeper, more passionate. Her body became warmer, a relative furnace above me that was sliding its hands under my dress shirt, making my skin tingle at the contact. She started to undo the buttons on my shirt, starting at the top so she could leave a trail of fiery kisses from my lips to the top of my breasts. Then, she started kissing my lips again, using a hand to fiddle with my jeans.

My head was foggy by that point, from alcohol and desire, but I grabbed her wandering hands with mine, wary for some reason I didn’t understand at the time. She didn’t seem to notice as she kissed me, full of heat and passion. When she broke away for air, I put my free hand against her lips, holding her back. “Like you but don’t wanna hurt Kelly.”

And then I passed out.


I woke up the next morning feeling like someone had been hitting my head with a hammer and pumping sludge into my stomach. Thankfully, I managed to find my way to the bathroom before it all came back up. I heard someone come near and figured it was Anita when she didn’t start scolding me immediately. “H’lo.” I rasped, feeling as if my throat was on fire.

“I told you to take it easy.” Anita reminded me, kneeling down beside me to rub my back soothingly. “You just didn’t listen, you little cock-tease.”

“Don’t yell.” I managed before throwing up again.

“I called Kelly last night.” She continued, speaking softer. “She’s a little worried but knows I’m good with hangovers so she’ll come over later to help you home.”

“That’s good.” I really should’ve just stayed asleep. I wouldn’t have bile in my throat or traces of vomit in my mouth if I had.

“I didn’t tell her about our kisses but you can if you want to.”

“If she asks.” I shrugged. “’S not like we did anything.”

“Thanks to you.” Anita agreed. “If you weren’t so attached to Kelly, who knows what would’ve happened before you passed out.”

“You didn’t want to hurt Kelly either, no matter how horny you were.” I told her, feeling a little less queasy.

“Are you done?”

“Think so.”

“Than come on, I’ll get you something to drink that won’t want to come back to haunt you.” She placed one of my arms around her shoulders and helped me up, politely not saying anything about my breath as I leaned against her. “So do you think last night helped anything?”

“I’m not gonna mix porn, drinking, and you ever again.”

“I meant about your issues.”

“Dunno. You tell me the next time we see each other.”

“Well, if Kelly doesn’t get her act together soon, I’m going to get involved again and if it ends up as a threesome, I won’t complain.”

“Shut up before I kiss you.” I threatened.

“Not with vomit-breath you aren’t. I’m not that much of a masochist.” Anita started laughing. “But kissing any other time, sure. And I’m serious about that threesome.”

She really was incorrigible.

A Picnic In Winter ~~ Encounters ~~ The Club Incident ~~ Kelly Part 1 ~~ Kelly Part 2 ~~ Kelly Part 3 ~~ Interview With Anita ~~ Vacation ~~ Anita's Truth ~~ Aftermath ~~ Needing You ~~ Attack At The Gardens ~~~ Attack At The Gardens Part B ~~~ Don't Tie Me Down

between 4000 and 4500 words, yame, short story

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