JaeChun Fic Recs

Sep 15, 2009 10:41

Move In Boyfriend
Summary: When a sinfully delicious man moves into Yoochun's apartment building, Yoochun's comfort zone is rattled. Can he handle it? Can he handle letting himself go when all he wants to do is cling to the past?
What I Think: This is one of those fics that I started reading with the attitude that it'd just be a go-to smut fic. And, really, it is REALLY chock-full of smut. Kinky smut. Like, seriously. But at the same time, I genuinely cared about the characters, and the drama was unexpected in an amazingly awesome kind of way. Love it.

Pick Me Up
Summary: Jae picks up a man walking on the side of the road with the intention of just giving him a ride, but after seeing welts on the man's back, he wants to do all he can to help Park Yoochun.
What I Think: So much more than the summary lets on Really love the roles all the boys play, even if it is kinda awkward seeing a couple of them as the types of bad guys they are. A little bit short but an awesome ride.

Ain't Never Caught a Rabbit
Summary: Jaejoong is waiting for him, lying on his stomach across the floor. Jaejoong is small and furry today. His ears droop. Two big, sad eyes gaze up at Yoochun. Yoochun wonders if this is the world's way of telling him to go back to church.
What I Think: Hilarious. Seriously. I've read a few crack!fics where one of the boys turns into some kind of animal, but this… is a totally different level. The little twist at the end is absolutely priceless.

A Letter
Summary: Jaejoong writes a letter to his future partner.
What I Think: So gorgeous. It's just... ugh. I kept thinking would be different, but this works, too.

Grow Up and Blow Away
Summary: jaechun, typical highschool au, stupidly fluffy.
What I Think: I love the fact that they both seem to know exactly what the other is thinking, and they're just really cute. Stupidly fluffy, as the summary says.

Summary: Yoochun always enjoyed being alone. It never occured to him he wouldn't stay that way.
What I Think: The glimpse into Yoochun's p.o.v. is really nice, and it's just a really sweet piece. I love everything about their interactions with each other.

I'm Sorry I Love You
Summary: Yoochun keeps saying sorry. Jaejoong keeps telling Yoochun to shut up.
What I Think: Just very sweet and simple and fluffy.

Summary: Whispers in the dark, the heavy smell of flowers, hand-holding and warm coats, shaking shoulders, soft words.
What I Think: I really like the descriptions in this, and Yoochun's loneliness and reluctance just kind of pervades the whole piece.

Of Book Stores and Word Vomit
Summary: Jaejoong literally falls into Yoochun’s life.
What I Think: Ohmygosh, I LOVE this one! The voice is amazing, the story is sweet, and the JaeChun are just hilariously awkward in their interactions.

Snap Decision
Summary: They blend together, a supernovaic explosion of hearts melding them into one.
What I Think: A really nice narration, almost like little snippets of moments in a night. And I really like the fact that it's based on something that they actually do. Or, well, at least used to do.

The Oxford's Guide to Deciphering Kim Jaejoong
Summary: The DBSK Random Pairing Prompt Generator and it gave me J'aejoong x Yoochun / Flowers'. I aimed for odd and whimsical. I got plain odd instead. (Yoochun loves Ricky, he swears. And Yunho needs a raise)
What I Think: This humor in this story cracks me up. On top of that, I love all the little details and the voice and just everything.

Summary: Yoochun can read Jaejoong so well, that when he looks in his eyes, he sees whole scenes.
What I Think: Their connection is so deep and complete in this piece, it's very nearly telepathic.

Where Skies Meet End on End
Summary: For a long time, Yoochun's life has been tough. Having been fired from his latest job, he leaves town and begins his search of self-discovery. Reconnecting with an old friend and meeting new ones along the way, he discovers what it feels like to have a home, true friendship, and everlasting love.
What I Think: Super, suuuuuper long. And amazing for every word. It's a slow build-up, then the relationship really takes off. It's just a great ride all around.

jaechun, dbsk fic recs

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